posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 01:36 AM
I have read one websites reviewon these so called "Christian Individuals", who get together behind closed doors to discuss issues. As most of them
seem to fit the mould of republican, one would asume as a christian that they fight for rightous issues, However on closer investigation one discovers
links to the Rev, moon, as well as preaching the doctrine of prosperity!!!!!!!!!.
Now I am not looking for a Con-Rep versus Democrats here, rather information from learned individuals on the subject of what these individuals may
really be up to. & how can we actually see what so called Christian TV Networks are promoting as many of these individuals are running or have
programs shown on such networks?
Thank you ahead of time for any information as "Google searches on this so called christian Councel" gives up little hits.
[edit on 13-8-2006 by solidgear]