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Jordanian Correspondents Refuse to Work for Biased Fox Net

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posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 07:09 PM
Two Jordanian correspondents are now refusing to work any further with Fox "news" because of their blatant bias against Arabs and Muslims. Fox "news" is an embarassment to American journalism.. of course other US mainstream outlets are not much better. Its time to see Fox and most of the US mainstream media for what it is: Soviet-style state-run propaganda.

This is a letter sent from two FOX news producers in Amman, Jordan to FOX news:

Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006

Dear All,

We would like to announce our resignation from Fox News in Amman. Although we never actually worked for your organization, we helped for the past three years in facilitating your work in the Middle East.

We base our decision on moral issues. We can no longer work with a news organization that claims to be fair and balanced when you are so far from that. Not only are you an instrument of the Bush White House, and Israeli propaganda, you are war mongers with no sense of decency, nor professionalism. You have crossed all borders and red lines. An Arab mother cries over the death of her child very much like an American and Israeli mother.

mod edit to use "ex" tags instead of "quote" tags
Quote Reference.

[edit on 9-8-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 08:45 PM
I hear Reuters is hiring!!!

Damn that was too easy!

***Note to the people who don't know what Reuters is***

They are the news organization accused of doctoring photos in favor of the Hezzbo's.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 07:06 PM
Didn't mean to be a thread killer!

I like the way the letter was worded!!!

"We would like to announce our resignation from Fox News in Amman. Although we never actually worked for your organization,"

I was rolling on the floor laughing my arse off, when I originally read that!

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 07:42 PM
You know, liberals never cease to amaze me. In their sick and twisted view truth suddenly becomes propaganda and lies are treated as fact. Fox news is constantly berated because, unlike other news services, it offers both liberal a view (as evidenced by Alan Colmes and some of the contributors) AND a conservative view. Others news outlets filter out the conservative element and are thus truely biased. But hey, lets let the ratings speak for themselves. Their incessant attacks upon anybody with a differing view proves that THEY are the ones that are intolerant and lack any sense of decency or compassion.

So why are some people (libs) hell bent and against Fox? It's very simple indeed. Liberals hate competition and cannot thrive in a society where people have choices and the opportunity to think independently. They need to drown out and suppress all other views from people that differ from them. Sound familiar? It certainly does to people like Hitler, Stalin, and our old buddy Saddam.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by War_Monger
You know, liberals never cease to amaze me. In their sick and twisted view truth suddenly becomes propaganda and lies are treated as fact. Fox news is constantly berated because, unlike other news services, it offers both liberal a view (as evidenced by Alan Colmes and some of the contributors) AND a conservative view.

That is hillarious!
Its balanced b/c of whipped puppy Colmes?! Double

I work in the much maligned mainstream CORPORATE media and I tell you, FOX "news" Network is ridiculous and repellent.

Man, you are one hopped up ATSer!

Carry on!

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:10 PM
Here's what the great Lou Dobbs had to say about Fox News and their doctrine of "Fair and Balanced" news:

“The idea that a reporter has to be ‘fair and balanced’ is ridiculous. The fact is, the truth usually is not fair and it's not balanced. Truth stands by itself. And the idea that something called fair and balanced is a substitute for truth and fact is mindless nonsense that has captured much of the national media.”

Lou Dobbs is a lifelong conservative Republican.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by War_Monger
You know, liberals never cease to amaze me. In their sick and twisted view truth suddenly becomes propaganda and lies are treated as fact. Fox news is constantly berated because, unlike other news services, it offers both liberal a view (as evidenced by Alan Colmes and some of the contributors) AND a conservative view.

That is hillarious!
Its balanced b/c of whipped puppy Colmes?! Double

I work in the much maligned mainstream CORPORATE media and I tell you, FOX "news" Network is ridiculous and repellent.

Man, you are one hopped up ATSer!

Carry on!

It's quite interesting that you need to validate and qualify your position by claiming that you "work in the much maligned CORPORATE media". Let me give you a little advice Mr. Expert, you might be able to gain and maintain a bit more credibility if you wouldn't first shove your claimed qualifications in everyone's face. Your tactics illustrate your desperation. Please stop trying to suppress other points of view by pushing your ideolgy on everyone else.

