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Buddhism, FreeMasonry and Gnosis

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posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 07:32 PM
I was originally going to post the following in another thread, but I'll start a new one instead(see quotes about Godfrey Higgins and Theosophy in "another thread").

Morals and Dogma

The first Masonic Legislator whose memory is preserved to us by history, was Buddha, who, about a thousand years before the Christian era, reformed the religion of Manous. He called to the Priesthood all men, without distinction of caste, who felt themselves inspired by God to instruct men. Those who so associated themselves formed a Society of Prophets under the name of Samaneans. They recognized the existence of a single uncreated God, in whose bosom everything grows, is developed and transformed.

The worship of this God reposed upon the obedience of all the beings He created. His feasts were those of the Solstices. The doctrines of Buddha pervaded India, China, and Japan. The Priests of Brahma, professing a dark and bloody creed, brutalized by Superstition, united together against Buddhism, and with the aid of Despotism, exterminated its followers. But their blood fertilized the new doctrine, which produced a new Society under the name of Gymnosophists; and a large number, fleeing to Ireland, planted their doctrines there, and there erected the round towers, some of which still stand, solid and unshaken as at first, visible monuments of the remotest ages.

There we have it, from the pen of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite himself, Albert Pike; that Buddhism, (Primitive)Masonry and Gnosis are essentially the same.

A British FreeMason and Druid, Godfrey Higgins(who wrote that 'black'-skinned Buddhas from India built the Stonehenge) agrees with this, as we can see the connection between the Samaneans, Gymnosophists, Buddhists, Druids, Sophees/Sufis(Gnostics), etc.:

Godfrey Higgins' Anacalypsis

...that in his time the chief of the Brahmins was called Iarch, and Jerom contra Jovin says, the head of the Gymnosophists was called Buddas.*** Mr. Bryant says, "Nilus the Egyptian tells Apollonius Tyannæus, that the Indi of all people in the world were the most knowing, and that the Ethiopians were a colony from them, and resembled them greatly. Philostratus says, the Indi are the WISEST of all mankind. The Ethiopians are a colony from them, and they inherit the wisdom of their forefathers."****

...If the opinion be well founded, that their Scriptures were the originals of the Gospel histories, then it will follow almost certainly, that they must have been the same as the Samaneans or Gymnosophists of Porphyry and Clemens Alexandrinus, and their books, which they were bound by such solemn oaths to keep secret, must have been the Vedas of India; or some Indian books containing mythoses of Moses and Jesus Christ : and this opinion, the striking similarity between the histories of Buddha, Cristna, and Jesus, seems strongly to support...

...Mr. Franklin says, "Another striking instance is recorded by the very intelligent traveller (Wilson) regarding a representation of the fall of our first parents, sculptured in the magnificent temple of Ipsambul in Nubia. He says that a very exact representation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is to be seen in that cave, and that the serpent climbing the tree is especially delineated, and the whole subject of the tempting of our first parents most accurately exhibited."* How is the fact of the Mythos of the second book of Genesis being found in Nubia, probably a thousand miles above Heliopolis, to be accounted for, except that it came from Upper India with the first Buddhists or Gymnosophists? There they were found by Clemens Alexandrinus, and there they found a Meru, now called Meroe. The same Mythos is found in India...

This passage from Burnet's* suggest several important observations. I was not a little gratified to find that the close relation between the Hindoos and the most respectable of all the Jewish sects, of which I have not the slightest doubt Jesus Christ was a member, that of the Essenes, had been observed by this very learned man almost a hundred years ago, before the late blaze of light from the East had shone upon us. What would he have said had he lived till now ? I think from the tria vota substantialia being common both to the Essenes and the Samaneans of Porphyry, there can be no doubt that the latter were correctly oriental Essenes.—Their history must have been well known in the time of Pliny : and his observation of their continuance per millia sæculorum decidedly proves their existence, if proof were wanting, long before the time of Christ; therefore they could not be merely Christian monks. They could be no other than Sophees.

* Arch. Phil. Cap. vii. pp. 69, 70, 4to.

