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When will the US start using their oil.

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posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Never having children, could care less about my parents, and the human race is'nt the most important species. We are the most suffisticated, yes, but not the most important, or superior species.

Wow... For someone who thinks humans aren't superior that's quite an arrogant statement.

Much meaning there is'nt enough to support America by itself, and it's not like we're getting more and more from the places we have there, true we do get an economic amount, but that will start to become less and less until it's gone.

I thought you didn't believe it will ever be gone?

We'll start using our reserves when they are required. Unfortunately by that time they may have already been stolen by the Chinese.

posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 04:03 PM
Never having children, could care less about my parents, and the human race is'nt the most important species. We are the most suffisticated, yes, but not the most important, or superior species.

Obviosly you have some personal problems that I won't get into. But if humans aren't the most important species on this planet, what is. Sorry to change the subject but I had to ask that.

posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by steve99
Never having children, could care less about my parents, and the human race is'nt the most important species. We are the most suffisticated, yes, but not the most important, or superior species.

Obviosly you have some personal problems that I won't get into. But if humans aren't the most important species on this planet, what is. Sorry to change the subject but I had to ask that.

I don't have any personal problems.

There is none, some species are more important than others in some respects, but there is no supreme species.

On a side note, technically parasites are the top species, even though there not sentient.

I thought you didn't believe it will ever be gone?

When did I ever say that?
Of course oil will eventually be gone, probably in 30-40 years.

[edit on 8/6/2006 by iori_komei]


posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
By the time we finidsh the worlds wells off, whci I don't think will ever happen, we will hopefeully be using a renewable cleaner energy source.

Did I misinterpret?

posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by apc

Originally posted by iori_komei
By the time we finidsh the worlds wells off, whci I don't think will ever happen, we will hopefeully be using a renewable cleaner energy source.

Did I misinterpret?

Actually, yes.

What I mean/t is that I think we will be using a different energy source way before that would happen, I'm not saying it'll never run out, since if we keep using it, it will, but I don't think we'll get to the point where we use it up.


posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 07:03 AM
Ah. Well then I stand corrected. However I would disagree. I do not think we will ever truely "suck them dry"... we may be able to reduce the output to a trickle, but I dont see it to be really possible to draw every last drop from the ground. There will always be hydrocarbons that flow back into the pools from the surrounding rock, plus the snails pace of new production. There are plenty of old pumps in my area that ground to a halt in the early 90s, only to start pumping again in recent years. Before, the output had dropped so low that it wasn't profitable. Now, there's money to be made again.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 10:25 AM
The Fed, the Gov't, the Oil drillers & distributers, are harvesting the oil & gas
right now, their just managing and husbanding the resources in a type of
rationing mode...rather than Glutting the world oil markets with excess product.
[[but why exploit the untouched reserves now, at $75 per bbl, when after the
planned wars that same reserves will demand +$200 per bbl??]]

more & newer gasoline Refineries will not need to be created, because of the elites
push for switching to Ethanol and bio-diesel fuels.

Over in europe, unprecented shut downs of nuclear power plants have been
brought about because of the worldwide heat waves, and some emergency
dumping of those plants' reactor cooling water into rivers that were once
teeming with fish & waterfowls. And your suggesting the US get into the same
predicument as the aloof French, German, EU nations...with their Nuclear
Generating Plant shutdowns & hot water pollutions?

people freezing??? where in antarctica? heck, every icesheet & glacier is
rapidly melting, the previously frozen tundras & sibera are thawing every year
...besides, when the expected balmy winters arrive, we'll all be wearing
T's & SPF40 according to the Global Warming zealots

Is not the Libs or Environmentalists that have the power to 'allow'...
its the power of the pen by the President to quickly enact
Execuitive Orders or direct the national policy & focus concerning oil, energy, et al

Originally posted by steve99
So when do you think the US will start to harvest the oil reserves we have. We have them off California, Florida, off the East coast. We have it in Alaska and we have the oil shale in the Colorado/utah areas. When will the EPA allow more refinerys to be built and what about those oil saving nuclear power plants. When will this come about, when the oil suppliers don't want to sell to us anymore. How long will it be, when people are freezing in their houses.
When will the libs and the enviromentalists allow these to happen.

