posted on Dec, 2 2002 @ 03:47 PM
what happens with her own body should not be a stance for any political party. This is a health issue that is protected by the doctor-patient privacy
rules, and should not be of anyones concern but the doctor and his patient, PERIOD!!!
The dems are defending that right to privacy, the GOP is trying to remove this privacy and right to it, by interjecting its religious ideals into the
issue!! But do we not still have a SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE as an edict written into our charter, that lil'ole piece of paper called the
Declaration of Independance?
I know it seems trivial in the right-wing scope of things to consider the relevance of a 227 year old document but I think the basic concepts should
still be applied whether it fits your religious idioms or not.
Quite frankly I have felt for many years that religions have been at the root of all the worlds ills, and we would be light years ahead in science,
medicine and the pursuit of space frontiers, if we could only shake off and or lose the religious stagnation that infects our planet.
Look at our current crisis de jour: Muslims wackos blowing up buildings and killing innocent people all in the name of Alah. And we've seen these
crusades before by others, including those who would call themselves christians, jews, catholics, and protestants.
I know my views are not popular but if you remove the zealots, we would have a much more peaceful, prosperous and unified world.
Think about it.