posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 05:20 AM
To the Mods Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but here it goes anyway.
My family and I just watched the Oliver Stone movie World Trade Center. I found it interesting that Mr. Stone avoided the CTers questions about 9/11
by focusing on 2 families that were effected by that day, 2 port authority cops and there families. I thought it was a good movie
The conspiracy Im speaking about was after the towers fell it showed the family members watching TV when Goerge Bush was addressing the nation about
how this attack was a attack on freedom ect...ect... when the camera was showing the familys you could see a clock behind them, the clock said it was
1:30 or 2:30 pm. Please members help me remember at what time did Bush address the nation. I remember Tom Brokaw freaking out on 9/11 that the
president had Not addressed the nation, and I remember Bush doeing this around 4 or 5 pm....
Also there where a butt load of Explosions going off in the buildings after the planes hit.....Does anyone know if there where kitchen facilities on
the upper levels of the Towers???
This would explain secondary explosions in the Towers
[edit on 13-8-2006 by LDragonFire]