I cannot help entertaining a suspicion that the Samaneans of Porphyry and Clemens Alexandrinus, the Buddhists or Brachmans, as they are called, the Chaldæans, confessed by Burnet to be only a sect,* the Essenes, and the Druides, were, in fact, all orders of monks. Perhaps they were originally one order, but in long periods of time split it into separate communities, as we have them in Europe—but all having the same vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience—vows which, in fact, reduce all monks to one order or genus.

I don't think much more needs to be said regarding the authenticity of these connections; considering the research done by the most learned of Initiates, ancient and relatively modern.

And take into account that all this was written between the early 19th and late 19th Century, so it isn't just some "New Age" stuff made up by some charlatans trying to make connections where they don't exist.

Godfrey Higgins also wrote in his Anacalypsis, that in the Masonic Temple of Tibet(!!!) that the following was chanted(in Tibetan I'm sure) before Lodge proceedings:

"Procul, O procul este, profani!"

With this in mind, I encourage all Masonic Brothers(and anyone else) to study the Divine Wisdom of the Lamas!

At the very least, it will help you to better comprehend the symbolism of FreeMasonry; as the Lamas are Universal Master Builders!

Here's a list of authors/writings that are in alignment with the the teachings of the Masters of the White Lodge:

H.H. The Dalai Lama(Gelug/all schools)

H.H. Sakya Trizin(Sakya)

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche(Kagyu)

Longchen Rabjam(Longchenpa)(Nyingma)

Dilgo Khyentse(Nyingma)

Lama Yeshe(Gelug)

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche(Bon)

Namkhai Norbu(Nyingma)

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 07:37 PM
The Bons are said to have been influenced by the Zoroastrians as well, as written in the introduction to the following book(which was written by a Bon Adept):

Some Initiates assumed the Bons to be black magicians(well, some actually are; such as the ones of whom Tsong Khapa, the First Dalai Lama, burned all their books on necromancy about 800 years ago).

Daath - Tantric Knowledge

...The Cubic Stone of Yesod, situated in the Creative Organs, is certainly that metallic soul which is the result of sexual transmutations. We can call this metallic soul the Mercury of Secret Philosophy, or, when speaking with simpler language, Creative Energy. This energy in itself is allegorized or symbolized by the Devil. When we say that we must work with the Devil, this is in order to transform it into Lucifer, the Maker of Light.

We are clearly referring to the labor in the Great Work. It becomes interesting that precisely here in the Cubic Stone of Yesod is where Shiva and Shakti, Osiris and Isis, are sexually united, and here is precisely where the Tantric knowledge is found. The attainment of the intimate Self-realization of the Being is not possible without it.

In the Eastern world, in Tibet, the monks are radical. For such reason H.P. Blavatsky thought that they were black magicians. All of us have repeated that mistake, and now we see the necessity for rectification.

I am not affirming that the Dugpas are saints, that they are meek sheep. They are black magicians because they teach Black Tantrism. However, the Bons, even when they use red caps, are not black as Blavatsky mistakenly supposed.
Actually, if one amongst the Bons does not want Self-realization but only the Liberation of himself for a period of time in order to Return in the Sixth Root Race, or if he does not want to Self-realize ever but only wants to emancipate himself without Self-realization, he can achieve it.

First of all, the neophyte is taken into an isolated place, and there, all of the inhuman elements that he possesses are invoked. This is performed with procedures of High Magic in the isolated mountain. Those inhuman elements become visible and tangible and intend to devour the neophyte, but if the neophyte remains serene, there is nothing more to do, he has become triumphant. Then, he has to eliminate the Ego, to reduce it to ashes and to work in himself.

This ordeal and some mantras for disincarnation, which are two words, become the maximum efforts for the neophyte in the physical world. It is dreadful to see the Bon-Priest dressed with his white apron of skulls and dead bones and with a red turban on his head, while holding a dagger with his right hand.

