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Could it be that Ray was just Negligent

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posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 08:08 AM
There is no conspiracy here.

Ray Nagin is very much like other New Orleans and Louisiana politicians -- He is self-serving and lazy. And maybe not very bright, either. The storm itself was going to damage whatever it hit, but New Orleans could have been cleared of people before the storm if he had led the city instead of heading for Baton Rouge.

Also, the governor, Kathleen Blanco, did not do what she should have with the National Guard. As bad as he was, Long would have had them mobilized before the storm hit.

This is just a case of silly people in over their heads. The fact that Mr. Negligent got re-elected shows the pathetic state of mind of the citizens of that stinking hell-hole.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Moon Pie
This is just a case of silly people in over their heads. The fact that Mr. Negligent got re-elected shows the pathetic state of mind of the citizens of that stinking hell-hole.

I hope you're not an American, because those 'silly pathetic minded citizens of that stinking hell-hole' are American Victims of the worst disaster in American history man. And just an FYI, Katrina was an every day run of the mill Hurricane until the Levys broke the next day. Ray Nagin nor Kathleen Blanco had much of anything to do with the building or maintenence of those levys, the funding for which was cut by the, gasp, Bushies. I don't know what you have against New Orleans, but I hope you never end up in a major disaster where you might end up depending on someone who thinks you're just as silly and pathetic minded for your next meal. Seriously man, that post is pretty sick.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 08:22 PM
Dear Moonpie:

I am assuming from the ignorance of your post you are not from New Orleans, Mississippi, or Alabama. I, however, was born and raised in New Orleans and now reside 40 miles north. I stayed for Katrina. If you would like to read more about my expericence, go here:

Let me say, while Ray Nagin did say and do some inappropriate things, he did the best he could at that moment. It wasn't until 3:00 the Friday before that we knew the storm was coming our way. The last bad storm to hit NO was Betsy in 1964. Many generations here had never experienced anything near to what Katrina had in mind for us.

Now, first, how do you evacuate not only an entire city but the entire southern half of a state in two days? Secondly, what about the people who could not leave due to lack of transportation or lack of money (one of my reasons)? When my mother left Metairie (which is located directly on the other side of one of the canels that broke) it took her 5 hours to get to my house. Under "normal" circumstances it takes her 45 minutes.

Now, why was Nagin re-elected? It is nearly one year since Katrina hit and only about 1/3 of the population has returned. His opponent, Mitch Landrieu, I believe, could not do a "national" campaign as our residents are scattered all over the country. I think people just vote for the familliar.

If you think Nagin and Blanco are incompetent, I suggest you come down here for a few weeks, see the destruction, and help rebuild.


A question for you, Moonpie, if they had mobilized the troops prior to the storm making landfall, where should them have been housed?

[edit on 8/10/2006 by Lady Lily]

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 01:28 PM
No. I got out of the Southeast, but I was born and raised there. I have also lived through two hurricanes myself. I elected to live in a safer area -- one where I could be clobbered on any given summer afternoon by a tornado.

As far as evacuating entire coastal cities goes, I do not want that responsibility? I don't even want to deal with evacuating myself. However, that is the responsibility of those in positions like the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana. And they dropped the ball. I think I had a better idea of what lay in store for that city by watching a documentary on the History Channel than they did.

I have been there enough over the years, my wife grew up a few miles away and has been there a lot, and I still have friends there. I can call it a stinking hell-hole without reservation or shame. It was a desparate city in the best of times it simply got worse, and a large part of the blame goes to those whose job it was to plan and execute a suitable response.

Also, there is no way I would waste my time rebuilding something that should never have been built in the first place. My relatives are busy doing that already. And of the thirty or so people with whom I am acquainted, only two have not found better jobs and better lives where they relocated. The other twenty-eight have no interest in returning, and why should they?

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Moon Pie
I think I had a better idea of what lay in store for that city by watching a documentary on the History Channel than they did.

Which documentary are speaking of? Did that documentary specify that the levees were going to breach?

Yes, I will conceed that New Orleans had and has a lot of problems. Some of us do not have the luxury of moving to another state. But your comments are hurtful to those of us who love the city. So, why rebuild any city after a natural disaster?
If New Orleans is such an awful place, why evacuate it at all? Just let us all die because we chose (or were born) into a city that happens to get hit by hurricanes.

