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Finally an answer to EVERYTHING - Quantum Field Gravity - BRAIDS

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posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 01:14 PM
Great questions, AceWombat. I especially like this one-

Could there be an infinitely fine "medium" at the bottom of this cosmic spectrum that constitutes this "something?"

Is there an aether? Quantum foam? Orgone?

Here's a link with much info that I've looked over (not saying I understood all of it)-

Modern Scientific Theories of the ancient Aether.

One of my favorite books uses the aether as an explanation for the technology employed by "UFOs".

Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It. Talk about pertinent to the forum...

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 12:47 AM
I’m not a student of quantum physics, therefore I’m unable to grasp the entire scope of your explanation. One thing you mentioned, was of incredible consideration. You mentioned that due to Quantum Field Gravity Braids, that space-time, matter and energy are all one in the same.

Matter and energy are no doubt the same, as matter is simply tighter waives of energy. As the energy waives density changes so does the matter. Time however is a constant regardless of how we perceive it. Our perception of what is and is not, may or may not have anything to do with the reality of the subject of time. Time is not simply the rate that something is disintegrating. Nor can time be calculated by the clicks of a machine. Time is the distance between moments, regardless of disintegration or machines, or even our own acknowledgement of it.

Time continues independent of energy, thus independent of matter. Time being the description of a period, therefore has no material base. Without a material, base or even energy to manipulate, time can not be changed. Time is a description, not an object.

The above being said, energy and matter do in fact share a common link. Matter is fact energy, and if energy could be manipulated at its core level, then the creation of anything could come about. There in lies a new problem, in that with the manipulation of energy for creation, this in fact affects all other matter surrounding the new manipulation, causing a cascading effect. That’s a new problem.

My question to you would be, how can the core of energy be manipulated?

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 08:35 AM
Hi all,

I actually have some time now to answer some of the questions posted on the thread, so here goes: -

Originally posted by etshrtslr
What I find amazing is if you have ever read anything about Terrance Mckenna and his timewave zero theory then you compare that with theories like loop quantum gravity there are some striking coincidences as far as some sort of singularity type event.

Although most poopoo the time wave zero theory, it is in fact an interesting proposal as to what happens to reality when the quantum randomness reaches zero point.

I don’t agree with all that Terrance has to say on Time wave zero, especially about the I-Ching, I think what Terrance and the followers of I-Ching are trying to express is the single truth.

That is the main issue with reality, there can only be one truth but there maybe many if not an infinite number of ways to express that truth.

......the rate at which knowledge and technology are advancing it really makes you wonder how different things can be or will be in the next 5-6 years beyond what we could even imagine today.

Quantum loop gravity theory requires a beginning, and it does require the system to be closed.. Michio Kaku came up with the idea of branes that would collide again and again causing the initial quantum fluctuations, needed for quantum loop gravity to arise.

What most people don’t realize is that the braids will eventually untangle themselves (cancel each other out) and the fabric space-time would drop the time and again be flat and void. This would then be the end of time as there would be no braids to move within space to create the concept of time.

That is where Michio Kaku comes up with the idea that the branes MUST collide in cycles and so the matter / energy take form once more from quantum fluctuations.

Why must this be the case?

The reason is simple, every time the fluctuations are caused by the collision the universe would be born of totally different values, the cosmological constant would be different and life may not be able to arise. But life has arisen and the only way to explain that is if the branes had collided enough times for the chances of life to come into being occur.

I think some one asked what force causes the branes to collide, I think it is the void itself that causes this, positive and negative always attract. The question is which brane is going to be void first?? If our brane reaches zero point (flat void space) we won’t be here to feel the effects of brane collision, However…

If the partner brane reaches zero point first then we will see the effects of what happens when the branes come close to each other.

Novelty is an interesting concept but related to our world and technology advance I think is blinkered and short sighted.

The truth I fear would be much stranger – The randomness we see at the quantum level could start to have effects on every day experience.

I will answer more of the questions later.

Hope that gives you all something to think about. Ask away if you’re confused.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 30-10-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 11:57 AM
So a technically advanced being with the ability to manipulate braids could hypothetically, part the Red Sea, heal the sick, feed the multitudes, and perform what would be called "miracles" by less advanced beings with no knowlege of the basic fundemental structure of the universe. All without violating the laws of physics. Very interesting concept. This opens up a whole new aspect to this theory.

