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hezbollah threatens tel aviv, how will the attack happen?

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posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:21 PM
hezbollah has issued a warning to isreal that any attack on beruit will open the door for an attack on tel aviv. we all know that isreal will again drop bombs into beruit, isreal knows this, hezbollah knows this, so i am to think hezbollah is making a case for their imminent attack on tel aviv.

what type of attack will this be? any missle that could reach tel aviv is going to b made in iran most likely. will it just be conventional or could we see a chemical , bio, or nuclear attack. if it is any of the above i question what would the appropiate responce be from isreal.

i think the stakes are about to be raised 100 fold ,because ive heard enough times that iran wants israel destroyed. hezbollah wants to push isreal into the ocean. so i think their wanted armagedon is about to be started.

now i ask these questions. what type of attack will we see? suicide bombing or missle attack? will it be conventional or will WMD be used. if its beyond a simple suicide bombing and if its something made in iran or wmd what type or response
should we expect from isreal , on who, and what type?

i dont think its going to be just a simple missle attack because hezbollah would have used it , or them already .they wouldnt have wanted to risk isreal destroying conventional longer range missles before they could make their point. so my uneducated thinking leads me to believe the stakes are about to be raised,so i expect some sort of small scale chemical attack . the ball has begun to roll , and its gaining momentum like we never could have imagined and i dont see it slowign down anytime soon. what will the response be from isreal, i dont want to see this but i could imagine one mushroom cloud growing in the desert somewhere inside iran. sort of a last chance warning to iran and the rest who want to destroy isreal. and if that doesnt stop the madness, i will begin to pray MORE for mankind.

now tell me, what do you think might happen, and what kind of reponse would b warrented.

forgive me for poor spelling or elementary grammar, or simply just a lame post.
may peace be with us all. if this belongs in another forum could a mod please move it, im a noob.sorry!

[edit on 3-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:54 PM
CNN just cut into an interview from Lebanon that said Beruit is being bombed. 10 strikes within 15 minutes.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:23 PM
They are just looking to destroy the place. Bombing Beirut is not accomplishing anything other than making thousands homeless.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:42 PM
LOL at anyone who seriously thinks this guy will back this up and hit Tel Aviv. If this happens i hope everyone calls me out, but it wont. They are not that crazy because basically once Tel Aviv is hit then the "gates of hell" that everyone talks about will really be open. Iran will get hit...Syrai at the least if not Iran.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
LOL at anyone who seriously thinks this guy will back this up and hit Tel Aviv. If this happens i hope everyone calls me out, but it wont. They are not that crazy because basically once Tel Aviv is hit then the "gates of hell" that everyone talks about will really be open. Iran will get hit...Syrai at the least if not Iran.

Wow you are saying Israel will hit other countries if their Capital gets hit in the same manner that they are doing to Lebanons capital? I would have to say that they are definitely in for some problems. They should be glad they have only lost 50 people so far. If they attacked on such a scale, Israel would lose thousands if not more. All that for 3 kidnapped soldiers. Kind of proves the point that they are willing to sacrifice innocent lives, even their own. No different from a terrorist.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by ThePieMaN]

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[edit on 3/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 8/3/2006 by Gools]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
forgive me for poor spelling or elementary grammar, or simply just a lame post.
may peace be with us all. if this belongs in another forum could a mod please move it, im a noob.sorry!

Your post is fine, no worries.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23

what type of attack will this be? any missle that could reach tel aviv is going to b made in iran most likely.

I think Iran and Syria will keep the more lethal weapons out of the hands of Hezbollah. Mainly because they know that Israel would not hesitate in attacking either, in retaliation.

I posted my thoughts on this here:

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:03 PM
actually i started this post in the ats current events forum, so it was moved, thanks mod. you say we shouldnt believe what hezbollah is promising. hezbollah has their dunn together . remember when he promised an attack at sea, and 15 min later an isreali warship was on fire. if something doesnt escalte this war, iran cannot have their wish of no isreal. i dont think hez is bluffing. i guess we wait and see, i just hope its a mild attack.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:04 PM
If you want my 2c on the matter, I would predict Hezbollah would launch a few missiles (not rockets) into Tel Aviv to make a point. I would be highly surprised if they contained anything other than conventional explosives. Chemical or biological agents would be met with nuclear retaliation as I am sure as damnit Israel has the same response guidelines as the United States. i.e. WMD attack = nuclear response.