The body of the neophyte falls instantaneously dead in the precise moment when he is pronouncing his two mantras of fatality; then he is submitted to great Ordeals in the Internal Worlds. He has to confront the fears of death, he has to tolerate the hurricane of Karma; he has to become victorious in all that the Father-Mother will submit him to. The goal is to be allowed to enter, or better if we say, to be reborn in a supra-human form within any kingdom of the Devas, maybe in the Kingdom of Those of Great Concentration or in the Kingdom of Those of Long Hair, or in the Kingdom of Maitreya, or in the Kingdom of Supreme Happiness, etc., and it is in that region where he is going to finish with his preparation for the Liberation.
The Divine Mother assists him by eliminating his human elements and finally he achieves the submergence of himself into the bosom of the Great Reality, not as a Self-realized Master, but only as an Elemental Buddha. He submerges himself in that state until the Sixth Root Race with the purpose of Self-realizing himself in that Root Race, or he can remain forever converted into a Buddhic elemental and nothing else, but happy.

Those who intend to liberate themselves, those who really want Self-realization, those that truly want to be converted into Mahatmas or Hierophants, must be submitted to Tantric discipline, and to work in the Ninth Sphere. All of Tantrism, how to awaken the serpent, how to raise it, and how to open the chakras, etc., will be taught unto them.

Therefore, it is discovered that the Bons are radical. One has to either work for the Being or not. One goes with the purpose of Self-realization or with the purpose of remaining without Self-realization, this has to be defined. Among the Bons, everything is severe, and for this reason H.P. Blavatsky made judgment on them, considering them to be Black Magicians. But when one studies the Tantrism of the Bons, one realizes that it is White, not black; I repeat, White. They transmute the sperm into energy in order to attain deep Self-realization...

If H.P. Blavatsky could have visited the future to see H.H. the current Dalai Lama dressed in the Ceremonial Garb of the Bons, she would have been very surprised!

His Holiness the Dalai Lama:

From this excellent book:

Also, the connection of the Dalai Lamas to the White Lodge is confirmed in the forward to H.H. The Dalai Lama's first English book "The Opening of the Wisdom Eye", where he himself wrote about his connection to the Theosophical Society:

On H.P. Blavatsky's "The Voice of the Silence":

"I believe that this book has strongly influenced many sincere seekers and aspirants to the wisdom and compassion of the Bodhisattva Path." -- 14th Dalai Lama

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
'black'-skinned Buddhas from India built the Stonehenge

But buddhism doesn't exist until long after stonehenge is built.

I can appreciate the sentiments of men from these times, but I would have to be extremely skeptical of their understanding of the physical history.

between the Samaneans, Gymnosophists, Buddhists, Druids, Sophees/Sufis(Gnostics), etc.:

I am not familiar with the samaneans, and in fact have never heard the term before. I'd question connecting the Druids with this tradition along with the Sufis. The sufis hold having a master teacher as being of great import, and of course they are equally at home in a christian context as an islamic one. But the Druids, from what we know, seem to be more inclined torwards having a preistly class. A sufi great would be recognized as having 'special power', akin I suppose to 'gnostic knowledge', and by virtue of that he should be listened to as a teacher, and will prescribe a course of physical and mental work for his 'students'. But, from the little that we know about the Druids, they don't seem to act like that. They become priests, and perform preistly functions.

If the opinion be well founded, that their Scriptures were the originals of the Gospel histories, then it will follow almost certainly, that they must have been the same as the Samaneans or Gymnosophists of Porphyry and Clemens Alexandrinus

Why would the original biblical gospels have anything to do with the students of the buddha?

and this opinion, the striking similarity between the histories of Buddha, Cristna, and Jesus, seems strongly to support...

These similarities were considered very suggestive, especially in the history of religion school, but these ideas have by now generally been rejected. Jesus isn't considered some amalgamation of previous mythic characters, slapped together to keep the pagans happy.

He says that a very exact representation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is to be seen in that cave, and that the serpent climbing the tree is especially delineated

But this is a common mythic theme. That alone doesn't imply that the peoples that tell similar myths were taught by students of one master.

tria vota substantialia

What is this?

therefore they could not be merely Christian monks. They could be no other than Sophees.