It's all managed and fascist-capitalism at that.
And what you mean by 'our' oil, the 'we' do not own those reserves...
'we' are only the minions who are allowed to purchase our
predetermined allotment of gas-oil-energy-resources

[edit on 7-8-2006 by St Udio]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 12:14 PM
To all those that want to put yourself above the environment. If you rune your house A.K.A. the Earth. Ware will you live. This house is in trouble because of the give-me attitude of alot of us. So your rightly worried about your heat and your cars, but not giving one thought to the fact that we are wrecking our planet and when its gone were gone. you wont have to worry anymore about your heat and your car because you and your family will not exist. It simple folks take care of the planet and it will take care of you.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by SenHeathen

I can understand not wanting to dumpoil all over the ground but look in Alaska now and you will see the extremely long pipeline there now isnt causing any problems.

We need to invest more in alt energy resources. We cant replace oil with one or even 2 alt energy resources but we will need many. Ethanol, biodiesel, nuke power, wind, solar still needs some work to be a more widespread option......its not just the govt that needs to do this, the people need to do it to because they are the ones that can make the greatest impact. I for one have invested a small amount in a biodiesel comp and a solar company. Put your money where your mouth is people and help support it.

Spoke too soon, Sen... I just got this in the email:

Major Alaskan Oil Field Shutting Down

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - In a sudden blow to the nation's oil supply, half the production on Alaska's North Slope was being shut down Sunday after BP Exploration Alaska, Inc. discovered severe corrosion in a Prudhoe Bay oil transit line.

BP officials said they didn't know how long the Prudhoe Bay field would be off line. "I don't even know how long it's going to take to shut it down," said Tom Williams, BP's senior tax and royalty counsel.

Once the field is shut down, in a process expected to take days, BP said oil production will be reduced by 400,000 barrels a day. That's close to 8 percent of U.S. oil production as of May 2006 or about 2.6 percent of U.S. supply including imports, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

A 400,000-barrel per day reduction in output would have a major impact on oil prices, said Tetsu Emori, chief commodities strategist at Mitsui Bussan Futures in Tokyo.

"Oil prices could increase by as much as $10 per barrel given the current environment," Emori said. "But we can't really say for sure how big an effect this is going to have until we have more exact figures about how much production is going to be reduced."

Officials at BP, a unit of the London-based company BP PLC (BP), learned Friday that data from an internal sensing device found 16 anomalies in 12 locations in an oil transit line on the eastern side of the field. Follow-up inspections found "corrosion-related wall thinning appeared to exceed BP criteria for continued operation," the company said in a release.

Workers also found a small spill, estimated to be about 4 to 5 barrels. A barrel contains 42 gallons of crude oil. The spill has been contained and clean up efforts are under way, BP said. "Our production while all this is in place is going to be marginal," said Will Vandergriff, spokesman for Gov. Frank Murkowski. "That presents some technical problems because it's a high capacity line and it's meant to be filled."

and did you know...

BP previously said it would replace a 3-mile segment of pipeline following inspections conducted after up to 267,000 gallons of oil spilled onto the frozen ground about 250 miles above the Arctic Circle in March.

More on Alaskan situation:

Oil Prices Rise As Market Watches Alaska
Oil strikes $76 on BP field shutdown

I think biodiesel is fine for local applications, like farmers running tractors, milk plants, etc. But as a replacement industry for motor gasoline in general? It's literally taking food from the mouths of starving babies and I won't support it. Rather see boxes of corn flakes flying off the shelf. Now if it's with some worthless weed? That's a little more like it.

