posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:46 PM
This is a very personal experience for me and am hoping someone can put my mind at rest, am I just unlucky or is something not quite right?!
I'll be short and sweet if you wanna know more personal details (not too many)for research, IF anyone take this up?
I just saw another thread where i posted an exerpt from this, that stirred up some thoughts, ideas & emotions i have kept bottled for a long time!
I'll tell you the facts and you give me some sort of direction maybe i can put these fears of similar things happening to me that occur DAILY!
Please take my word for everything below and what else i post as swear, this is the whole truth
anyway as i said this is something for us all to bang around!
I have always asked myself as to what vaccines and what injections may or may not be given during or following pregnancy to the child.
Why do i ask, well Before i was 22 I had 2 best friends friends die from SAD (sudden adult death), 1 from CF (Cystic Fibrosis) and 2 from Lukemia. 3
the exact same age as myself 2 slightly older, but in the same area.
3 of us were in the same primary school, high school and college as did the older lukemia victims
as i said same school, areas etc. We all lived in a 3 mile radius of each other.
The Best bit yet, we were all born in the same hospital!
My very best freind died June 6th 1999 4 weeks away from 18, as im sure you can understand im hellishly passionate about this subject.
As an expectant father i have recentley found out that if your baby or you were born previous to 1991 you have no legal right to the maternity/Birth
Why the hell do this, what are they hiding, that the mother couldn't see or be aware of, when SHE was giving birth. Apart from whenthe matron/midwife
takes away baby to be cleaned and checked over!!
One day maybe with slippers, pipe in hand in front of the fire with a famous grouse, i may find out the truth!
So have we and are we still being tested on with what may be the catastrophic results of these tests!
Maybe they are maybe they aren't but what are the odds of this happening? this is a genuine question and would appriciate any input any one can
[edit on 7/31/2006 by evo1981]
[edit on 7/31/2006 by evo1981]