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Finally an answer to EVERYTHING - Quantum Field Gravity - BRAIDS

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posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Hi there,

I have just finished reading what probably is the most ground breaking white paper ever and it literally changes everything.

The paper is entitled Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model and can be found here...

Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model

In a nutshell this theory expresses an idea that all matter and energy is in fact twisted braids of space-time. That is to say Space-time and matter/energy are one and the same. No distinction.


Heavier particles are made from more complex and dense braids of space-time.
So this theory actually goes the whole way of explaining mass.... mass is caused by more dense Braids in space-time.

Now this is really a true revolution as this describes what String theory only touched upon.

String theory realised that there were no point particles and that matter and the properties of matter (how mater interacts with everything else) was made up of tiny loops or strings that vibrate at different frequencies.

Now this is actually only part of the truth. M-theory or super string theory has had a very difficult time in actually explaining the properties of matter, as there simply isn't any way to measure down to planck lengths, which is 10^[-35] metres.

However, string theory is correct about the vibrations but just not in the classical (if you can call string theory classical) sense. You see the braids can vibrate and interact with each other like a wave. Hence how in quantum mechanics there has been a duality of matter acting like a particle and a wave.

Now the really awesome thing about Quantum Field Gravity and Braiding is that if all matter and energy is simply twisted space-time then this goes a lot to explaining where all matter came from.

When the universe was very small, before the great inflation period, Quantum fluctuations would have had a massive impact on space-time, where as today the very same type of quantum fluctuations are so diluted that they are beyond the point of insignificants.

It is speculated that the very inflation period was caused by quantum fluctuations causing space time to braid, which in turn caused matter and energy to come into existence.

The one area that this theory comes under fire is the 2nd Law of Thermo Dynamics, which states that you cannot create more energy than you put in to begin with. This maybe correct of how we observe the universe today because there is no way for us to directly create a braid in space-time. Or at least we have not observed it.

However, if we could somehow manipulate space-time down to the planck scale we would be able to alter or create matter and energy at will.

Now since Braids can be thought of as just a bunch of connections within space-time then that can again be thought of as an abstract graph of connections.

Now this is where things start to get a little scary if you ask me. You see if you think of the universe as a graph of connections then looking beyond that gives you simply numbers... RAW DATA....

The scary thing is that that data looks very much like a gigantic version of the data produced by a series of Qubits... a quantum computer....

Does the Matrix really have us all???

What ever your beliefs are, there is no denying the truth and how simple a trusth is when you know it to be right.

Quantum braiding is simply the BIGEST revelation and revolution in physics since Einstein... It also appears to raise to the surface the Biggest of philosophical questions too... Why are we HERE....

I welcome discussion about this theory with anyone who would like to talk about the mean of all this and how to test its truth in every day life.

All the best people,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 03:29 PM
Wow. Mind boggling. Really, I can't begin to grasp the implications.

Does this mean we're about to become Gods...? Able to create matter and energy? Bend time and space?


posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:46 PM

the great inflation period

Does this mean you believe in the big bang, or does this mean that the big bang is needed for this theory to be true ?

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 10:03 PM
How old is this paper? Has this paper been widely accepted within the scientific community or is it some wild speculation?

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 10:55 PM
Wow, very nice. I like this theory a lot. Does this mean that nothing really exists at all, its just the bending of space itself? Everything is just void? I don't have the education to question this theory, but until it gains more popularity, I'm going to take it with a grain of salt. I we ever gain the ability to manipulate these 'braids' we would control the universe.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 12:52 AM
neat theory but wrong, nature has already shown us on the Macro and the Micro scale how "invisible" forces combine and affect each other and its a twisted pair. Not a braid.

The double helix a twisted pair is how the gravity chain works, its how matter and anti matter combine in a physical state, its why dna chains are in a twisted helix. Its the natural order of the universe when it comes to fundemental states of energy. prompted by orbital spin.

Take a pencil tie a string in the middle at the balance point then tie long string onto each end of the pencil now twist the middle string causing the pencil to spin on a central axis. Observe the motion of the strings tied to each end.

All things must have in inverse. so they must be opposing each other such as on opposite sides of a rotation. positive negative whatever. Just like a north and south magnet in perfect opposition the centeral point between the two forces make the two magnets "chase each others tail" which in the atomic subparticle realm results in perpetual motion of the atom. The more electrons and anti electrons or gravitons and anti gravitons etc that the atom has the higher ability the atom has to hold "mass" within the opposing forces of the orbital "electrons". Thus higher electron count higher atomic weight of the atom that can be sustained.