[edit on 30-10-2006 by Sparky63]

[edit on 30-10-2006 by Sparky63]

[edit on 30-10-2006 by Sparky63]

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
So a technically advanced being with the ability to manipulate braids could hypothetically, part the Red Sea, heal the sick, feed the multitudes, and perform what would be called "miracles" by less advanced beings with no knowledge of the basic fundamental structure of the universe. All without violating the laws of physics. Very interesting concept. This opens up a whole new aspect to this theory.

Absolutely they could!!!

What’s more is they would be able to do absolutely anything they wanted. Walking on water is an easy thing to do when you can control the very information that describes the properties of water.
You would have total and utter control over every aspect of reality.

Though as someone mentioned earlier in the thread, anyone with the power to manipulate space-time and write braids would have to be responsible as there maybe a chain event.

That is to say that too drastic a change to the braids themselves may cause a vibration effect that accelerates the equalisation of space to a void state.

In other words, you may CRASH the universe.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 30-10-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 10:31 AM
It will probably be one of those situations where it is theoretically possible to manipulate braids but would require more energy than is availabe in the universe.

Long before that happens perhaps someone can let me know how to turn lead into Gold.
I have a tackle box full of lead weights that I'm not using.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
Long before that happens perhaps someone can let me know how to turn lead into Gold.
I have a tackle box full of lead weights that I'm not using.

Yeeahahahaha lololol

A keen fisher man are we??

I always wondered if I had lead poisoning when I was a kid as I always used to use my teeth to pinch the weights down over the line

anyway.... back to the topic at hand.

I don't think the issue about manipulating braids will be energy resources. I feel you hit the nail on the head when you talk about changing one thing into another.

I believe the first true application or technology that could arise is the replicater. Changing inert matter into anything we please by changing the information that describes what the matter is.

It maybe easier to alter a braid that already exists than to create one from scratch.

But it also raises the question of balance. if we make a positive twist in on braid, we may have to make a negative twist in another to maintain balance in the universe.

As I mentioned earlier the braids will eventually cancel each other out and space would return to void.

There is the possibility within this model to say that the reason we are seeing an increase in the expansion rate of the universe is that there is currently not a balance in terms of the braids, they are cancelling each other out at an accelerated rate.


This maybe down to other more advanced civilisations else where in the universe that are already manipulating space at will.

If we could somehow measure the differential between the braids within the entire universe (brane) we could change or add just the right amount of braids to create a balance or equilibrium.

If we were able to do that we may in fact be able to postpone the next brane collision and prevent our universe from being destroyed & re-created.


Happy Halloween everyone!!!

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 31-10-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 04:20 PM
This thread has been quite fascinating to read. Thanks NH

Here's a vote for ya

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze

It maybe easier to alter a braid that already exists than to create one from scratch.

Great thread, important comment.

...I have been checking back here, hoping to find someone looking at the implications of this research to biology.

imo - the most immediate applications are biological, and work with proteins is underway.

Anyone else have info on this? NH?

Here are few quick links from my old files:

Biochemists Turn To Quantum Physics

Quantum bio-physics in living organisms

Physics and Life

"Another hint of quantum physics at work in the genetic code is the discovery that the coding assignments possess a compact description in terms of supersymmetry (Bashford et. al., 1999). Supersymmetry arises in particle physics as a unified description of fermions and bosons, and is a subject to which Salam made important contributions. To find supersymmtery appearing in a biological context is remarkable, and still somewhat mysterious. Unless it is a weird coincidence, it points to a deep link between the quantum realm of particle physics and the quasi-classical realm of protein assembly."

FYI - My prion research led me to quantum physics. ...And your comment above describes pretty much exactly how prions are created. Your comment below kinda hits the nail on the head re: mutation and evolution:

Originally posted by Neon Haze

The truth I fear would be much stranger – The randomness we see at the quantum level could start to have effects on every day experience.


[edit on 31-10-2006 by soficrow]

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 08:55 PM
Thanks for the posts Neon Haze. Very interesting. I find string theory fascinating, and this appears to be a natural development of it.

So is this saying quantum entanglement works because the these braids exist in more than 3 dimensions, and as such can apparently connect across huge distances?

Could they also explain synchronicity (i.e. coincidence)? Or have I got it all wrong?