Nature vs. nurture, eh?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:15 PM
let me give you a perspective from someone that DOES live in the KEYS.

If the offshore drilling is allowed to happen it WILL destroy one of the most fragile ecosystems in the world.. The coral reef here is EXTREMELY deicate... I know that doesnt mean a hill of squat to some people but to our economy here in the keys where tourism and fishing are our sole sources of income it will devistate this area.
How about we build a refinery in your backyard steve99?

After all the problem isnt that we dont have enough oil... the problem is the lack of refineries. Drilling off the coast of florida is the stupidest Idea in a long line of stupid ideas... and many will realize that once its too late.

The measure has already been approved but Jeb Bush is trying to get the distance changed from 50 miles off shore to 100 miles off shore... for all the good that will do.
Tell me, steve99, when my way of life is destroyed are you gonna pay my bills?
didnt think so.

If we spent all the time and money that we spend in oil drilling... and took that into R&D we wouldve already solved the problem ...kinda like Brazil is about to do.

More oil is the lazy richmans way to continue to rape the natural world for their own control and benefit... maranate on that for a minute...

And lastly.. once again this should not be a partisan issue... but once again you make it one... I am not a liberal I am not a conservative.. I AM AN AMERICAN who cares a great deal about where I live.

so drill in your own damned area and leave the keys alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:34 PM
Here is all the press releases by the Department of Energy on their website about the Area 181 that dgtempe was referring to. Leases have indeed been filed. Thankfully everything will have to be at least 100 miles offshore here in Florida. If I can barely see Cuba from 90 miles away in Key West, I do not believe a speck 10 miles farther will scar my view while sitting back on Ft Desoto beach in St Pete.

I myself am researching some interesting energy options for the Southwest US.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:40 PM
DYepes, thanks for the link... ANd I guess Jeb did get it pushed back to 100 miles.

Sure our view wont be obstructed... at leats until the first spill once the oil spill creeps up to our shores though.. the damage will have been done.

Like I said this is a really really bad Idea.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 06:40 PM
Well my timing sucked now didnt it?

But with as long as that pipe has been there, wear and tear happens. But they should of been keeping a better eye on it and cleaning it up shouldnt be too hard and should be done, I mean hell its cold, it couldnt of spread too much. Spend what they need to spend cleaning it up and get the oil flowing again.

And yes VO biodiesel could be said to be taking food out of peoples mouths but if used from WVO its not. In that form its actually going to HELP the environment. Like I said, none will replace oil but they can combined put a nice dent in it and oil use can be taken down to only absolute need for it.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 05:11 AM
I am sorry but it is proven that my state of California home of San Fransico " hey every state has it's faults right"
90% of the oil used here comes from you know where here.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by angryamerican
To all those that want to put yourself above the environment. If you rune your house A.K.A. the Earth. Ware will you live.

Technically we can destroy this planet ( in terms of making survival on the surface impossible for ourselves) tens times over and still not seriously threaten the survival of the species as we will have long since found solutions to live underground or do whatever it takes. The more short sighed you are the worse off you will be so no problem in that regard.

This house is in trouble because of the give-me attitude of alot of us. So your rightly worried about your heat and your cars, but not giving one thought to the fact that we are wrecking our planet and when its gone were gone.

There is nothing we can do to physically destroy the planet ( well nothing most scientist will admit to ) and nothing short of that is going to mean the end of our species. If people want to wreck their local environment that is their business and shouting at them about their selfish actions is rather pointless if you can not provide them with the alternatives with which they can sustain their current living standard. Expecting people to lower their expectations of life is NOT the way to go and if that's all you got you got nothing at all.

you wont have to worry anymore about your heat and your car because you and your family will not exist. It simple folks take care of the planet and it will take care of you.

Natural disasters have little or nothing to do with humanity and it still kills us. We have good evidence of massive upheavals and destruction on this planet in recent human history and there is certainly nothing humans could have done to either cause or prevent it. I for one believe that we are influencing the weather to a great extent, these days, but it's not in the way you suggest and pollution wont be the end of us.


posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by apc
There is certainly no need to go into a debate over why expecting nuclear power to solve everything is a true pipe dream.