Duh... why do they use magnetic fields to contain large amounts of generated energy.... because the magnetic field compress the "generated atoms of energy". But its inefficient because it takes a large amount of energy to sustain the magnetic field without using the orbital efficiency of opposing magnetic fields.

I have to think about this tonight, when you overload the atom with more of any given orbital particle it becomes unstable and the subatomic center blows apart at lightspeed velocities destroying all the other atoms that the particles running into causing a massive release of "electrons" into the surrounding "space". This includes a massive release of gravitons chains which if gravity is bound by space and time then anyone measuring or monitoring space time functions would see this massive blip on their "detectors" much like we sense seismic activity currently.

Thus it would be no wonder why they would want to come to this part of the universe to investigate the "blips"......

I think there is much more going on then AGB particle radiation after a nuclear explosion. We just might be sending off a type of gravitational wave /space time signal throughout the universe. Like a giant homing beacon.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
nature has already shown us on the Macro and the Micro scale how "invisible" forces combine and affect each other and its a twisted pair. Not a braid.

You state "Invisible forces” where do you think these forces come from?

The double helix a twisted pair is how the gravity chain works, its how matter and anti matter combine in a physical state, its why dna chains are in a twisted helix. Its the natural order of the universe when it comes to fundemental states of energy. prompted by orbital spin.

loop quantum gravity works on space-time down to the Planck level between 10^[-35] and 10^[-44] metres. At this level the very fabric of space-time is not smooth but a sea of seething quantum fluctuations.

It is from these fluctuations that braids arise, the more complex or compact the braid are the more mass the matter has.

for example.

This could be the final answer on where mass comes from. we have all been waiting for CERN to finish the mass hadron collider that would have enough energy to smash particles together and discover the Higgins bosson, which was supposed to be the hidden component to matter that gave it mass. Have we all been barking up the wrong tree??

The more complex or dense the braids in space-time the more mass the matter it describes has.

Take a pencil tie a string in the middle at the balance point then tie long string onto each end of the pencil now twist the middle string causing the pencil to spin on a central axis. Observe the motion of the strings tied to each end.

Not sure what you are trying to get at here.

All things must have in inverse. so they must be opposing each other such as on opposite sides of a rotation. positive negative whatever. Just like a north and south magnet in perfect opposition the central point between the two forces make the two magnets "chase each others tail" which in the atomic sub particle realm results in perpetual motion of the atom. The more electrons and anti electrons or gravitons and anti gravitons etc that the atom has the higher ability the atom has to hold "mass" within the opposing forces of the orbital "electrons". Thus higher electron count higher atomic weight of the atom that can be sustained.

What this theory is pointing towards is that there are NO particles at all. That there is only space-time. The opposites we observe at this level of reality are just different versions of the same braid (middle trinion over the left or over the right or Right trinion twist clockwise or ant-clockwise)

Thus it would be no wonder why they would want to come to this part of the universe to investigate the "blips"......
I think there is much more going on then AGB particle radiation after a nuclear explosion. We just might be sending off a type of gravitational wave /space time signal throughout the universe. Like a giant homing beacon.

Just exactly what do you mean by that?? This seems like a very bazzar abstract thing to say.

If you want to talk about communications....

Then loop Quantum gravity could explain one of the strangest and weirdest mysteries of quantum mechanics... quantum entanglement. You see there is no real distance when talking about prions and braids, it is possible that the connections could be right next to each other at a quantum level but from our perspective they are light years apart....

Now again that’s a scary thought.... because the if there is no distance between anything then we are 1.

Anyone following me??

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 15-8-2006 by Neon Haze]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze

Then loop Quantum gravity could explain one of the strangest and weirdest mysteries of quantum mechanics... quantum entanglement. You see there is no real distance when talking about prions and braids, it is possible that the connections could be right next to each other at a quantum level but from our perspective they are light years apart....

Now again that’s a scary thought.... because the if there is no distance between anything then we are 1.

Anyone following me??

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 15-8-2006 by Neon Haze]

Not really following very well, it's hard for me to understand how there can be no distance between objects far away. Are they saying these braids make up the whole universe? If so I'm thinking there must be many types and space must be full of empty braids.. like a computer file padded with nulls?

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
Not really following very well, it's hard for me to understand how there can be no distance between objects far away. Are they saying these braids make up the whole universe? If so I'm thinking there must be many types and space must be full of empty braids.. like a computer file padded with nulls?