On another note, I think if any device exists to be able to directly experience and even manipulate reality at such a microscopic level, it must be conciosness itself. As someone said, that's how miracles are done.

Perhaps that's why you have to attain enlightment before you can do it. You have to be totally chilled and at one with the universe, so you don't crash it.

[edit on 31-10-2006 by rizla]

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 04:30 AM
Firstly I want to say thanks Scramjet for your vote... didn't seem to get the points but i'm not complaining after I managed to grab 5k from the haxor clown yesterday

On to the questions.

Originally posted by soficrow
[...I have been checking back here, hoping to find someone looking at the implications of this research to biology.

imo - the most immediate applications are biological, and work with proteins is underway.

Anyone else have info on this? NH?

Hi Soficrow - Yes I hear you on this one. I was involved in the human genome project over here in the uk back in 2001- we really came up with some amazing new ways of doing things.

What started as a race became a collaboration and my dept was then purely concentrating on finding new ways of sequencing dna ever faster.

Shame I left that area actually because I believe there is another race at foot to win x-prize....

Anyway, going a little off topic.

You may want to take a look at the following link, this is the progression from the broken link you quoted.

The Quantum

This site has grown from the discovery of quantum structures within the brain, to researching quantum reality within biology.

This word doc is a seminal peace of work about the quantum cause of cancer.

Cancer BioSys

You may want to check out the publications area of the site. There are a lot of links there that shoot off to other area's of research within this field.

It's good to see others are beginning to see the implications and applications of this concept. Possibly with more people working on this, we can move it to the fore front of research by having an accepted theory.

Hi Rizla -

Thank you for your posts and your questing mind.
To answer your questions on entanglement.

for those that don't know quantum entanglement it's where a pair of particles are linked in terms of their quantum spin. No matter how much distance there is between the particles when one particles spin is measured the other particles instantly spins in the same direction.

Entanglement has already found its way into our tech now and is being used as a form of data encryption. If an eavesdropper listens into the data stream the system instanty detects it and encrypts the channel....

Although we have an application for the use of entanglement, no one can explain why this should be the case.

Even if the particles were 50 trillion miles apart the effect would be the same. This of course violates quite a few of the established laws of physics. Foremost is the you can't send information faster than light principle we all have come to love and hate.

Since particles that are entangled can send info over large distances instantaneously this most definatly ruffles plenty of feathers.

QLG (quantum loop gravity) theory explains entanglement at the fundamental level.

The reason is simple, We and everything around us, both matter and energy are made of the same thing - space - we are made from theveryfabric of the brane.

If you image a braid ---

This braid describes a pair of Moun Neutrinos, quite heavy particle but will do for this example.

Now just like The Möbius Strip the braids (particles) are linked within multiple dimensions but with an experience of one dimension, this is only one way of thinking....

The other way to think is the more startling side of QLG theory. You see the braids themselves could be thought of as just a lot of connections on a single base line. Now the distance between these connections is irrelevant.

To relate that to the image above. The link that connects the two braids could be trillions of miles apart and still be right next to each other in terms of information represented on a chart.

This is where the concept of a Quantum computational universe comes from. because we actually have qbits in existence today that produce very similar data to that of the results of braids and entanglement.

a little confusing and I will work on a diagram that better describes this later on, when I get the time.

Hope that all helps,

More questions are welcome.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 1-11-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 05:00 AM

Time continues independent of energy, thus independent of matter. Time being the description of a period, therefore has no material base. Without a material, base or even energy to manipulate, time can not be changed. Time is a description, not an object.

Actually it's part of the fabric of reality which is why the vacuum is called spacetime. Entropy is time. Entropy slows down or speeds up depending on the velocity of the object. It really slows down when you get up to relativistic velocities. If you somehow manage to exceed the speed of light, some say you will start to go back in time.

[edit on 1-11-2006 by sardion2000]

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 08:30 AM
Thanks NH.

Sorry about posting that bad link.

Do you have anything that deals directly with prion creation and quantum physics? I recall one article that speculated about wormholes, but seem to have lost it in my files. ...I'm also interested in hypotheses linking prions and evolution.

Thanks again,

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
Do you have anything that deals directly with prion creation and quantum physics? I recall one article that speculated about wormholes, but seem to have lost it in my files. ...I'm also interested in hypotheses linking prions and evolution.

