posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 07:07 AM
Interesting thread. I'm still undecided on this subject as to what is this caused by.
I have a number of experiences that involves many people including A girl I knew in my school days, my sister, my buddies one of which was my best
mate since we were tots.. And a few I cannot explain.
It's something I don't talk about to be quite frank. It's amazing that other's share simular experiences and can talk about it. Sometimes we
forget that we are all mad.
But my theoy, is that, over generations and bygones energies or thoughts that are deeprooted in our DNA from our forefathers passes on to the next
generation (whether we are aware of it or not).
We suddenly reunite these energies and thoughts on the street with a significant other who has being carrying the thoughts also and it just clicks
spontanously anywhere or wherever it may be no matter how startleding it may be. Just like some have described on this thread. The thoughts and
energies just ignite and become familar again as it would ions ago. I'm not saying you were indeed the person that had that experiences hundreds of
years ago carrying the energies just like the person you seem to connect with, but merely carrying it in your blood, and the overwhelming experience
takes you over because of the unexpected relapse.
This theory does not dissprove or approve Reincarnation, just to mention, something I'm also unsure of. As a kid growing up I used to believe in that
stuff. From a logical point of view, I think reincarnation is just a comfort really. I believe the experiences we are witnessing is just profound
thoughts, feelings, knowns, buried in our very beings over centuries and just come out in some sort of time loop or reasoning.
The reason, I'm sure of my experiences is because the people I'm talking about are well aware of it too, of course in thier own sort of way. It's
not in word, but in the action. I think the spoken word cannot explain it either. So it's left a mystery. I also believe that everyone we meet is a
reflection of us.
Final word. I believe our thoughts mold us and creates others. It's one big chain. Genetics make you but so does the mind.
[edit on 15-8-2006 by mind is the universe]