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Political Groups

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posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 11:13 PM
The difference between republicans and democrats? The groups that make up the parties! In 2004, and 2000, and 1996, and 1993, you get the point, the Republican Party bought the KKK membership list so they knew who to go to for support. Democrats went to the ACLU and PETA. Now what is the difference? Republicans have had several members of the KKK and Nazi supporters in their ranks in the past. Democrats have had animal lovers and pot smokers.

Conservatives have made couples living together who aren't married illegal.(North Carolina) COnservatives have made sodomy, both oral and anal, illegal in several states. Conservatives made it illegal for blacks to eat in the same eateries as white, diddo for schools, this was known as the Jim Crow Laws. Conservatives, like GW's grand daddy gave millions to Hitler. Conservatives currently controlled not by the people but by Big Business and Pat Robertson and his ilk.

But they have fought against gun bans. Conservaitves have fought for tax breaks, for the rich yes but for tax breaks.

At least the liberals just want to sit around and get stoned while having sex with a dozen people and a mule. Liberals have made it legal for Gays to leave the house without being killed. Liberals have made it legal for blacks to vote. Liberals have made it legal for women to vote. Liberals have made it illegal to use child labor.

But Liberals also fight against gun rights. They support tax and spend.(Usually, Clinton, a Dem, spent less then GWB or GHWB or Reagan, all republicans)

Greenpeace? Enviroment Protectors. ACLU? Rights Protectors, even of Nazi's and KKK members. PETA? Animal Rights.

KKK? Kill blacks, and gays, and Jews. WKK? Kill blacks, and gays, and Jews. CCC? Kill blacks, and gays, and Jews. Neo-Nazis? Kill blacks, and gays, and Jews. Army of God? Kill atheists, Jews, doctors, nurses, women who have premarital sex. Radical Islamics? Kill Jews, Christians, Europeans, Americans. Zionist Jews? Take over the world!
CCC, cureently being sued for firing a white person who wouldn't spy on his black co-workers or bosses

Why is it Liberal groups are about rights of anyone and anything(Except guns, used to kill people) while conservative groups are about the mass slaughter and genocide of everyone not them?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Dudleyville
Republicans have had several members of the KKK and Nazi supporters in their ranks in the past. Democrats have had animal lovers and pot smokers.

I hate to "bust your bubble" of historical ignorance but....

there have been many Democrats who have been members of the KKK. George Wallace, former Alabama governor and Democratic presidential candidate, was a member of the KKK for one. In fact,
Harry Truman apparently was a member of the KKK. It is dangerous to make such broad generalizations to label one party pure while demonizing the Republicans.

As for saying that Democrats love animals and the Republicans don't, you obviously forgot all about Richard Nixon's beloved dog, Checkers. You can't say that Nixon didn't absolutely love the dog that, for all intents and purposes, saved his political career.

Be careful about generalizations.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:18 AM
You forgot Larry Byrd, who apologized for his involvement in the KKK. He is a democrat.

But... Then you have Strum Thurmon(sp?) who supported the KKK, was heavily racist, who ran for president. Or tried, don't know if he ever made it past the primaries because even he was to racist for the republicans.

Also, George Wallace also apologized! Hmmm, democrats apologize, republicans run for president on a platform of making blacks, well keeping blacks, 2nd class citizens.

And Nixon? You are really using Nixon, Mr. I'm Not a Crook, I just rig elections?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Spending money is what the government does best.

[edit on 7-8-2006 by nogirt]

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:25 AM
You're liberal propagand is really shocking.
Using a few facts to demonize one party and push an agenda. Of course you won't say that democrats were the ones that kept slavery and caused a civil war. Democrats formed many groups that kept seperation in the south for 100 years. About animal lovers you may not live in CA but the nominee Phil Angiledes destroyed our enviorment violated our clean water act and was taken to court to stop his devolpment on wet lands. But keep telling yourself democrats are holy. As you lie in your shell you will shrug these facts off because they don't suite you.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 11:36 AM
Democrats kept Slavery? Like Lincoln Did? I know this will be hard to explain to a neorepublican, but Lincoln was a liberal.