I am completely confused by that statement. 'They' should be refering to the Hindus, but who would ever describe the hindus as 'christian monks'? And why does any of that mean that they are sufis?

cannot help entertaining a suspicion that the Samaneans of Porphyry and Clemens Alexandrinus, the Buddhists or Brachmans, as they are called, the Chaldæans, confessed by Burnet to be only a sect,* the Essenes, and the Druides, were, in fact, all orders of monks

I'm just a little confused, why does it matter if they are monks? A monk is not necessarily a gnostic. And can all those groups most accurately be described as monks? I can see it with the essenes and sufis, but the druids again? How are they monks, living in a community, obeying a spritual master and working to live piously.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Tamahu
'black'-skinned Buddhas from India built the Stonehenge

But buddhism doesn't exist until long after stonehenge is built.

Exoterically that is.

I already addressed this, in the first link I provided at the top of this thread, in my debate with Byrd.

All schools of Buddhism will admit that Gautama Shakyamuni was not the first Buddha.

His main mission it seems was to reform the fanatical and oppressive Brahman sects that were running rampant in India at the time.

Look up the Sutra of Hui Neng for a list of the lineage of Buddhas before Buddha Shakyamuni.

Keywords: Hui-Neng, Diamond Sutra, Kasyapa, Nagarjuna.

As for the rest...

I've provided plenty of research material.

But more importantly; learn to read between the lines, and utilize the right-hemisphere of the brain along with Intuition.

This is how the Masters have eluded the profane(who take everything literally and who believe everything the so-called "experts" have to say about these matters), by not spelling everything out.

The religious texts of the world are mostly symbolic, with not much that is literal within them.

Some say that the authentic scriptures have a seven-fold meaning.

This is why the commentaries of the Adepts from lineages are needed for students to study.

The Masters from the Divine Heirarchies do want us to receive Initiation, however nothing is given for free, so we have to work for it with sincerity.

That is all.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:33 AM
It seems that people would rather stay caught up in pro-Masonry/anti-Masonry conflicts instead of actually learning something.

Why is that?

Anyway, in reference to Masonic Light's reply in this post:

The esoteric truths regarding Tantra are confirmed by the Lamas, if you're interested in going beyond exoteric Buddhism.

Also, esoterically Buddhism does not see Tantra as an illusiory Hindu corruption of the Dharma.

The Brahmins that practiced Tantra got it from the pre-Vedic Tantric Rishis.

These Ancient Rishis are the Buddhas of pre-Shakyamuni Buddha times.

Anyway, H.P. Blavatsky in her "Practical Occultism", mentioned the importance of the Lam-Rim teachings of the Master Tsong Khapa(Guru of the first Dalai Lama).

We are blessed to now have a English translation of these prepatory teachings in Three Volumes, from Snow Lion Publications:

Also, I'd suggest Lama Yeshe's "Introduction to Tantra" and "Bliss of Inner-Fire" from Wisdom Publications, as an introduction to the Gnosis of Daath(although, even many Tantric Lamas seem to be stuck in their Piscean ways, by not making the teachings of Sexual Tantra more plain).

Some of Lama Yeshe's writings can be obtained at no cost(other than a donation of your choice) from here:

Study Swami Sivananda's "Kundalini Yoga" as well.

(Speaking of Kundalini... the 33 degree of Occult Masonry correspond to the 33 vertabrae of the Spinal Column, as do the symbolic 33 years of Yeshua's life)

And last but not least; here are some books on the teachings of the Mahamudra of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche and of the Dzogchen(Highest Tantra Yoga) of Buddhism and Bonpo:

The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep

Wonders of the Natural Mind

Healing with Form, Energy, and Light

DRUNG, DEU AND BON: Narrations, Symbolic Languages and the Bon Traditions in Ancient Tibet

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

These titles, along with the writings of Samael Aun Weor, Albert Pike, Godfrey Higgins and H.P. Blavatsky should be of immense interest, and even of practical Spiritual guidance for those seeking the Light of the Tathagatagharba and Dharmakaya!

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
Anyway, H.P. Blavatsky in her "Practical Occultism", mentioned the importance of the Lam-Rim teachings of the Master Tsong Khapa(Guru of the first Dalai Lama).

