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air in space i just seen a bbc newsround report

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posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 11:39 AM
about astranorts doing odd jobs on the space staion, and in the report thay showed the part off the space staion it was blowing around like a ballon ? not by the come we never see any stars in video reports and we onley see parts where the earth is and not a 360 turn ? i smell a news cover up is there air in space

[edit on 4-8-2006 by leejones]

[edit on 4-8-2006 by leejones]

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 11:44 AM
There are no stars near the earth or the moon because they reflect too much light and blot out the stars. The stars are so far away that they're dim enough to be blotted out by not much light from another source.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 11:47 AM
so why was the space station moving like a ship in a weather storm and why do we onley see the earth in the video shot and not one off the full space staion. i donte no what it looks like ?

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 11:51 AM
Because everything is floating, and when it gets bumped it tends to keep moving. There is very little friction in space to stop things from moving around once they start moving. All it takes is a very small nudge to start something moving around.

Uhm, where exactly do you think the cameras are? They're ON the space station. It's not the easiest thing to show a picture of whatever the camera is mounted on, from the camera you know. If you ever watch the space shuttle docking you will see the entire space station.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by leejones
about astranorts doing odd jobs on the space staion, and in the report thay showed the part off the space staion it was blowing around like a ballon ? not by the come we never see any stars in video reports and we onley see parts where the earth is and not a 360 turn ? i smell a news cover up is there air in space
[edit on 4-8-2006 by leejones]

They do have engines on the space station. They collect natural gas from the astronauts and then convert it into a usable fuel. After 14 years, they would have enough to go to Mars.

You never seen any stars in space because you need special glasses. Because it is so dark, glasses similiar to night vision are necessary in order to see anything except the sun or the moon or the earth. They are also really expensive, so only 1 pair get taken aboard the space shuttle.

The earth in fact is not 360 degrees. It is exactly 248 degrees. This is why the entire earth is never shown in any photograph. Real estate agents have been selling land that does not exist for decades, but their money fuels the global media, which is why you never hear about it on TV.

Finally, you are right, there is air in space. But NASA has a multi-billion dollar contract with a space suit manufacturer who altered key evidence to show there was no air in space, thus the space suits were needed for breathing.


posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 12:33 PM
Wait... what? Natural gas from the astronauts? Seriously? That is AWESOME!
Are they required to eat beans before an EVA, too?

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 02:58 AM


Were off to go were no man has ever gone.....*passes out from stench*

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 07:22 PM

Finally, you are right, there is air in space. But NASA has a multi-billion dollar contract with a space suit manufacturer who altered key evidence to show there was no air in space, thus the space suits were needed for breathing.

I'm sorry, are you saying that there's breathable air in the vaccuum of space?
Please, elaborate an educate.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by MozartSeason

Finally, you are right, there is air in space. But NASA has a multi-billion dollar contract with a space suit manufacturer who altered key evidence to show there was no air in space, thus the space suits were needed for breathing.

I'm sorry, are you saying that there's breathable air in the vaccuum of space?
Please, elaborate an educate.

You read my whole post and that's the only statement you have a problem with?

Hmm, ok...

Yes, there is in fact breathable air in space. It is a little known fact, but astronauts on the International Space Station have been breathing outside air for some time. NASA hooked up some random filter to make it look official, but in fact they have a direct vent to the outside.

This came about because it was not practical to make the astronauts wear bulky spacesuits for months on end. To get around the issue, NASA purchased an "air filtration system" for 42.8 million dollars--from the same company that sells the spacesuits to NASA.

Back in the early days of space exploration, Russia would routinely send dogs and other animals into space. They would eventually die of course, but because their own feces would plug their sinus cavities in the zero-g environment. It had nothing to do with a shortage of environmental breathable air. If only the dogs knew how to open the window to the spaceship, they might be alive today. Zero-g has been proven to extend life expectancy by many powers of ten.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 05:35 PM
See, I thought you were just joking around before... But maybe I was wrong?

