posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:55 PM
I believe that you are referring to Sidon, a Lebanese city and refugee camp of over fifty thousand Palestinians. Incidentally, these Palestinians
have been refugees or displaced persons for over fifty years. You would think that, by now, they would have been assimulated into Lebanese society by
now. Or, perhaps, the Palestinians would have been welcomed and assimulated into Syrian or Jordanian society. Instead, for many Palestinians, they
were not welcomed by Syria or Jordan and even in Lebanon, the Palestinians have languished in ethnic/cultural ghettos throughout the region.
It is no wonder that Israel would target such a camp or target. Because of their displacement and their lack of integration into their new "home"
(after fifty years, what else could you call it), the Palestinian refugees would be a prime recruitment area for the Hezb'allah. It might,
considering Israeli intelligence, also be a place where the Hezb'allah fighters might store weapons, materiel and, of course fresh troops.