We are blessed to now have a English translation of these prepatory teachings in Three Volumes, from Snow Lion Publications...:

...These titles, along with the writings of Samael Aun Weor, Albert Pike, Godfrey Higgins and H.P. Blavatsky should be of immense interest, and even of practical Spiritual guidance for those seeking the Light of the Tathagatagarba and Dharmakaya!

Along with said works, Master Moira's The Dayspring of Youth and his The Lord God of Truth Within: A Posthumous Sequel to the Dayspring of Youth are excellent study material for preparing for the Tantric path.

It seems that(according to a Gnostic Instructor) Nicholas Roerich was instructed by Master M:. in the Kalachakra Initiations of Buddhism.

So these two Master-pieces in combination with Tsong Khapa's Lam-Rim instructions are certainly priceless for preparing for Yoga(all the Yogas are synthesized within the Lam-Rim and Dzogchen teachings).

Samael Aun Weor's "The Great Rebellion" and "The Perfect Matrimony" are good ones for beginners as well.

May All Sentient Beings Be Happy!

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 09:52 AM
Concerning any hypothetical connection between Freemasonry and Buddhism, I thought some readers may find this site on Zen Masonry to be interesting.

Gotta love those Zen Masonic koans!

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:23 PM
You'll like this one Masonic Light:

Open Your Own Lodge!

A craftsman left his master’s lodge and went to visit Grand Master Hiram Abif in Tyre. Hiram asked: "What do you seek?"

"Light!" replied the craftsman.

"You have your own lodge. Why did you come here?" Hiram asked.

The craftsman replied: "I left my master’s lodge, so where is my lodge now?"

Hiram answered: "What you are asking is your lodge."

The craftsman was brought to light. Ever since he has urged his brothers: "Open your own lodge and see the light!"

The following shows that Chan/Zen and Dzogchen are very similiar.

...Nyeleg(Tamahu: Tapihritsa in the form of a child) was returning with his bag from taking the animals to graze in the mountains when he saw Nangzher Lodpo come out of his cave. Nyeleg prostrated and paid ninefold respect in the traditional way. The master noticed that the boy was trained in the doctrine and asked him, "Who is your master? What meditation do you practice? What are you carrying in your bag? Why are you behaving this way? Where are you going?"

Nyeleg answered, "The view is my master. I practice the nonconceptual state. I meditate on everything I see in the three dimensions of existence(Tamahu: the Three Worlds?). I am carrying thoughts in my bag. My behaviour is to work as the servant of sentient beings. I am going nowhere."

The master was disappointed. He felt proud of being an important master and felt that the childs answer had been disrespectful. He rejoined skeptically, "If the view is your master, it means you have no master. If the nonconceptual state is your practice, it means you don't need food and clothes. If your meditation is all the visions of the three dimensions, it means you don't need to meditate: without meditating you will obtain complete realization. If you are carrying thoughts in your bag, it means you don't have desires."

So the boy said, "If you do not understand view as the master, then who taught the primordial Buddha?" He meant that in order to understand the true condition, there is no need of a master; the master explains and confirms to the practitioner his experience of his own innate wisdom, something the practitioner already knows; there is nothing new that he can teach him. "My practice is the nonconceptual state because in this base there are no thoughts: conceptual views are not meditation practice. My meditation is the visions of the three worlds: in the true nature there is no bias. If there were, it would not be meditation. If I am carrying thoughts in my bag, it means that desires are finished, so there are no thoughts. If you have no concepts, you understand the meaning. If my practice is to be the servant of all beings, it means all the experiences of bliss and suffering are of one taste, and experiencing the nonseparation of good and bad is my practice".

Nangzher Lodpo became annoyed and said, "If you are so intelligent, tomorrow we must debate in front of the king."

The boy laughed loudly and said, "Cause and effect is ignorant understanding. Great meditators who keep thoughts imprisoned and controlled are drowsy(Tamahu: in their Consciousness) and (Tamahu: their Consciousness)sleeps(s) when they meditate. Language and the logic of philosophy are like weapons and dark nets. Debating is only verbal concepts and Tantric practice is transforming the mind and not leaving it in its nature. Learned scholars have meaningless understanding, and their view and meditation are like bubbles, mere words without application in practice; the ultimate state is unconditioned. There is no practice to do, there are no obscurations, and once you have true understanding there is no more that has to be forced or changed..."

