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Alien Hangar on the moon video??

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:00 PM
This is alleged footage video From Neil armstrong and Buzz aldrin taken of a Hangar of some sorts in the "sea of tranquility" part of the moon.

Now the video is in Spanish so I'll do my best to translate it for the people at ATS, obviously you're going to have to take my word for it.

I'm only giving the big headlines that the Vid says and hopefully other spanish speaking members of ATS might corroborate my transalations.

"North of Crater Moltke" :"Sea of Tranquility" "unedited images"

Narrator: "this was the truth,the only real and secret truth;
On the
21st of july 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left their modules, a few meters away, to film this incredible construction."

Narrator: "this 14 minute film has never been released by NASA, Mirlo Rojo (sp?) was one of a few in North America to get his hands on this footage;
... meters from Eagle,( this wasn't a coincidence, since everything was minutely programmed), this construction, which was photographed by later Apollo missions as well, came to light when it was photographed by satellites sent previous to this expedition"... "One of them, the Surveyor 5, sent on the 8th of September 1967, reached this spot and sent back 19,000 photographs of these buildings in ruins,.. in ruins on the surface of the moon."

Narrator:" these buildings are apparently of grand antiquity...but who put them there? we humans obviously there was only one other alternative..this was the work of an ancient civilization, non-human"

Narrator: " The military had satisfied the first part of their diabolical plan, now came the second part... all the astronauts were to do was collect soil samples and take measurements of this structure and then leave........The isolated structure measured 60 meters in lenght and 9 meters high it had rows of windows and a hangar door 5 meters deep and 3 meters high according to analyses done ,the structure was made from the same materials found on the moon.....A 60% of the atoms were oxygen with a 0.01% of the weight constituted by hydrogen...this made the military think that since there is no atmosphere on the moon these structures can go thousands and thousands of years back....obviously the secret expedition of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and the 14 minutes of footage were never released by Nasa...."

Now that's the best transalation I can come up with, personally in this day an age of camera trickery and alterations to pics and or footage it's too hard to tell what's real and what's not.
I'm looking forward to hearing some of you're expertises on the video and dissection on a grand scale

just don't shoot the messenger

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Conluceo]

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Conluceo]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:29 PM
Camera movement is a giveway, this is CGI. Nice find though!

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
Camera movement is a giveway, this is CGI. Nice find though!

I was thinking the camera footage was shady, how does one actually film in that matter? but my question is why go through the trouble? aside from tv ratings.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:38 PM
What does CGI mean? Just wondering. I'm assuming, at least in this case, that you are not referring to Common Gateway Interface, right?

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:40 PM
how did they keep the camera so still ??. if its real .

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by DebunkerXXX
how did they keep the camera so still ??. if its real .

Good question, i have no idea what type of equipment would have been used back then for filming or what techniques were used.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Palasheea
What does CGI mean? Just wondering. I'm assuming, at least in this case, that you are not referring to Common Gateway Interface, right?

it means computer generated imagery.

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Conluceo]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 08:52 PM
I searched for other sources for this vid and found none, so if anybody out there knows of any please share ,thanks!

Ps. An interesting question was brought up by youtube if this footage is the real footage, is this why the original footage of the moon landing was faked?

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Conluceo]

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Conluceo]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 10:03 PM
Obvious CGI. The footage is way too smooth to be real. If people are going to try to make fakes, perhaps they should THINK beforehand!

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 01:39 AM
This footage has been discussed here before. Then I should tell again
the source. It's a recreation, CGI animation made in Spain by the
Dibulitoon Studio SL in 2001 as special effects for a movie by popular
spanish author J.J. Benitez known also for the best seller The Troy Horse.

The movie was released by Televisión Española TVE telling the story of
how the american astronauts found ruins of an ancient alien base on
the Moon. The movie folowed the model of the old british Alternative 3
movie and many people thought that the alien base ruins on the Moon
were actually real and filmed by the Apollo crew.

Of course J.J. Benitez never told the truth letting the controversy in favour
of the rattings.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 01:57 AM
Wow, what do ya know, another "fake" video getting everyone all excited for nothing. This is starting to get ridiculous. So many hoaxes and will we ever know what really is real or the truth?

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Wow, what do ya know, another "fake" video getting everyone all excited for nothing. This is starting to get ridiculous. So many hoaxes and will we ever know what really is real or the truth?

That's why you don't need desinformation operatives in the field: the stupid people is doing aaaalll the work free. Welcome to the Planet Earth, home of paradox.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by Conluceo
This is alleged footage video From Neil armstrong and Buzz aldrin taken of a Hangar of some sorts in the "sea of tranquility" part of the moon.