Also, don't forget those ratings that put Fox at the top of the list. That does not happan unless a majority of people tune into Fox. Nobody watches something they don't enjoy. So , when you insult and berate Fox, you are also insulting and berating millions of American people that enjoy watching their broadcasts.

As for calling me a "hopped up ATSer!", (whatever the hell that means

that is just fine. I will let you do the name calling. It's one of the few things liberals do well.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:19 PM
Like Al Jazeera and the other Arab news stations are not biased. Seriously, I used to get Al Jazeera, and it made FOX News look BALANCED.

How dare they insult FOX news, next stop...Jordan in the WOT

Stick with CNN. You cannot find a truly 100% balanced news station, but I find CNN to be the best out of: FOX, MSNBC, CBS, BBC, Al Jazeera, CCTV.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
Here's what the great Lou Dobbs had to say about Fox News and their doctrine of "Fair and Balanced" news:

“The idea that a reporter has to be ‘fair and balanced’ is ridiculous. The fact is, the truth usually is not fair and it's not balanced. Truth stands by itself. And the idea that something called fair and balanced is a substitute for truth and fact is mindless nonsense that has captured much of the national media.”

Lou Dobbs is a lifelong conservative Republican.

SweatmonicaIdo I did not know that Lou Dobbs is a life long conservative Republican. Are you sure? Dobbs is often very critical of republicans on a littany of issues. Then again, I too am critical of republicans on some issues and Iv'e been a conservative since i'm 13 so I guess it's possible.

However, people criticize Fox for claiming that they are "fair and balanced" and accuse them of being overly conservative or right wing despite having that liberal element. Listen, as news viewers, the best we can hope for is fair and balanced reporting, not propaganda. If their are two sides to a story they should both be presented. The American people are quite intelligent and therefore they should be left to decide based upon facts.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by War_Monger

It's quite interesting that you need to validate and qualify your position by claiming that you "work in the much maligned CORPORATE media".

When you state an opinion, its always good to clarifyyour experience with the subject. I would think you'd know that. Most folks around here are familiar with me, but it still helps to point out that I work in that behemoth you spoke of. And let me just say, its way more corporate than it is liberal. Its true the writers/journalists are more liberal, but that doesn't mean anything when the publisher and editor have ultimate say in the running of a story or investigative series.

Let me give you a little advice Mr. Expert, you might be able to gain and maintain a bit more credibility if you wouldn't first shove your claimed qualifications in everyone's face. Your tactics illustrate your desperation. Please stop trying to suppress other points of view by pushing your ideolgy on everyone else.

Awhile back on ATS, I was elected by the members of this site to be the PTS Council member. I'm very proud of that.

That's my claim to fame around here.

Also, don't forget those ratings that put Fox at the top of the list. That does not happan unless a majority of people tune into Fox. Nobody watches something they don't enjoy. So , when you insult and berate Fox, you are also insulting and berating millions of American people that enjoy watching their broadcasts.

Who enjoys watching the news?

I will let you do the name calling. It's one of the few things liberals do well.

Until Duhbya came along, I had been a lifelong conservative Republican and hawk on defense.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by War_Monger

It's quite interesting that you need to validate and qualify your position by claiming that you "work in the much maligned CORPORATE media".

When you state an opinion, its always good to clarifyyour experience with the subject. I would think you'd know that. Most folks around here are familiar with me, but it still helps to point out that I work in that behemoth you spoke of. And let me just say, its way more corporate than it is liberal. Its true the writers/journalists are more liberal, but that doesn't mean anything when the publisher and editor have ultimate say in the running of a story or investigative series.

Let me give you a little advice Mr. Expert, you might be able to gain and maintain a bit more credibility if you wouldn't first shove your claimed qualifications in everyone's face. Your tactics illustrate your desperation. Please stop trying to suppress other points of view by pushing your ideolgy on everyone else.

Awhile back on ATS, I was elected by the members of this site to be the PTS Council member. I'm very proud of that.

That's my claim to fame around here.

Also, don't forget those ratings that put Fox at the top of the list. That does not happan unless a majority of people tune into Fox. Nobody watches something they don't enjoy. So , when you insult and berate Fox, you are also insulting and berating millions of American people that enjoy watching their broadcasts.