...Then suddenly Nangzher Lodpo recognized the boy as an emanation and fell unconscious...

Now this doesn't mean that Dzogchenpas don't practice Tantra(as Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche goes on to say in this book), astrology, debate and intense prepatory(Ngondro) practices, etc.

Dzogchenpas still study Sutrayana(Outer), Mahayana/Tantrayana(Inner) and the Great Perfection or Dzogchen(Secret).

To simplify, this story relates the Ultimate View of the Master, the Natural State of Being.

And in relation to the Adept who has already created the Solar Bodies and eliminated the gross aggregates, and also relates how the Buddha Tapihritsa gave Nangzher Lodpo and Mo Yungdrung the final Initiation in relation to the elimination of the subtle aggregates(this may sound contradictory, but Heaven and Earth meet; we work from 'below', with the Philosophical Stone, in relation to the developement of each of the Sephirah within us, and from 'above' or the Absolute View that is always present whether we recognize it or not).

This ought to be a good one:


[edit on 18-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 05:38 AM
Hate to rain on your parade but Albert Pike is WAAAY off the mark on his understandings of eastern religion and especially Budhism, he even goes so far as to purport that there was earlier form of Budhism that had a "one true god."
Unfortunatally he makes the same mistakes that most westerners do in researching Bhudism and fails to realise that Budhism does not exclude a second or even more religions from its followers.
Most of his misinterpretations of the lessons of the great teacher are from mistaking secondary religious elements such as Tao in Budhist cultures.
This thread is likewise skewed.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Hate to rain on your parade but Albert Pike is WAAAY off the mark on his understandings of eastern religion and especially Budhism, he even goes so far as to purport that there was earlier form of Budhism that had a "one true god."
Unfortunatally he makes the same mistakes that most westerners do in researching Bhudism and fails to realise that Budhism does not exclude a second or even more religions from its followers.
Most of his misinterpretations of the lessons of the great teacher are from mistaking secondary religious elements such as Tao in Budhist cultures.
This thread is likewise skewed.

I'm not quite sure that Pike is as far off the mark as you suggest. In his Lectures On The Arya, Pike elaborates further to say that Siddhartha was almost certainly inspired by the pre-Brahmins, who composed the Sacred Vedas. I will admit that Pike based much of his study in the later far east Buddhist schools which had merged some aspects of Taoism and Confucianism, but even you yourself note above that not all Buddhists are exclusively Buddhists.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Hate to rain on your parade but Albert Pike is WAAAY off the mark on his understandings of eastern religion and especially Budhism, he even goes so far as to purport that there was earlier form of Budhism that had a "one true god."

Oh really?

And what is your source(s) of knowledge regarding Buddhism?

Albert Pike is correct on this.

This "One True God" is ADI-BUDDHA, which all Buddhists recognize(except for maybe a minority of fanatical/fetishism Theraveda sects).

ADI-BUDDHA is symbolic of Emptiness, the Natural State of Being, and has various names in various religions(ALLAH, TAO, AELOHIM, AMEN, YOD(Dharmakaya)-HE(Samboghakaya)-VAU(Nirmanakaya)-HE(ADI).

Notice how they are naked without any ornaments.

This is symbolizes the "Naked Awareness" without any objects of thought, THAT which is beyond all the Sephirah, even the Ancient of Days.

ADI-BUDDHA in Bon and Dzogchen appears as Kuntuzangpo/Kuntuzangmo or Samantabhadra/Samantabhadri, and in Tantrayana and some Sutrayana sects as Vajradhara/Vajravarahi(notice the Indivisible-Duality or Male/Female quality of the Divinity).

Speaking of which...

Unfortunatally he makes the same mistakes that most westerners do in researching Bhudism and fails to realise that Budhism does not exclude a second or even more religions from its followers.

Buddhism doesn't exclude followers of other Faiths, as in Gnosticism(Sopheeism/Sufism), the more Western countepart of Buddhism.

