Well, as of this writing, 153 people have responded to the survey, which is about 44% of everyone who has visited the site since the survey went
online... a damn good slice of opinion, much better than anything Nielsen uses.
You can see the live tally here:
But here's the short story:
Question 1 was basic: Please give us your overall impression of AboveTopSecret.com's discussion board, and be as accurate as
61% said, "It rocks, easily one of the best boards on the Internet."
27% said, "Pretty good. Better than most boards."
Which means 88% of our members thinks ATS is above average or better. Not bad. But then, we might expect a high skew from regular members.
Question 2 might reveal more about our recent "turmoil": Please give us your general opinion of the overall membership of the
Abovetopsecret.com message board.
65% said, "Mostly very good. Some crazies are about, but most members are top-notch."
17% said, "Average. Just like any other message board."
For the most part, two-thirds believe our members are above average. Single-digit percentages define the other answers. Not bad, perhaps room for some
improvement here as we aspire to be more than just above average.
Question 7 had many people on the staff curious: What do you feel best describes your opinon of the way ATS/BTS is managed?
49% said, "Pretty good. Fair and even-handed control of a busy board."
33% said, "Average. Some things get through the cracks, but mostly it's okay."
This is a surprise. With some of the tone of complaint we've seen over the past few days, one-half of you think the management of ATS is fair and
even-handed, and one-third of you think it mostly okay. I must say I'm please to see this.
Question 9 implies that perhaps we need crisis intervention teams for people addicted to ATS: How many times a week do you visit
42% said, "More than once a day."
45% said, "Just about every day."
23% said, "Pretty much all day."
This means that
two-thirds of you are here more than once a day or more.
And finally, 23% mentioned they forget to click the Google ads, and only 20% say they click every day.
Thank you one and all for participating in this encouraging and helpful survey. More will be coming very soon.
[Edited on 30-10-2003 by William]