Who enjoys watching the news?

I will let you do the name calling. It's one of the few things liberals do well.

Until Duhbya came along, I had been a lifelong conservative Republican and hawk on defense.

Eastcost, you ever hear of a wonderful Democrat by the name of Zell Milller? Sure you have. He delivered an incredible speech at the Republican National Convetion back in know the one. Miller, again I stress a Democrat, is one of the greatest Americans of our times. After he came out in staunch support for President Bush people started asking him why he doesn't switch over to the Republican party. His reply was simply that he was born a Democrat, lived his life as a Democrat, and he will die a democrat (Book: A National Party No More by Zell Miller). The point is, when you are truely something you stick with it through the good times and the bad. I'm a NY Mets fan. I Have been all my life. I've stuck with the team when they won the 86 series and when they had lousy seasons because I am a true fan. I will do so with the republican party. You've never truely been a Republican and much less a Conservative or you would still be one.

Bush may have done some things wrongs but so did Clinton and he got treated pretty bad for it as well but nothing like what Bush is getting. Liberals gloss over the Clinton years as if they were perfect. They wern't...period! What is being done to Bush is the same BS that was giving to Reagan during the 80's. In fact, Reagan has been dead now for over 2 years and people are still making hateful comments about the man. Whats is it with liberals making fun of the way Bush (and Reagan) speak? Why call these men stupid. Why call them liers? Why call for Bush's assasination? They do it because they are intorrant, and they are filled to the brim with hate and rage. And this didn't just begin after the invasion of Iraq. It was going on during the capaign before the 2000 election. I know it because I remember seeing it on the idiot box.

By the way, I'm not trying to attack you in any way and I do apologize for the comments concering your career. It's just that, while I've only joined about 2 weeks ago, I've been reading this forum for about 2 years and I am quite familiar with the Bush and America hating here.

Anyway, sorry for veering off topic.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by War_Monger
Eastcost, you ever hear of a wonderful Democrat by the name of Zell Milller?

Zell Miller is an unrepentent racist, fascist fool. Call it whatever you like. If you hold him up as some kind of hero, then I truly question your judgement.

I'm a NY Mets fan.

Sorry to hear. I like the Yanks, myself. Oh yeah, and the Braves, bein southern & all.

You've never truely been a Republican and much less a Conservative or you would still be one.

Uh, that's your opinion, and you know they say about that.

By the way, get a clue, NEOCONSERVATIVES are NOT Republican. Your hero Miller is a NEOCON, too. Like his buddy Sore Loserman.

Bush may have done some things wrongs but so did Clinton and he got treated pretty bad for it as well but nothing like what Bush is getting.

Boo hoo. I couldn't stand Clinton. Pretty Republican of me, eh?

Liberals gloss over the Clinton years as if they were perfect. They wern't...period! What is being done to Bush is the same BS that was giving to Reagan during the 80's. In fact, Reagan has been dead now for over 2 years and people are still making hateful comments about the man. Whats is it with liberals making fun of the way Bush (and Reagan) speak? Why call these men stupid. Why call them liers? Why call for Bush's assasination? They do it because they are intorrant, and they are filled to the brim with hate and rage. And this didn't just begin after the invasion of Iraq. It was going on during the capaign before the 2000 election. I know it because I remember seeing it on the idiot box.

I call this a lot of displaced rage. I worry about anyone who still boils with anger over the Clinton years. They're done. They're gone. Thank God. Move on. This is now Bushworld, remember? And BushCo. is doing its level best to bring upon us Armageddon. For no f-in good reason; other than to stoke the NeoCons' ambition towards greed and power.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 07:40 PM

I tried to be nice. I tried to complement you. Thats done. You are one of the biggest racist bigots on the net. You have your reward.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by War_Monger

I tried to be nice. I tried to complement you. Thats done. You are one of the biggest racist bigots on the net. You have your reward.


You'll have to explain that statement. It holds no water.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 10:44 AM

SweatmonicaIdo I did not know that Lou Dobbs is a life long conservative Republican. Are you sure? Dobbs is often very critical of republicans on a littany of issues. Then again, I too am critical of republicans on some issues and Iv'e been a conservative since i'm 13 so I guess it's possible.

