posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 10:46 AM
Lol I can't believe this. Muslims are always playing the vitims. They should concentrate on more pressing matters rarther than a legitimate term used
by Bush, who has been called a facist himself, along with his 'christian' buddies. They don't complain. The actions of the KKK done in the name of
Protestant Christianity clearly had facsist elements, and nearley all Christians will agree wih that.
The Muslim community is doing itself no favours by seeing to justify or Explain terrorist actions by linking it to perceived persection and
The fact of the matter is, this islamicly motivated terrorist agenda is facist in nature. The collective muslim brotherhood etc One set of people
against others, based on propganda through the Islamic leaders. The dire consquences many muslims find themselves in today are directly from the
actions (or inaction) of THEIR leaders, who continue to deflect the blame towards the west, and indoctrinate the future generations to HATE. Sound
familiar to Hitler and the rise of facism in Germany and Italy? Yes
If any white non muslim uses the word Islam, he's obviously a racist, war mongering, hate merchant
If he coined the thrase Fascist Islam, or facist muslims, it might be a different story.
[edit on 13-8-2006 by Peyres]