He supported Big Government
He supported Tax and Spend
He supported equal rights

In fact, if you take a class on American Government you will(should anyways) be given a timeline of the political parties where they show how Lincoln's republican party starts out liberal and becomes the Democratic party. Also, what caused the Civil War was the SOuth, the CONSERVATIVES, breaking away. Slavery was not the cause for the Civil War it was the Conservatives wanting to keep blacks as property so they broke away from the Union, and Mr. Big Government didn't like that.

Let's see, that kills about 60% of your post...

And which wetlands? The new ones Bush "created" by changing the definition of a wetland or a real wetland? Because under Bush's new rules pools, ditches, and New Orleans are new Wetlands. I'm not kidding, they included New Orleans after Katrina to show that Bush created something like 200,000+ wetland acres. Good job Conservatives.

ANd to Nogrit, Sending Money isn't what they do best, Taxing Us then Spending Our Money is what They do Best.

EDIT: And NO ONE'S touched on the fact that the COnservative groups are all about committing Genocide. Radical Muslims want Genocide of Jews and Christians, KKK want Genocide of Blacks and Jews and Gay, diddo for CCC, WKK, and Neo-Nazis. Army Of God just wants to kill doctors and nurses. COuld it be jealousy? was AOG started by a college drop out who didn't have what it took to become a doctor?

[edit on 11-8-2006 by Dudleyville]

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 01:34 PM
What about the NRA? Oh sure they formed like a week after the KKK or whichever hate group it was that got banned so they were probably the same group under a new name, but still, NRA doesn't want genocide like the other Conservative groups.

And ALF, a liberal group, commits arson. Ok they've never killed anyone, and they've never said kill people, but they do commit violent crimes. Not peace loving hippies are they?

But yes, the conservative groups, no matter which nation they are in, are pretty much commit genocide on X, Y, and Z. At least in America they have the right to go out and march and chant death to blacks, or gays, or jews, or hispanics, or whoever else they want to commit ethnic cleansing on.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Dudleyville
You forgot Larry Byrd, who apologized for his involvement in the KKK. He is a democrat.

I think you meant ROBERT BYRD. Larry BIRD was one of the Boston Celtics.

And most southern Democrats were AGAINST JFK's proposed civil rights legislation.

What is the point of this ridiculous post, anyway?

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:04 PM
I think it is the pot calling the kettle black, except the kettle would have killed the pot because the pot is black. Although, he does have a point, the democrats mostly apologized, except for the ones who became republicans.

He does have a point, except for the NRA most republican/conservative groups around the world just calls for genocide of groups X, Y, and Z. While most democratic groups/liberals are "Save the world man, save the trees man, save the animals man, now where's my bong? The pot makes me forget where I put it."

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 12:24 AM

The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge.
Four years later, Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican to win the White House.
The Republicans of the day worked to pass the Thirteenth Amendment, which outlawed slavery, the Fourteenth, which guaranteed equal protection under the laws, and the Fifteenth, which helped secure voting rights for African-Americans.
The Republican Party also played a leading role in securing women the right to vote. In 1896, Republicans were the first major party to favor women's suffrage. When the 19th Amendment finally was added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control. The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917.
They are the heart and soul of the party. Republicans have a long and rich history with basic principles: Individuals, not government, can make the best decisions; all people are entitled to equal rights; and decisions are best made close to home.
Abolishing slavery. Free speech. Women's suffrage. These are all stances the Republican Party, in opposition to the Democratic Party, adopted early on.
Republicans fought to abolish slavery, give blacks equal rights and then the vote. Many Republican politicians risked their careers on that period's "third rail" of politics.


I hate it when that happens!!!!


posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:04 AM
I hate to break it to you but the Republican Party, the original one, became the Democratic Party. A new Republican Party was formed after the original one became Democrat.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 05:37 AM
Didn't burst my bubble.

History is what it is.

Those that have been ashamed of the Democrats have been saying that for years. Yet. History is History.


posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 06:07 AM
okay okay... so we've got a problem here... first and fore most Dudely... you arent helping the liberal movement by shouting out of your arse.... I understand that you feel passionate... so do I ... I am a DIE hard moderate liberal... however... it is important to remmember that we cannot have a purely left society... we have to have conseravtivism and they need us too...

