posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 01:43 AM
I propose to make America better that we should adopt a new government. I believe some of you might agree at least partially to this idea.
What I would like to first propose is a change in the constitution...
Too add in the following amendments.
Amendment 1: Prohibition of the use of Petroleum
This amendment pertains to the use of petroleum products as the use of fuel, except for propane, which is solely for the use of an optional
alternative to cooking fuel. Instead, we shall focus on Ethyl Alcohol, a clean burning fuel mandated in use for all automobiles by the great Henry
Amendment 2: All cases in which an individual is accused before the law shall be done in the inquisitorial system. This is because the adversary
system creates far more chaos than order in a national state.
Amendment 3: The Legislative power of the United States shall not construe to extend with any suit or dominion over against any of the states within
the United States.
That means the United States cannot make laws to simple punish the people within either state of the United States. So we don't have a case against
State's rights.
Amendment 4: The United States must follow International laws, unless they go against the constitution of the United States or the Superior Court
Justices find them unacceptable and addresses the need of a handicap depiction over such a law to make it friendly and acceptable in interpretation to
as a law in the United States.
The Superior Court will be defined later in this thread.
Amendment 5: The businesses within the United States shall remain free from government intervention, but they are subjected to democratic socialism.
In which all employees have an equal say to transactions and other business decisions, including the firing or letting off of employees. In addition,
every citizen shall be taxed according to his or her income salary and established wealth of valuables and possessions. Those with more wealth shall
be taxed greater to insure that the poor are taxed less. The wealth accumulated by the wealthy shall be used for government projects to insure a
better society or a more prosperous society and hire workers to insure less unemployment.
Amendment 6: The government shall remain free from any overwhelming religious influence.
That might already be in use.
And now to about the correction of the government system starting with the Judicial System.
The Judical System shall comprise of a Supreme Court divided into a Superior Court and a Lesser Court.
There will be nine districts and each shall elect a Superior Justice. The Superior Justices are elected for ten year terms for as many terms as they
can be re-elected.
The first district shall contain the states of Alaska, Hawaii, and united vote from American Territories (Such as Puerto Rico).
The second district shall contain the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
The third district shall contain the states of California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado.
The fourth district shall contain the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota.
The fifth district shall contain the states of Texas, Louisianna, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missiouri, and Kansas.
The sixth district shall contain the states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
The seventh district shall contain the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Sourth Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
The Eighth district shall contain the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania in addition of the District of Colombia.
The Final district shall contain the states of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
These districts may vary if the states decide to do so.
Continuing onward in the next post...