Now the video is in Spanish so I'll do my best to translate it for the people at ATS, obviously you're going to have to take my word for it.

I'm only giving the big headlines that the Vid says and hopefully other spanish speaking members of ATS might corroborate my transalations.

"North of Crater Moltke" :"Sea of Tranquility" "unedited images"

Narrator: "this was the truth,the only real and secret truth;
On the
21st of july 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left their modules, a few meters away, to film this incredible construction."

Narrator: "this 14 minute film has never been released by NASA, Mirlo Rojo (sp?) was one of a few in North America to get his hands on this footage;
... meters from Eagle,( this wasn't a coincidence, since everything was minutely programmed), this construction, which was photographed by later Apollo missions as well, came to light when it was photographed by satellites sent previous to this expedition"... "One of them, the Surveyor 5, sent on the 8th of September 1967, reached this spot and sent back 19,000 photographs of these buildings in ruins,.. in ruins on the surface of the moon."

Narrator:" these buildings are apparently of grand antiquity...but who put them there? we humans obviously there was only one other alternative..this was the work of an ancient civilization, non-human"

Narrator: " The military had satisfied the first part of their diabolical plan, now came the second part... all the astronauts were to do was collect soil samples and take measurements of this structure and then leave........The isolated structure measured 60 meters in lenght and 9 meters high it had rows of windows and a hangar door 5 meters deep and 3 meters high according to analyses done ,the structure was made from the same materials found on the moon.....A 60% of the atoms were oxygen with a 0.01% of the weight constituted by hydrogen...this made the military think that since there is no atmosphere on the moon these structures can go thousands and thousands of years back....obviously the secret expedition of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and the 14 minutes of footage were never released by Nasa...."

Now that's the best transalation I can come up with, personally in this day an age of camera trickery and alterations to pics and or footage it's too hard to tell what's real and what's not.
I'm looking forward to hearing some of you're expertises on the video and dissection on a grand scale

just don't shoot the messenger

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Conluceo]

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Conluceo]

It is more than likely a fake because there are no aliens jumping in at any given time, unless they all decided to have a coffee break or go to the bathroom at the same time. Maybe they were cleverly hiding and insuring that the humans wouldn't spot them. But that is unlikely.

Extraterrestrial 1: Hey look at the time, I guess we should have our coffee break.
Extraterrestrial 2: That's fine with me.
Extraterrestrial 3: Excellent, so who's got the shrooms?

Astronaut 1: Hey check this out?
Astronaut 2: Woo Houston are you getting this?

Houston: Yep we've got you loud and clear...

Astronauts 1 and 2 take a tour around the entire complex and then leave.

Extraterrestrial 2: I think the shrooms were a bit too over easy don't you?
Extraterrestrial 3: Completely!
Extraterrestrial 1: Hey were there tracks like these before we decided to have our little coffee break?
Extraterrestrial 2: Humans?
Extraterrestrial 3: Oh wow! Awesome!

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 04:10 AM
That astronaut has a serious heart condition. He shouldnt have been allowed in space. And I cant imagine all that noise would make him popular in the cramped space vehicle.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Timeseer
It is more than likely a fake because there are no aliens jumping in at any given time, unless they all decided to have a coffee break or go to the bathroom at the same time. Maybe they were cleverly hiding and insuring that the humans wouldn't spot them. But that is unlikely.

It's a CGI fake all right. But your comment doesn't apply even if the footage was real. It's explained by the narrator that the facility is ancient and abandoned. No occupants!!

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 10:56 AM
I read the comments on youtube, and somebody mentions that it is an abandoned warehous in the desert? I say its CGI, but i also say that there might b alien hangars and buildings on the far side of the moon! Until one of our fellow ATSer goes to the moon, we will never know!


posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:01 AM
If it were real as stated before(cgi) they wouldn't beable to keep it so still..also, did anyone notice there was a heartbeat in the background...a standerd effect from horror movies.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:57 PM
"video game. way too much shaders." - my exact first thoughts.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 01:21 PM
is this really a "forest"? i read this is from the mars orbit.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 01:47 PM
A giveaway, Put yourself in the cameramans position. The camera passed over some debre on the ground. If it were a human, he would have had to crawl over it, but instead we see the camera smoothy glide over as though no human hands were holding the camera. Room by room the camera simply glides.

I would have to agree, a good CGI. But on the otherhand, is it based on fact, or fiction...........

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