Smoke rising from Tel Aviv would be a propaganda boon for Hezbollah, which would only increase its stock amongst the Muslim world. A death toll would not be a priority for Hezbollah. Infact an Israeli civilian death toll detracts from Hezbollah's support it receives from Muslim nations such as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi. Hezbollah's aims would be to shut down Tel Aviv as it has Haifa and really hurt the Israeli economy. Much like the Israelis are doing to Beirut to punish Lebanon. Tit for tat.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23

what type of attack will this be? any missle that could reach tel aviv is going to b made in iran most likely. will it just be conventional or could we see a chemical , bio, or nuclear attack.

I'm guessing it might be a radiological attack. I strongly suspect that Hezbollah might have some of these rockets. It's not made in Iran. It's a "flying dirty bomb"...

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:19 PM
I forgot to mention that Tel Aviv is surrounded by Patriot Missile batteries. Even if Hezbollah did launch these missiles there is very slight chances they'd hit Tel Aviv. It is the administrative capital of Israel after all, it is protected.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:19 PM
A little help for elitegamer23.

You can download the Google toolbar for free here:

If you use it, it has spell check, no matter where you type it can check for errors, and offer you corrections.

It is free and easy to use.

Now back to the topic.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:19 PM
thanks for the input guys. A flying dirty bomb. scarry! so what type of response do you think this would get out of isreal?

considering tel aviv is surrounded by a missle shield, hezzy knows this so maybe it will b a 7/7 type of attack. if the warhead is chemo , bio , or radiological, would this still not have a chance to rain down on the people of tel aviv.

thanks um gazz, ats has the most helpful mods on the net. ill download google spell check after my kid retires to bed for she demands 99.9% of my attention right now.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN

external image

As if each one of those apartments blocks was a Hezbollah hideout and HQ
. Why doesnt Israel grow a pair and just admit they wanna take over Southern Lebanon ?.

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[edit on 3/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 8/3/2006 by Gools]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:26 PM
I think the chances of a flying dirty bomb are next to nil. For starters dirty bombs are highly ineffective as far as killing people from radiation is concerned. The only danger posed by dirty bombs are the panic factor.

If Hezbollah had a weapon capable of carrying payloads other than conventional explosives I would think they'd use it on Israeli troops rather than a civilian target such as Tel Aviv. Hezbollah is a professional army, not a terrorist organisation, regardless of what the Western pro-Israeli governments/media outlets call them. There would be no military benefit in inflicting massive civilian casualities when they could be used against the troops doing the actual fighting.

Also if Hezbollah did have a missile capable of delivering a dirty bomb they would have to get passed the Patriot Missile batteries protecting Tel Aviv. If that can stop a SCUD they can stop what ever Hezbollah has in its arsenal.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by subz

they would have to get passed the Patriot Missile batteries protecting Tel Aviv. If that can stop a SCUD they can stop what ever Hezbollah has in its arsenal.

The Katyusha rockets are quite small but they won't be stopped by Patriots. As for the Alazans, I don't know...

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 10:41 PM
I'm saying that if Tel Aviv is hit then that implies Iran as the one who supplied the missle to do it. There ya go...can you make the connection from there?

[edit on 3-8-2006 by princeofpeace]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace

I'm saying that if Tel Aviv is hit then implies Iran as the one who supplied the missle to do it. There ya go...can you make the connection from there?

Of course I do. I've been saying for a long time that it was due to Israels attacks that Americans were being targetted the whole time. I could just never understand why if Israel knew they were going to strike us in retaliation for what Israel was doing, why they would continue their agressions and have the enemies of Israel implying, like Israel would implicate Iran, that we were supporting their actions, but the past few years have confirmed the why question. They were hoping that it would happen like this. More money, more weapons and US helping to pave the way for Israeli expansion all on the back of the US taxpayer. It was pretty worked.

As Netanyahoo said in regards to 9-11 “It’s very good.” Then he edits himself: “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.” (For Israel)

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 07:01 AM
It works both ways...sometimes Israel gets struck in retaliation for what the US is doing ala Gulf War 1. Also President Armnnajkndjfhjad of Iran says if the US hits Iran they will respond by striking Israel.

Boycott ARABS

[edit on 4-8-2006 by princeofpeace]

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 07:16 AM
Israel has lost 50 men, while from the grand total 900 hundred dead, 800 were civs, 1/3 of them children. Only 100 bodies are left without recognition, which is widely accepted as meaning their hezbollah...2 kills for each man lost is not that great of a ratio, accounting for all havoc Israel has brought upon Lebanon...

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