I'm sure that a devotee of JESUS or AMEN-RA would have no problem in being admitted into a Buddhist Sangha.

Although, there are some Buddhist vows that forbid the worship of certain 'inferior dieties', whichever they are referring to.

And while Buddhism doesn't claim to be the "the only true religion"; it does claim to provide the most precise philosophical explanation of Reality.

Most of his misinterpretations of the lessons of the great teacher are from mistaking secondary religious elements such as Tao in Budhist cultures.

Some 'secondary religious elements' are confused with Buddhism by Westerners(mostly by "new-agers"), but Albert Pike's interpretations(containing some mistakes as they may) are not the average Western misintepretations; and many of his are certainly correct.

The Highest view in Tao is the same as the Highest view in Buddhism(the Primordial Mind or Original Man(Manas which means Mind) of the N.O.I.), even if the langauge of the the two doctrines is seemingly different.

It's just that the Taoist sects(as the Brahmin sects) became corrupt over time, and the Buddha Dharma as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni was spread in order to replace old religious forms that were dying out.

In their roots, all these Religions are Pearls, strung on the Golden Thread of Divinity(Gnosis)

This thread is likewise skewed.

Have you read any of the writings of the Tantrayana or Dzogchen Masters?(who are well versed in all the Mahayana teachings as well)

Either way, please tell me how this thread is skewed.

[edit on 18-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:38 PM
Masonic Light

Did you happen to read that Zen-Masonry Koan, in relation to the story I quoted from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche?

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
I'm not quite sure that Pike is as far off the mark as you suggest. In his Lectures On The Arya, Pike elaborates further to say that Siddhartha was almost certainly inspired by the pre-Brahmins, who composed the Sacred Vedas.

Wonders of the Natural Mind

The Bonpos maintain that, as Buddha Shakyamuni was a disciple of Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche(founder of the current cycle of Bon), all Buddhist teachings, whether originating in India or elsewhere, are in fact teachings of everlasting Bon. - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

I have a strong suspicion that the Bon doctrine is identical to that of the pre-Vedic Rishis(probably the black-skinned Buddhas that Godfrey Higgins referred to).

As I mentioned earlier, the book Heart Drops of Dharmakaya(written by a Tibetan Bon) mentions that the Bons of Zhang Zhung may have been related to the doctrine of the Zoroastrians.

So we can see that the affirmations of "The Secret Doctrine", the Gnostics, Albert Pike and Godfrey Higgins are coming to the surface more and more all the time.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 09:07 PM
The Outer, Inner and Secret teachings mentioned in Esoteric Buddhism...

Originally posted by Tamahu
Dzogchenpas still study Sutrayana(Outer), Mahayana/Tantrayana(Inner) and the Great Perfection or Dzogchen(Secret).

...could be compared to the following(my commentary in parenthesis):

Gnostic Kabbalah: Introduction

1. Zohar: The Spirit of the Doctrine. To begin with, this was just communicated orally to the initiate, but later on the Rabbis wrote it down.(Secret: Dzogchen/Tantrayana)

(And this is very interesting, considering that the Dzogchen Doctrine was, for millenia, only orally transmitted until the later Masters wrote it down)

2. Talmud: The Soul of the Doctrine.(Inner: Mahayana/Tantrayana)

3. Bible: The Body of the Doctrine.(Outer: Sutrayana/Hinayana)

Many have also noted the distinct similarities between the religious Rites of many Aboriginal American Tribes(South and North) and those of 'Lamaism'.

And just as Dzogchen itself has Inner, Outer and Secret teachings; both Tantra and Sutra are likely divided into three levels.

Note this as well:

Basic Features of Tantra

The three Tibetan Buddhist lineages of the New Translation Period - Sakya, Kagyu, and Gelug - divide tantra into four classes:

1. Kriya (ritual Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes external ritual practices such as ablution, diet, and fasting;

2. Charya (behavioral Buddha-figure practice), which equally emphasizes external behavior and internal methods;

3. Yoga (integrated Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes internal methods of yoga;

4. Anuttarayoga (peerlessly integrated Buddha-figure practice), which teaches special, more advanced methods of internal practice.

