posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:19 PM
Dear Evanostrand,
I agree about what you wrote about faith. I also sense you are interested in the capabilities of the mind. If you care to, try the following
experiment: Go where many people go such as a mall. In your mind think some specific words such as, "if you can read my mind, stare at me and scratch
your head." Notice the people around you. If you get no response in one area try another, try this experiment in a different area, or a different
location all together until you do get a response.
When I first tried this experiment, nothing happened for quite a while. When I was about to leave one location, I concentrated and gave it one more
try. To my amazement, a young person began looking around and started to raise her hand to her head. As she passed me, she looked directly at me.
While this was not the exact response I was looking for, I considered it a miss. However, it gave me the fortitude to continue on with the
I got my first dramatic response at a meeting I attended. Again, in my mind, and not vergbally, I projected the same words, "If you can read my mind,
scractch your head and stare at me." Four people in the room looked around, and half heartedly raised their hands to their head. One of these people
came to within a few inches of me. He stared at me while scratching his head--a dramatic response.
If you decide to try it, I would be interested in any results you obtain.