posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 11:10 AM
This TV miniseries has been in the works for a while. It is a mini-series based
on the life of a woman who survived the Nazi holocaust. So ... if Mel has been
backing this how can he also be Anti-Jewish? If he was anti-jew he'd be in denial
that the holocaust ever even happened.
Is he anti-jew but backing these things to make money? He must not be very
anti-jew if he's willing to put his alleged bias aside for some $$. I'd never put my
anti-Kerry stand aside for $$.
Perhaps he never really said those things that the cop claims he did. Perhaps
there is a conspiracy AGAINST Gibson in L.A. He isn't liked out there. He never
played the Hollywood game and he thumbed his nose at the system.
Did the cop get the alleged drunken anti-jewish remarks on video? Just wondering.
Mel apologized for this incident, but did he admit to saying the things he's accused of?
Anyways, here's the info on the miniseries -
Ya'll can see what you think.