posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 04:56 PM
Dulcimer is right in fact that the official military photo have much to be answered too. I've completed a more accurate and detailed analysis of the
photographs. My initial estimate was that the tail of the plane was 465' from the impact point. Upon further examination it appears it could have
been closer to 450' from the impact point, based on the following photo analysis.
The Pentagon measures 921.6 feet along each external face, half of this distance, marked on the diagram between the central corridor and the
upper-left corner of the Pentagon (cyan) is 460.8' Take this base measurement as a scale and measure the distance from the rear of the plane in the
photo (red dot), along the approximate path of the jet (dark-green line) to the impact point. The distance the tail traveled between frames (heavy red
line) is approx. 450', which is just short of the originally estimated 465' or 3 lengths of a 757, which is 155'.
So, 450 feet traveled in 1/30th of a second = 13500 feet/sec. = 2.55 miles/sec. = 153.4 miles/min. = 9204.54 mph = 7997 kts. = Mach 12.11
Even if you alter the path of the jet to a direct (90 degree) impact trajectory, (which introduces other unexplainable issues such as intact
light-posts and trees, clearing the embankment, not to mention those anomalous hydro spools) you still end up with a final velocity exceeding Mach 6!
Box of Chocolates is Like War
Most Americans were introduced to the tricks of the digital age in the movie Forrest Gump, when the character played by Tom Hanks appeared to shake
hands with President Kennedy.
For Hollywood, it is special effects. For covert operators in the U.S. military and intelligence agencies, it is a weapon of the future.
"Once you can take any kind of information and reduce it into ones and zeros, you can do some pretty interesting things," says Daniel T. Kuehl,
chairman of the Information Operations department of the National Defense University in Washington, the military's school for information warfare.
The March 31, 1997 DEFENSE WEEK ran a story, "Air Force Organizes For Offensive Info War". According to the article, the US Air Force has created
the position of deputy director for information operations. An "Offensive Information Warfare" division will be created under the new deputy
director. The division will have the organizational code AF/XOIOW and will be headed by Lt. Col. Jimmy Miyamoto.
Offensive information warfare, which implies attacks on both military and civilian targets, is among the least discussed aspect of the Air Force's
moves to organize, train, and equip the service for information dominance, the article admits.
The new information Operations office will coordinate with the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence
Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office and the National Imagery and Mapping
Holographic projection. The article describes a quasi-information warfare/psychological operations program that was first discussed in the Air Force
after Desert Storm. Holographic projection involves projection of a three-dimensional holographic image in project decoys, or even an "angry god"
(religious imagery) above the battlefield.
The Pentagon had listed the holographic projections openly as part of its "non-lethal" weapons program. But since 1994, the program has disappeared
from view, evidently now a "black" effort, says DEFENSE WEEK.
So can pictures be photoopted and pysoped to have people see what is not really there only time will tell in 911.