posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 10:10 AM
As Condaleeza Rice conducts her "shuttle diplomacy" missions and the governments of the Western world discuss the Israeli/Lebanon/Hezb'allah
conflict, there has been increasing talk of sending U.N. Peace Keepers to the region. My question is a simple one. Should any U.N. Peace Keeper
mission to the region include American troops?
My own answer to this question is a resounding NO. First, I would have to say that the U.S. should not be part of any Peace Keeper mission to the
region. The U.S. military is already stretched -- perhaps to it's limit.
Secondly, I fear that any U.S. troops would only incite Hezb'allah fighters to attack them. That is, the Hezb'allah fighters already perceive the
U.S. as being behind Israel and their current incursion into Lebanon. This would, certainly, cause Hezb'allah to attack U.S. troops even if they
were under the U.N. flag and wearing blue U.N. berets. After all, it was only the early 1980's when over 200 marines were killed in a massive
Hezb'allah bomb attack. The U.S. Marines were in Lebanon, at that time, operating in a similar capacity. The presence of of U.S. troops in Lebanon
would, I fear, only serve to prompt similar attacks.
Finally, I cannot help but feel that other nation members of the U.N. should take on a greater Peace Keeping role. The U.S., G.B and other countries
already do more than share in trying to maintain peace throughout the region and the world.