Now... while it has been emprically proven that conservativism does tend to lead towards authoritarianism and can of worms that entails...John deans Conservates without conscience... scientifically backed up book... dont believe me check it out.... anyways... Dems are not saints.. infact the are generally the exact opposite... much of the Clinton Foreign policy has helped shape whats happening now....

The problem in our governments around the world cannot be attrributed to Conservatives or Liberals alone... what it is... is the people who are there... not hier party affiliation... it is thier morals and values... they lie... they cheat... they steal... they ruin peoples lives... Right or Left.....

If you want some prime examples of what happens when liberalism goes to far... look at our court systems today... OJ simpson just to name ONE.... need another Political correctness... yep that was a liberal thing....

So i think what would be a better argument is that Conservative extremism and liberal extremism are both bad... but thats just me

oo and dudely... be nice to semper... hes not a neoconservative... hes a conservative and its not a dirty word.... your intellorance of a different political ideaology is the kind of attitude that will lock our generation into the same vicous political cycle of baiting and sniping... not to mention hes my buddy and I got his back....

[edit on 15-8-2006 by Elsenorpompom]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 06:29 PM
why can't anyone understand the shift from liberal to conservative (and vice versa) in american political parties over the last 150 or so years?

it's obvious that american history courses either do not adequetly teach the students the dynamics of historical american politics OR many people weren't paying attention.


demoncrats USED to = conservative
republicans USED to = liberal

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
why can't anyone understand the shift from liberal to conservative (and vice versa) in american political parties over the last 150 or so years?
it's obvious that american history courses either do not adequetly teach the students the dynamics of historical american politics OR many people weren't paying attention.
demoncrats USED to = conservative
republicans USED to = liberal

Exactly what I said. I think maybe not all schools teach the same thing. My Government teacher spent an entire quarter(half a semester) on the different parties and how they formed. He had a nifty Timeline as a border over the blackboard and you could follow it and see what/where/when parties formed and died. It is old though, stops at 1993.

Although I think they were called the Republic Democrats when they first formed then lost the Republic before FDR.

Also, Washington, Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, LIBERALS!!!! All wanted a bigger government, not the 13 nations making one nation and all seperate. Also they weren't that big a fan of religon. Thankfully back then Abortion wasn't an issue since Abortion didn't become a sin until the early 1900's. And the tax system wasn't running that well so didn't need to worry about tax and spend like the... Wait, Clinton was a republican when it came to spending while Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. spent trillions.(Maybe not Bush Sr., he didn't last long enough, although how much did he spend to invade Iraq when it WAS a threat?)

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 05:03 PM
It is easy to think of past presidents as Liberal when using the modern example that further perpetuates the historical significance and refuses to accept and evaluate the social deviations between the "times."

The only accurate appraisal of what possibly occurred in some theoretical transference of ideologies in the past, as it pertains to political parties; could only come about with a mind set of an equally historical perspective.

Who is to say what was truly Liberal in the 19th Century? Or Conservative? Only one with the unique advantage of having lived in those times and I am somewhat positive that does not include anyone on here.

How very easy it is to consider a President in the 19th Century as Liberal, when looking through the eyes of the 21st Century. The decisions made then effected and affected the citizens on levels impossible to comprehend today.

Still, if that is what makes it easier to embrace the history of either political party, then I suppose you should continue. I for one intend on sticking with the historical timeline as it exists, not as I wish to perceive it.


posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
why can't anyone understand the shift from liberal to conservative (and vice versa) in american political parties over the last 150 or so years?

it's obvious that american history courses either do not adequetly teach the students the dynamics of historical american politics OR many people weren't paying attention.


demoncrats USED to = conservative
republicans USED to = liberal

Lincoln was against the Supreme Court ruling in the Dredd Scott case.
Lincoln was for using military force/action. Not exactly liberal for today.
Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus which is what Bush is being criticized for.
Lincoln stopped newspapers and put reporterd he disagreed with in jail.
Lincoln was a product of the Greek revival and believed in the transcendtal ideals of the nation's founding, which agrees with conservative principles of today.

There seems to be some belief that the parties got together and said "Switch!"...
Fact: JFK voted against Civil Rights legislation.
Fact: Al Gores father, also a democrat, was against the Civil Rights Act of 1963 and 1964. It was the Democrats who filibustered it.... and that was just 40 years ago.

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