posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 01:10 AM
Hello all.
I noticed this article whilst in the restroom. Usually don’t think twice about Readers Digest – just something to “pass the time” if you know
what I mean. But this article on Gene Patents really got to me. Seems that biotech companies can own and patent genes and do anything they want with
them, including stopping all research and development towards medical advancements. I don’t like it, and I am sure some of you will feel the same. I
am also pretty sure that some will chime in and tell us that there is nothing to worry about, and that these companies are only in this to better
humanity. Either way, I thought it was interesting enough to discuss. I did a couple ATS searches and found 0 threads on Gene Patents. I also know
that this means that someone will find one (or more) to show me how bad I am at doing internet searches. I can only assure you that I will gladly
accept criticism in this area.
The way I see it, if these companies were controlled by motivators other than cold cash, there could be major implications in regard to just about
every conspiracy theory I have ever heard. Holding back a medical breakthrough such as a cure to cancer or HIV/AIDS could very well be in the best
interests of a lot of “secret” government groups discussed on this (and others) site. And the stonewalling/ slowing down of information by sheer
bureaucratic red tape and hefty [read: intimidating) fees is pretty typical of these said groups.
Or it could be just the opposite. And the companies are just chasing that capitalist dollar. I doubt it, but I am a little jaded.
Any way, here is the link.