There is a saying that goes "the people you hurt the most are whom you love the most." Dobbs is highly critical of the Republican Party, yes, but has to do with the simple fact that the Republican party of today is infested with special interest groups, corporate power, right-wing religious leaders, Zionists, and fascists. He mainly looks at things from an economic standpoint, which he does very well. For one thing, he blasted President Bush and his constituents for claiming that homosexuality is destroying the Amercan family and the traditional marriage. Dobbs instead said it was because of the crappy economy. Dobbs is the People's Voice, whether you agree with him on a personal level or not.

I'm a NY Mets fan. I Have been all my life. I've stuck with the team when they won the 86 series and when they had lousy seasons because I am a true fan.

Okay, if you're 13, how in Heaven can you have "stuck with the team" since they won the 1986 World Series? You would've been still a good six or seven years away from being born. Explain that to me, Mets Boy.

Enjoy your post-season run, btw. Atlanta's run starts all over again in 2007.

Also, I'm not trying to be condescending or anything, but where are you getting the idea that supporting a political party is like supporting a sports team? Again, not trying to be condescending, but that really shows a lack of understanding of what politics really is all about.

On a sidenote, I really don't mind the influx of conservative voices on TV news. In fact, some of my favorite news people are of conservative origin, such as Lou Dobbs, Joe Scarborough, and Tucker Carlson. They don't pull in the ratings of Hannity and O'Reilly, but that's because they're better.

[edit on 12-8-2006 by sweatmonicaIdo]

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Okay, if you're 13, how in Heaven can you have "stuck with the team" since they won the 1986 World Series? You would've been still a good six or seven years away from being born. Explain that to me, Mets Boy.

Where did I say that I'm 13. I told EastCostKid that I'm 31. I don't even think that is in this thread.

Also, I'm not trying to be condescending or anything, but where are you getting the idea that supporting a political party is like supporting a sports team? Again, not trying to be condescending, but that really shows a lack of understanding of what politics really is all about.

Its called an analogy. Open your mind and use some imagination.

On a sidenote, I really don't mind the influx of conservative voices on TV news. In fact, some of my favorite news people are of conservative origin, such as Lou Dobbs, Joe Scarborough, and Tucker Carlson. They don't pull in the ratings of Hannity and O'Reilly, but that's because they're better.

Ok, Great. But as far as Hannity and O'reilly go, you have your opinion and the majority has theirs

the Republican party of today is infested with special interest groups, corporate power, right-wing religious leaders, Zionists, and fascists.

The Democratic party of today is likewise infested with special interest groups, corporate power, and fascists. Right wing religious leaders are Americans too. Don't they desearve a voice as equal and as loud as atheists, militant environmentalists, anti gun/anti second amendment lobby, extremist animal rights groups, and the proponents of the infant holocost...all left wing "special interest groups"? I could name more but my fingers would get too tired. Ohh, leave the Zionists alone. Jesus is watching you

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by War_Monger
You know, liberals never cease to amaze me.

You know, some ATS members never cease to amaze me. May I remind you that you're posting on ATS at the moment and not PTS. No political bickering is allowed on ATS.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:18 AM
You said in your first reply to me:

Iv'e been a conservative since i'm 13 so I guess it's possible.

I'm not a Democrat.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:33 AM

I did not say that I'm 13. I said that I've been a conservative republican since I'm 13. Note the difference? I was born in 1976. The Mets won the series 10 years later in, you guessed it, 1986. Gary Carter played a hell of a game. I don't know why you are confussed.

I didn't accuss you of being a democrat. I'm not that nasty

[edit on 12-8-2006 by War_Monger]

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 03:38 PM
Putting The "Polite" In Politics

Originally posted by TheBandit795
You know, some ATS members never cease to amaze me. May I remind you that you're posting on ATS at the moment and not PTS. No political bickering is allowed on ATS.

I would like to add that name-calling and insults aren't allowed on PTS either.

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Abusive behavior is contrary to the T&C and a problem I have vowed to combat, so please...

Let's just be nice, focus on the topic (Jordanian correspondents protesting Fox) and avoid further unpleasantness.

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