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by backtoreality

Originally posted by leejones
about astranorts doing odd jobs on the space staion, and in the report thay showed the part off the space staion it was blowing around like a ballon ? not by the come we never see any stars in video reports and we onley see parts where the earth is and not a 360 turn ? i smell a news cover up is there air in space
[edit on 4-8-2006 by leejones]

They do have engines on the space station. They collect natural gas from the astronauts and then convert it into a usable fuel. After 14 years, they would have enough to go to Mars.

You never seen any stars in space because you need special glasses. Because it is so dark, glasses similiar to night vision are necessary in order to see anything except the sun or the moon or the earth. They are also really expensive, so only 1 pair get taken aboard the space shuttle.

The earth in fact is not 360 degrees. It is exactly 248 degrees. This is why the entire earth is never shown in any photograph. Real estate agents have been selling land that does not exist for decades, but their money fuels the global media, which is why you never hear about it on TV.

Finally, you are right, there is air in space. But NASA has a multi-billion dollar contract with a space suit manufacturer who altered key evidence to show there was no air in space, thus the space suits were needed for breathing.

back to reality are you a comedien?You have some great material there


posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 06:46 PM
Im still snickering at the astrofart rocket fuel. Instant classic.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
See, I thought you were just joking around before... But maybe I was wrong?

Scary, isn't it? On this website you just can't know for sure.


I'll humor the OP though. If there was breathable air in space you would still want to heat it up before inhaling it. If you need proof of this, then stowaway in the landing gear bay of a 747 and see how cold you get.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Langolier

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
See, I thought you were just joking around before... But maybe I was wrong?

Scary, isn't it? On this website you just can't know for sure.


I'll humor the OP though. If there was breathable air in space you would still want to heat it up before inhaling it. If you need proof of this, then stowaway in the landing gear bay of a 747 and see how cold you get.

I will use this statement to validate my claim. The fact that air is much colder as altitude increases shows that air is in fact more dense in the upper levels of the atmosphere. Dense air implies more air per unit measurement, which actually means it would be easier to breathe in space than it would be standing on the earth.

It is very clear: for the next Space Shuttle launch this month, watch as the astronauts all get suited up to go into space, then take off the suits once they get there. The same goes for re-entry: into their suits and then remove them once they land. It is all a PR scheme to show the "necessity" of the space suits, when in fact they are more cumbersome than necessary.

To use the example of the 747: there is no use for a space suit on a long international flight, correct? Another easily looked over point that confirms there is plenty of breathable air in space. At 35,000ft you are above more than 90% of the Earth's atmosphere; yet, take a deep breath and everything is fine. The air is simply being channeled into the cabin from the outside. Why do you think they mention the cabin is "pressurized"?

Think of this the next time you up into the mountains and hear comments about the "fresh mountain air": It is not just a saying, it truely is.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by backtoreality
Why do you think they mention the cabin is "pressurized"?

Cabin Pressurization

Get educated!

Anyway, why don't you take a flight in an unpressurized plane. Hell, make it to MI and I'll take you up in one to about 13K feet. I'll go with an oxygen mask, but I'll leave you free to suffer from the effects of hypoxia.

[edit on 8/9/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:32 AM
So you mean EVERYONE is in on it, and ALWAYS makes sure to play along so that people get fooled? I mean you always see the military pilots wearing oxygen when they fly, and it WWII they had to develop systems to let them breath after B-17 pilots passed out from flying too high, and U-2 pilots wear space suits because they fly so high. So everyone that has anything to do with a plane is in on it huh? Interesting.

Pressurized air for the cabin comes from the compressor stages in the aircraft's jet engines. Moving through the compressor, the outside air gets very hot as it becomes pressurized. The portion drawn off for the passenger cabin is first cooled by heat exchangers in the engine struts and then, after flowing through ducting in the wing, is further cooled by the main air conditioning units under the floor of the cabin.