Should Pensacola have been rebuilt after 4 storms hit it IN A ROW? What about Biloxi? What about cities that have earthquakes?

This was the worst natural disaster to hit the US. You should have a little more compassion.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 06:25 PM
You are exactly right. All low lying coastal areas are at risk. There is a whole chunk of Alabama and another of Texas that are still cleaning their shorts because New Orleans got hit instead of them. What makes New Orleans worse is that parts are very much below sea level.

If I were running an insurance company, I would be loath to insure any property in any of those areas because the risk of flooding is so high -- higher than earthquake or tornado. As it turns out they are; the federal government insures for floods because it is such a poor risk.

Believe me, every time I have been down that way I have wondered what it would take to move most of the people out. I figured they would be better off somewhere else. It pains me deeply that it took something so horrible.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Moon Pie
If I were running an insurance company, I would be loath to insure any property in any of those areas because the risk of flooding is so high -- higher than earthquake or tornado. As it turns out they are; the federal government insures for floods because it is such a poor risk.

I promise you, those insurance companies are not sobbing, unless sobbing at a cut in their profits. Don't you worry, we're paying our way with insurance, and it costs a few pretty pennies and many ugly ones, too.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 07:50 AM
I let it pass when he said that New Orleans should be a Chocolate City, but this hole in the ground is too much.

Ray calls Trade Center a Hole in the Ground

Face it. When you re-elected him, you showed your booties.

And by the way, if you think he does a good job...

Who Sat on Whose But?

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:36 AM
It is Nagin and the states fault plain and simple. If ny was about to be hit by a tsunami or a super duper hurricane I don't wait for big brother government to submit a plan to be voted on and dragged out. I do what I need to do. But in the tradition of victomhood embraced by some they waited for soemone else to do their job and take care of them for them.

They are in charge. They did nothing and now Nagin is using the race card comparing to the response of 9/11.

And of course most of the black people "down there" are dumb enough to listen to him.

When it happens again, and it will, they'll desrve it. Chocolate city... sure how about retarded jack ass murderville. Hey lets shoot at people trying to help us and evacuate people in dire need.

How is this anyone but nagin and the states fault?

I'm sorry Bush didn't run down there to get a photo op, I'm sure bill and hillary would have and left 10 seconds later. Other then the photo op what could he do? he's not moses and can't part the flood by just waving his arms.

Maybe just Maybe the Nagin and the state should have been prepared for this sort of thing. Like florida is always ready for hurricanes....

Now I'll be called racist but look at black led areas such as N.O. or say D.C. see a trend... Horrible schooling horrible crime blatent incompetence it is like the mid east blaming all of their incompetence on the west.

At very least place like the super dome should have been stocked up and staffed and waiting for any ill efects of the storm. Those school busses sitting around should have been transporting people to sites the state had set up as safe zones... But what do I know. I mean NO is the first place to ever in the history of man face a natural disaster. WHEN 3000 people died in NY without ANY WARNING what happened LEADERSHIP SHINED the PEOPLE SHINED. How did millions of people without transportation leave the city THEY WALKED...

Wait it was a conspiricy Bush figures he can help the economy by causing damage to one of the if not the nations largest port.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by Moon Pie
This is just a case of silly people in over their heads. The fact that Mr. Negligent got re-elected shows the pathetic state of mind of the citizens of that stinking hell-hole.

And just an FYI, Katrina was an every day run of the mill Hurricane until the Levys broke the next day. Ray Nagin nor Kathleen Blanco had much of anything to do with the building or maintenence of those levys, the funding for which was cut by the, gasp, Bushies. sick.

Oh so nagin and the state had nothing better to do being in charge. you mean they figured no big deal we'll sit on our ass and ride this thing out... "Prepare for the worst, nah that what competent leaders do.. Have an contingency plan just in case? nope what do i look like a capable cracker. I'm naggin the chocolate city mayor if anything goes wrong we'll blame whitie always works..."

Oh and nagin and the blacks down their started with the racist stuff so don't blame me...

