This slop fest in Iraq just keeps getting worse.
Of course there are many who dread the day our troops leave, but the current situation
is extremely dangerous for our soldiers.
Iraq's new Prime Minister leads Iraq ( as much as possible ) due to a democratic majority Shi'a vote.
Now the U.S. is supporting Israel against Hezbulloh, a Shi'a organization.
This is asking a tribe to take action against itself.
After years of Shi'a suppression, they're not going to stand for it.
Most people don't realize what we're up against here.
Hezbulloh has special ops teams deployed all over the world and they are extremely well trained.
If we dare to push things too far they will activate.
While these are militant factions, they represent a growing sentiment against Israel's allies, mainly U.S.
The U.S. tore itself apart during The American Civil War so I'm not at all surprised at what's going on.
Based on the lies of greedy power barons,
We're stuck in a heavily armed power grab to secure the flow of Middle Eastern oil.
We're trying to "convert" a destitue population to some manner of civilization that suites our needs.
We're there to expolit them, just like our founding fathers from Europe exploited every other
indigenous population who possessed something US CIVILIZED PEOPLE wanted.
Iraq's Prime Minister knows all about Emperial exploits dating back to Alexander The Great.
This War On Terror suites the powers that be perfectly well.
They profit tremendously from military industrial contracts.
That has become our primary industry. Not cars or machines or household appliances or the cloths on our backs.
Thanks to this administration the driving force in our economy has become the profession of
war. The machines, the security, the training all of it are the one industry we can't outsource.
As much as I want to see our troops home safely, I'm afraid we're already in the quicksand.
I think we'll be there for decades.
Ethnic MAP of Iraq
[edit on 4-8-2006 by FallenFromTheTree]