Tell it to the French or South Koreans....

I happily generalize because people who make proclamations against oil and how we can't hurt the poor elk or fish, are usually high and spend most of their time unemployed. Just my experience talking...

Funny how the rest of the world has to lower their standard of living but not them.
I am not sure why you think these types are normally unemployed but we can at least agree that they are trying to solve a problem that isn't really one.

Learning isn't doing.

But doing without knowledge will be learning at the expense of not only yourself.....

Oil wont last.

Says who? Found this today and i have quite the argument to make towards defending the reality that it will last at least for half a century or more ( before we need to consider serious change ).

But there's no "hoping" for a replacement. Hope is a delusion.

Hope is all most people have considering the forces ranged against them. Attacking hope is not the way to go ....

A fabrication of a weak unmotivated mind. Action is required.

Hope is not the luxury you imagine it to be and all the action taking place on the planet is not really moving humanity in any 'good' direction either. Action without consideration or understanding ( well 'they' sure know where they are going) might not kill you immediately but that has more to do with luck than the general 'benefits derive automatically from action' dogma.

Without action, we will perish.

And with action we might perish even faster.

And we'll probably take the environment down with us. So, kill a few coral today, or boil the oceans tomorrow.

The environment should not be our main concern as it will likely recover in the long run whether we survive as a species or not. What we CAN try do is create a sustainable system where whatever our mistakes are they do not automatically lead to either the destruction of us or the biosphere.


posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 06:26 PM
For all you people complaining about drilling in Alaska. Do you have any idea how large AK is? It is not like it is some small area like Rhode Island. Nobody lives in AK. Drill a few wells and get it over with. And if some leaks out, guess what happens? It sinks back down into the earth eventually. You act like the world never has had problems before man was here. If we kill ourselves off big deal. The world will fix itself and start anew. Just like when the dinosaurs were wiped out. Give me a break and go hug a cactus.


posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 07:11 PM


Sorry, that gave me a headache.


This is nice and all, but you know... headache...


Everyone has an opinion.


Like this one.


Learning to spell doesnt mean you can write a novel.


All the hope in the world wont give us a new fuel.


Regurgitating the same old song and dance doesn't really cut it. There's no "lowering of standards". Tell that to the French or the South Koreans. To my knowledge they dont have hippies running around complaining about the poor fish in one breath, and protesting nuclear power with the next. There are tons of arguments on both sides of the table regarding the longevity of known oil stocks. Have fun with that one if you wish. And Im not attacking hope. Im attacking a dependence on hope. The use of 'hope' as an excuse for inaction.

Indeed creating a sustainable solution is the goal. However, complaining about all the problems with the current one is not a way to reach it. Shooting ourselves in the foot with ecoradicalism makes things just a little difficult.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by AKNative
For all you people complaining about drilling in Alaska. Do you have any idea how large AK is? It is not like it is some small area like Rhode Island. Nobody lives in AK. Drill a few wells and get it over with. And if some leaks out, guess what happens? It sinks back down into the earth eventually. You act like the world never has had problems before man was here. If we kill ourselves off big deal. The world will fix itself and start anew. Just like when the dinosaurs were wiped out. Give me a break and go hug a cactus.

It does'nt matter if anyone lives there or not, lots of animals live there,
along with many sub/arctic plants.

If some leaks out it will effect the surrounding environment negatively.

The world did'nt have half the amount of problem it has because of us.

If we wipe ousrselves out, we'll tak all life on the planet with us,
there's a big difference between the death of the dinosaurs and us,
they were just animals, who were killed because of a freak natural
disaster and a lack of being able to adapt.
We're intelligent, we'll do whatever we can to survive, and anything
that can wipe us out will destroy everything.

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