It means that since every thing is made from essentially twisted space-time then we are all linked directly to each other and everything that exists in the universe.

Since a braid is made of twisted peaks in space-time at the quantum level (called trinions) these trinions maybe thought of as basically connections on an abstract chart. One connection or Trinion could be from anywhere within space-time, so we could all be made of matter that has trinions in the braid that exist 100 thousand light years away.

do you follow?

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:13 AM
Field Energy, being dissapated wildly when a new force is introduced (Field Gravity) will require many new technologies.

I'd suggest a true interested person study plate electronics on an infinite sheet, where most theories are sound, but hard to prove.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:30 AM
if i wasn't punch drunk tired, i'd have wet myself after reading this.

the implications in this theory are immense. freakin immense.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 09:46 AM
Thats just ignorant.

Of course there are particles other wise solid objects would have no substance. "solid" objects would just be temporal vapor images if they only consisted of a space and time.

WITHOUT particles you could not have E=mc2, or atomic energy. You can not split something that only exists in some odd concept of intertwined space and time, lacking physicality.

"invisible force" is just that, to a human naked eye it is imperceptible as to the forces at work, yet we can observe the resulting effect such as magnatisim.

We can not "see" with our own eyes the components of magnetic attraction replusion, only the net effect.

Unlike something like Thermal energy ie fire which is in the visable spectrum.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 10:02 AM
It can be done with a boson, and an implied-directed sheet of Al.
Big sheet.
On a computer.
Connect opposing corners, set differential to counter one another, synchronicitly; then feed particle through loop.

Of course the total affect is minimal, to say the least.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
Thats just ignorant.

Of course there are particles other wise solid objects would have no substance. "solid" objects would just be temporal vapor images if they only consisted of a space and time.

Firstly I don't take too kindly to being called ignorant as I am a prof of physics, secondly it is very obvious that either you have never heard of String theory or you haven't taken the time to read the link I provided in my original post, which points to the white paper that goes into loop quantum gravity in a lot more depth.

There is school of thought that says the classical view of the universe is incorrect since it doesn't and cannot describe the universe at both very large scales and very small scales. the Macro and Micro you mentioned. This is why we have been looking for something that would consolidate both Astrophysics and Quantum physics.

Out of this search was born String theory way back in the 60s/70s - Nutshell string theory states that the most fundamental level, matter is not made of point particles but strings that vibrate at the quantum level. The properties of the matter being defined by a) how the strings vibrate and b) how tightly wrapped the strings were in tau space.

String theory predicted that the universe was made of many dimensions 11 in fact. (I'm not going into this in too much depth because its hard to grasp Tau Space, let alone loop quantum gravity)

"invisible force" is just that, to a human naked eye it is imperceptible as to the forces at work, yet we can observe the resulting effect such as magnetism.

You mean these invisible forces??

These forces have a description within loop quantum gravity as do the matter they act upon. What we are talking about is matter and energy at the most fundamental level. This is what loop quantum gravity is expressing. Look beyond the painting and see the paint.

I might add, that a theory is not law until it has been proven (or in some cases laws that have been disproved).

For a law of physics to work it must predict what we experience at our level of reality. So far Loop Quantum Gravity has predicted Newtonian law (gravity) along with the electron neutrino the electron the quark the photon. Etc.....

WITHOUT particles you could not have E=mc2, or atomic energy. You can not split something that only exists in some odd concept of intertwined space and time, lacking physicality.

E=mc2 is an equation that describes an effect, it does not however explain why it is the case.

a few questions that e=mc2 raises....

1. why is matter and energy interchangeable?

2. Why is the cosmological constant the value it is? or in other words, Since a photon has no mass why does light speed have a max speed limit anyway?

3. why does time slow down the faster matter travels?? (Relativity question but linked to matter and speed)

4. Why does it require more energy than exists in the entire universe to push 1 gram of matter to 100% light speed??

Some of these questions we have reasonable answers to but not 100% proofs.
We are still looking for a theory that takes nothing and can account for everything.

Loop quantum gravity actually can take nothing and give a very compelling reason for the existence of well..... EVERYTHING....

Please read the white paper.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:11 PM
First of all I did not call you ignorant, the theory that states that there are no "particles" there is nothing that is considered as a defined physical mass is ignorant.

You can do a logical test right in front of you. Take a pencil and snap it into two primary pieces. Is it just two pieces ? can you recombine them back together without adding a third outside process ? in the case of the pencil deconstructing the entire pencil and remolding it....