The Nyingma lineage, from the Old Translation Period, transmits six classes of tantra, the same first three and, corresponding to progressively more advanced stages of anuttarayoga:

(4) Mahayoga (greatly integrated Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes visualization;

5. Anuyoga (subsequent integrated Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes work with the subtle energy systems;

6. Atiyoga (supremely integrated Buddha-figure practice) or dzogchen (rdzogs-chen, the great completeness), which emphasizes the subtlest level of mental activity (mind).

The Revolution of Beelzebub

The doctrine of Jesus Christ is condensed Yoga, essential Yoga, Tibetan Magic, Zen Buddhism, practical Buddhism, Hermetic Science, etc.

All ancient wisdom is within Gnosticism and it is already totally masticated and digested.

Therefore, Jesus, the Divine Master, is the Instructor of the World. If truly what we want is the Innermost Self-realization, then let us practice Gnosis, let us live the path of the Gnostic Arhat.

The best exposition of the Secret Doctrine resides in the Gnostic synthesis of the great Hierophant Jesus the Christ.

Gnosis saves us work and study, for if we did not have the synthesis of Christ, we would need to bring into our heads millions of volumes and to travel around the entire world with the goal of finding the path.

Fortunately, already one Being did it and this Being was Jesus the Christ. He studied in the Buddhist Cathedral of Jo Khang, investigating very ancient Tibetan books.

Therefore, why do we need to do the same investigative work that he did? He already did that work. He delivered the whole of Yoga in a synthesized way, the whole of the Secret Science. So what else could we want? - Samael Aun Weor

[edit on 18-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 05:58 AM
Nice picture it puts the Rosicrucians in a better light.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Sonata
Nice picture it puts the Rosicrucians in a better light.

In what way?

More recommendations:

These two are great along with Tsong Khapa's Lam-Rim Chenmo.

An inexpensive and informative book from the Adepts Series of Manly P. Hall:

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 07:33 PM

"When one works in the world of comprehension, images and words emerge in the form of Koans" - Samael Aun Weor

Engraving from De Lapide Philosophico by Lambsprinck, 1625

[edit on 22-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu ......

Unfortunatally he makes the same mistakes that most westerners do in researching Bhudism and fails to realise that Budhism does not exclude a second or even more religions from its followers.

Buddhism doesn't exclude followers of other Faiths, as in Gnosticism(Sopheeism/Sufism), the more Western countepart of Buddhism.

I'm sure that a devotee of JESUS or AMEN-RA would have no problem in being admitted into a Buddhist Sangha.

Although, there are some Buddhist vows that forbid the worship of certain 'inferior dieties', whichever they are referring to.

What I have come to know from reading about Buddhism and discussions with Western Buddhists, is that anyone can be a Buddhist if for no other reasons than using its meditation exercise.

Originally posted by Tamahu
And while Buddhism doesn't claim to be the "the only true religion"; it does claim to provide the most precise philosophical explanation of Reality.

What I come to know from reading about Buddhism and discussions with Western Buddhists is that Buddhists believe in the no-self, which they take care to explain as the non-reality of the self, and also they maintain the non-identity of the self or no-self from one moment to the next.

Originally posted by Tamahu

Most of his misinterpretations of the lessons of the great teacher are from mistaking secondary religious elements such as Tao in Budhist cultures.

Some 'secondary religious elements' are confused with Buddhism by Westerners(mostly by "new-agers"), but Albert Pike's interpretations(containing some mistakes as they may) are not the average Western misintepretations; and many of his are certainly correct.

What I have come to know from reading abut Buddhism and discussions with Western Buddhists is that the genuine authentic pure Buddhism as taught by the man Gautama is bereft of all myths and superstitious or supernatural elements.

If you read in supposedly Gautama’s words anything at least connoting myths, superstitions, or supernatural concepts and entities, they were spoken by the Gautama to accommodate to the audience of his time and clime who were steeped in myths, superstitions, and supernatural ideas and entities, but his true mind is in tune with contemporary Westerners who don’t accept any myths, superstitions, or supernatural concepts and entities.


posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 07:55 PM
Edit: Double Post

[edit on 11-9-2006 by Tamahu]

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