posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:12 PM
Why are people STILL going on about resolutions and such?
When has war and conflict ever been about anything other than money & power?
Whilst citizens squable amongst themselves over the smoke cloud created, the real facts get overlooked and ignored.
This conflict and the other conflicts soon coming, are about those wanting to retain their wealth (arab nations) and those wanting to take away that
wealth (western world)
As in times past BOTH sides of the conflict use beliefs, laws and age old human psychology (propaganda) to smoke screen the truth.
And that smoke screen blinds men in hate towards each other, and guess who does the fighting?
How many times does this need to happen before people wake up and learn from history?
Those who get caught up and belive the smoke screen take sides very quickly.
Those who take a step back from the smoke screen, see whats really taking place.
This is not about resolutions, laws and beliefs, those are tools used by the masters of human psychology and propaganda to make the citizen take
This about vast sums of money, huge resources, and the power to those who control them.
There is no right side and wrong side, no good guys versus bad guys - thats propaganda to make men believe and fight. Their justification for murder.
Be above the smoke screen of lies and see the truth.