Nope it remains seperated, in fact in more then just two primary pieces for there are smaller interconnecting fragments barely visable and some not even visable that are seperated in the breaking action, these so called free airborne radicals. You can detect them, in fact were you aware that most "solid" object actually do have a decay cycle which means that detectable amounts of their "particles" or matter radiate off of them at predictable rates in accordance to their atomic structure and enviroment.

For a "force" to be applied it must "act" on something. A force can not act on nothing, therefore for a force to be quantified as being a force it must act on "MATTER" just as you have stated above.

Therefore by me saying this quantum loop mobo jubo is Ignorant if it says there is no physical matter only "braids" of space time. Then I think I am valid in my opinion.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze

These forces have a description within loop quantum gravity as do the matter they act upon.

a few questions that e=mc2 raises....

1. why is matter and energy interchangeable?

They are not interchangeable, the amount of energy capable of being generated is dependant upon mass times the speed of light. This is because the number of electrons required to sustain an atomic mass of said M = X and the rate of which particles in M and X move is equal to rate c2. There interactions and causal collisions of other atomic particles is what causes your classic nuclear chain reaction. As excess electrons overweight the atomic "shells" and neutrinos bombard and blast apart the nucleaus.

2. Why is the cosmological constant the value it is? or in other words, Since a photon has no mass why does light speed have a max speed limit anyway?

That is the observable rate at which a photon travels and can be measured and duplicated to verify the measurement. There may be in fact other particles that may travel faster but in regards to photons that is the observed rate that they travel

3. why does time slow down the faster matter travels?? (Relativity question but linked to matter and speed)

Time does not exist, only the preception of time, Velocity and distance are absolute, time is just an abstract concept to determine a positional start and finish based on velocity and distance travelled.

4. Why does it require more energy than exists in the entire universe to push 1 gram of matter to 100% light speed??

Because matter does not travel at the speed a photon travels. Otherwise all particles would travel at the speed of a photon and if such a case existed there would be no movement at all, as relative positions of all things would remain the same.

There must be a seperation in movement velocity of particles for anything to "exist" in a measurable fashion. "Forces" require changes in relative position. IF Train A is traveling at lightspeed and if Train B is traveling at lightspeed how long before train A and B collide ??? an observer on both trains lacking any outside reference other then the other train would "consider" that both trains are standing still. Same as two spaceships in the blackness of space hypothetically travelling faster then the speed of light would appear to have no motion at all, in fact since we have no way of truely determining the effect of FTL space travel it is entirely possible that regardless of the distance travelled that the FTL traveller could preceive the trip to be nearly instantaneous.

Loop quantum gravity actually can take nothing and give a very compelling reason for the existence of well..... EVERYTHING....

I did not get that from the paper at all, which I read but again lacks substantiating proof to their claims as no device is capable of verifying to the Plank level they are hypothesising.

[edit on 16-8-2006 by robertfenix]

[edit on 16-8-2006 by robertfenix]

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:12 PM
Of course, everyone does know quantum means to define by number, right?

As in quantity. This fascination with new studies is nothing more than a coalation of data that is being manipulated digitally.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:13 PM
I like quantum mechanics myself.
I did a research on automotive forces introduced during a collision and learned that there is a recoil force introduced from the engine thermals. This occurs when the metal involved rapidly expands, to oppose the direction implied.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
First of all I did not call you ignorant, the theory that states that there are no "particles" there is nothing that is considered as a defined physical mass is ignorant.

Thats funny cause you clearly stated that "thats just ignorant"

Well no matter... I'm not here to get into a slanging match with you about somthing you simply do not "Believe" in.... If your opinion is that string theory and quantum theory do not exsist then thats up to you.

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by bothered
Of course, everyone does know quantum means to define by number, right?

I can understand why you would think this but the truth about Quantum physics is that in most cases you cannot define a number as the results are in flux until observed.

The actual meaning of Quantum is the smallest definable unit of something.

This fascination with new studies is nothing more than a correlation of data that is being manipulated digitally.

Only partly correct. It is true that new technology gives us every increased power to computate, though mostly ideas for new studies start as visualisations for people with open enough minds to contemplate the whys and the where’s that exist.

Most physists will tell you that there is a very large connection between what motivates us and what motivates most philosophers. Its just that the philosophers will come up with interesting thought experiments, where as physists tend to find new ways to test often really way out ideas.

I would also add that a major in maths helps too

all the best,

NeoN HaZe

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