posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:34 AM
Popular Science
Why War?
A friend of mine is a roboticist working for the US Military on a grant. He team is one of a handful across the country (MIT, Institute for Human and
Machine Cognition, Harvard, etc.). The idea is for the 5 teams to compete to create the best set of programming to get the dog to walk/trot over
difficult terrain. Apparently my friend's team is in last place right now... just barely walking, while the others are trotting.
The "dog" is headless and four legged with rubber balls for paws. The robots cost about $30,000 each and currently require a supercomputer to
program. The plan is to use the robotic dogs as a companion for each soldier. The bot would increase the payload of the individual soldier, allowing
for him to carry increased weapons/munitions on the battlefield; gear that carries its own weight over any terrain.
sri oracle