[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by American Madman
Oh and nagin and the blacks down their started with the racist stuff so don't blame me...
[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

Actually, I will be one to blame you. You continue racism by making this a black white issue. Between your "cracker" comments and your absolute lack of knowledge on the subject that you have so clearly shown, I wonder if you may want to consider starting a Rant in BTS? You seem to have a lot of pent up anger, and I doubt that New Orleans is the cause of it, more likely it is just a punching bag that you found in the moment to appease your anger.

Good luck to you, and I hope that when you drop the racist BS that you spewed (which would take your rant down to about one solid paragraph) you can participate in a better discussion.

Btw, the motto is "Deny Ignorance", not "Perpetuate Ignorance".

[edit on 8/25/06 by niteboy82]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82

Originally posted by American Madman
Oh and nagin and the blacks down their started with the racist stuff so don't blame me...
[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

Actually, I will be one to blame you. You continue racism by making this a black white issue. Between your "cracker" comments and your absolute lack of knowledge on the subject that you have so clearly shown, I wonder if you may want to consider starting a Rant in BTS? You seem to have a lot of pent up anger, and I doubt that New Orleans is the cause of it, more likely it is just a punching bag that you found in the moment to appease your anger.

Good luck to you, and I hope that when you drop the racist BS that you spewed (which would take your rant down to about one solid paragraph) you can participate in a better discussion.

Btw, the motto is "Deny Ignorance", not "Perpetuate Ignorance".

[edit on 8/25/06 by niteboy82]

The only ones perpetuating ignorance are the ones blaming everyone but themselves for the situation down there. And when people start using the race card I have no problem calling a spade a spade.

The cracker comment comes from nagin himself I just didn't pc it. Nagin is the one who turned it into a race issue instead of a what did WE do wrong whow do we do better issue.

Oh and tell me that Nagin and the people of N.O. aren't handling this exactly as I described... Blaming others not taking any responsbility and particularly using racism on the part of white people as their excuse...

[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by American Madman
[edit on 8/25/06 by niteboy82]

The only ones perpetuating ignorance are the ones blaming everyone but themselves for the situation down there.
So you will in turn take the blame game and join in to help exactly what in the situation?

And when people start using the race card I have no problem calling a spade a spade.

The cracker comment comes from nagin himself I just didn't pc it. Nagin is the one who turned it into a race issue instead of a what did WE do wrong whow do we do better issue.

Never made a cracker comment, can you supply a valid link proving it? Trust me, we do acknowledge what we did wrong, every day. Every day! Doesn't mean there can be some blame put up on top for this administration. Um. You heard of FEMA? What exactly is their official public job? Think about that before you answer, because I have a whole slew of links I can pull out of my hat to debate the issue and come out on top.

Of course, you do have a point, Bush playing with his toys during Katrina, Bush playing in a classroom during 9/11. I suppose maybe he in fact does think he is doing his job.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82

Never made a cracker comment, can you supply a valid link proving it? Trust me, we do acknowledge what we did wrong, every day. Every day! Doesn't mean there can be some blame put up on top for this administration. Um. You heard of FEMA? What exactly is their official public job?

No he didn't say cracker he just put the blame on white people being racist. Which is what he is doing now as we speak plenty of articles around. I can only imagine what he says when the cammera isn't on him.

Yeah I know about FEMA they are second responders who offer coordination and money. The man power and first responder responsibility belong to the people of the area. Fema is only allowed to act once the local government asks for help that the law.

Plus being that the area was under water doesn't make it easy to evacuate and bring in supplies AFTER THE FACT. THat should have been done before hand. I can only imagine if bush sent troop to N.O. beforehand there would be a debate about the NWO making its move.

Now you may be accepting responsibility and acting in the area's interests but nagin sure as hell has not and is not.

Maybe nagin was playing with his toys too. Too bad cause he the one responsible not everyone but him...

And it is a stinking hell hole, what 10 times the national murder rate, never mind other crimes, half the population is poor and uneducated.. Yeah i'd say that qualifies.... The fact that they started shooting at people trying to help them more then qualifies them for the title of USA's worst city. If I was in a black hawk and you started shooting at me I'd leave you on a roof too, hell I'd call in artillery.

I'm still waiting for those links....

[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

[edit on 25-8-2006 by American Madman]

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