Thanks again,

Hi Soficrow,

Have a look over at the following site.

Emergent Mind

This article touches on the idea of prions at the quantum level. Check the bibliography for some interesting links.

Manysheeted DNA

Prions are a little out of my field so I can't help you directly there, but I can say that there are plenty of references to prions being a key role in evolution.

Prions Evolution Search

I wouldn't know which would be more relivant if any to your research, but hope that it helps.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 06:46 PM
Neon, you say the description of reality espoused by this new theory looks a lot like a quantum computer. Can you go into more detail on this? What does quantum processing look like, and why is it similar to what this theory describes? Thanks in advance.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by rizla
Neon, you say the description of reality espoused by this new theory looks a lot like a quantum computer. Can you go into more detail on this? What does quantum processing look like, and why is it similar to what this theory describes? Thanks in advance.

Hi there Rizla,

I will quote some quite heavy duty algebra here but will try and give an explanation to the equations, as some of this stuff reads like flat pack furniture instructions

The basic premise that the nature of reality can be thought of as data produced by a huge quantum computer is based on the fact that the results of the maths within QLG braids is very very very similar to those results seen within qBit computation.

Take a look over at this link for a run down of what quantum computation actually looks like

Understanding Quantum Computation

Take note of the description of quantum computation.

Quick start explanation - qBit data related to vectors.

State 1 - This is the algebra representation of a single qBit. The outbut from one qbit can be in three states----> 0 or 1 or 0&1

State 2 - a Much more interesting result here. The results from two qbits working in tandem can give a value of 9 different values. 3 states per qbit = 9 different possible combinations.

Data output would look like this -

0 0&1
1 0&1
0&1 0
0&1 1
0&1 0&1

That means that a qbit is faster than the standard binary computational models we have been using, as there are only 4 possible output values when using two standard binary bits.

Now to relate this to QLG - the data created by a braid with three Trinions conected in a ribon graph, there are exactly 9 possible ways that a single braid may connect to a second braid.

Please refer to the original white paper and pay particular notice to section 3 and section 4.

So to summarize....

1. We have proved that braids accurately describe the properties of some of the known fundamental particles and their negative partners.

2. We have been able to visualize these braids in the form of a ribbon graph.

3. The ribbon graph itself can be broken down further to produce data.

4. The data produced by a single braid is the same as the data produced by a single qbit....

Conclusion.... Reality is formed from the results of quantum computation.

Hope it doesn't scare you too much, cause it scares the willies out of me I can tell you.

All the best.

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 3-11-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 05:51 AM
vector math makes me feel like i'm going to vomit. like when i eat too much mayonnaise.

and here i was thinking about becoming a physics teacher. bah.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by 25cents
vector math makes me feel like I’m going to vomit. like when i eat too much mayonnaise.

and here i was thinking about becoming a physics teacher. bah.

heheheh that's funny, it was calculus that got me involved in physics in the first place.

Having said that, it was my deep thirst for knowing the ultimate truth that really drove me in that direction, I think at one stage i was all set to become a C+ programmer (geez glad I didn't go down that road...

Anyhow, you don't need to know the maths to understand the principles of the thoery.

Glad you are still reading,

all the best,

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Neon Haze

heheheh that's funny, it was calculus that got me involved in physics in the first place.

Having said that, it was my deep thirst for knowing the ultimate truth that really drove me in that direction, I think at one stage i was all set to become a C+ programmer (geez glad I didn't go down that road...

Anyhow, you don't need to know the maths to understand the principles of the thoery.

Glad you are still reading,

all the best,

NeoN HaZe.

well isn't that bizarre - i just gave up on the physics education and started down the road to computer programming.

and the same thing drove me to physics, in all honesty. what drove me away was the absolutely mundane basics - i couldn't maintain an interest in anything put in front of me. i do still like to read theories in the like, but it's much more of a pleasure now rather than an obligation.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Neon Haze

Conclusion.... Reality is formed from the results of quantum computation.

Hope it doesn't scare you too much, cause it scares the willies out of me I can tell you.

Why? ...Can you explain please? What implications do yopu see?

BTW - You write extremely well, make difficult topics totally accessible. Thanks.


Does quantum computation imply awareness, of any kind?

What role does life/biology play in quantum computation/reality? Is it pivotal? Incidental? A byproduct? Irrelevant?



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