The cooled air then flows to a chamber where it is mixed with an approximately equal amount of highly filtered air from the passenger cabin. The combined outside and filtered air is ducted to the cabin and distributed through overhead outlets.

Inside the cabin, the air flows in a circular pattern and exits through floor grilles on either side of the cabin or, on some airplanes, through overhead intakes. The exiting air goes below the cabin floor into the lower lobe of the fuselage. The airflow is continuous and quickly dilutes odors while also maintaining a comfortable cabin temperature.

About half of the air exiting the cabin is immediately exhausted from the airplane through an outflow valve in the lower lobe, which also controls the cabin pressure. The other half is drawn by fans through special filters under the cabin floor, and then is mixed with the outside air coming in from the engine compressors.

These high efficiency filters are similar to those used to keep the air clean in hospitals. Such filters are very effective at trapping microscopic particles as small as bacteria and viruses. It is estimated that between 94 and 99.9 percent of the airborne microbes reaching these filters are captured.

Hmm, seems like engine air is ADDED to the cabin to increase the pressure.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
Cabin Pressurization

Get educated!

First, you are using a source that has the ability to be edited by anyone. I find it much more possible that you yourself altered/created that entry than the entry actually being true.

Secondly, this is what the industry leads us to believe. Do you not find it currious that air at higher altitudes can be cold, while less dense at the same time? Temperature and pressure have a direct relationship (see Boyle's Law). The manufacturers of these "pumps" are making billions I promise you--all to simply let the outside air in. Also consider the engineering of "ram air" systems for automotive applications. At 60mph, the ram air induction allows the air entering the engine to be pressurized, thus creating more horsepower. Imagine this same concept, but at 600mph--this is what is know as "cabin pressurization". It is a direct vent to the outside; no pumps or moving parts needed.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:42 AM
In know what the OP is talking about. I've seen old film of Skylab when it was still up, and that makeshift umbrella tarp they made to keep the thing from overheating used to flap all over the place, and it really looked like there was quite a breeze blowing up there. Of course, there wasn't but it sure looked like it.

I wonder if I can find some old Skylab film on the Holy Internet.

P.S. -- Found just the thing I was looking for right here:

Skylab tarp flapping in "wind"

Use the highest setting it offers, and you can see in the first 10 seconds of the video the Skylab tarp just flapping away. Interesting, huh?

[edit on 9-8-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:47 AM
Have you ever been on top of a tall mountain? Have you ever been up 13K feet in an unpressurized aircraft? I have, for the latter at least. It was a Cessna 150, which was crusing at about 90 knots, and is propeller drive, for the record.

Without an O2 supply, you will soon begin to feel the effects of Hypoxia. Why do you think mountain climbers take bottles of O2 with them? If the air was fine up there, would they even need them?

Originally posted by backtoreality
Imagine this same concept, but at 600mph--this is what is know as "cabin pressurization". It is a direct vent to the outside; no pumps or moving parts needed.

So... You're claiming that air is moving through the cabin of commercial airliners at 600+ mph?

[edit on 8/9/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:50 AM

If you think about it, it should be obvious that the lower you are in the atmosphere, the more air you have above you, and therefore the higher the air pressure. Indeed, the change in pressure with height is so regular that meteorologists use pressure as a vertical coordinate instead of height. So instead of seeing weather maps at, say, 1.5 km, you would see a map at 850 mb, which is approximately 1.5 km above sea level.

To convert from pressure to height, just remember two rules:

Sea level pressure is about 1000 mb;
For every 5.5 km increase in height, the air pressure decreases by a factor of two.

Air pressure decreases with height because as you move up through the
atmosphere, there is less and less air above you pushing down. Because
pressure decreases with height, air expands as it rises. When the air
expands, it uses up energy by pushing the surrounding air outward. The
molecules in the air lose energy and slow down. So air cools as it rises and
warms as it sinks. Rising air cools at a rate of 5.5 degrees F for every 1000

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