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Tunguska Theories

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posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:17 PM
For those of you who do not know what Tunguska was, well, here's a quick overview:
The Tunguska event, or the Great Siberian Explosion, happened in 1908 at what is now Evenkia, Siberia. It was a massive nuclear explosion, equivalent to Castle Bravo, the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated. It was estimated to have been between 10-15 megatons. It leveled an area of about 830 sq. miles. The even stranger part is this: at the middle, there was a small area left standing at the epicenter of the blast. After much experimentation, it was found that the explosion would have had to happened above the ground.

Here are some theories on what happened at Tunguska:

1) A meteorite: Although it would seem like the most logical explanation, considering a meteorite composed of the right elements could have easily caused a blast such as that, yet meteorites tend to hit the ground before exploding. Also, no remnants of anything were found at ground zero.

2) A Comet: This was Isaac Asimov's theory. He pointed to the fact that a comet is made up of mostly ice and dust, therefore it would have disintegrated before reaching the ground. This theory is also supported by the "glowing skies" seen above Europe.

3) Aliens: Yes, of course. This is always a possibility. An alien craft powered by some type of advanced nuclear reactor vaporized just before hitting the ground
could have caused this explosion. Or maybe they were testing some type of weapon. After all, it was a desolate place perfect for setting off some fireworks.

4) Antimatter: Upon colliding with matter, antimatter expolodes. Could a chunk of antimatter have crashed into earth, causing this explosion? Well, so far no antimatter has been detected anywhere near us, as the subsequent gamma rays of a chunk of antimatter floating around have not been observed.

5) Electromagnetism: Valeriy Buerakov proposed the idea that a magnetic storm could have rained down an elecromagnetic "fireball" which could have caused this explosion.

Any more theories are welcome.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:45 PM
Hm. Ok,

6) a microscopic black hole. If Hawking is wrong, and black holes do not "evaporate", it could be a micro black hole left over from the Big Bang.

7) A non-trivial random vacuum fluctuation

8) what it really was

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by CaptainIraq
1) A meteorite:... yet meteorites tend to hit the ground before exploding.

No. They don't. It's actually fairly common for them to explode in the air like that. Statistics have shown that a Tunguska-like event happens every 100 years or so. You can create a simulation for it with the Impact Effects Calculator.

Also, no remnants of anything were found at ground zero.

Because it's hard to find microscopic dust in an area where the researchers could not get to immediately after the incident. Also, the technology to do so back then was lacking. On top of that, the dust could have carried in the wind for hundred or thousands of miles, dispersing so thinly that it would be nigh undetectable.

2) A Comet:... This theory is also supported by the "glowing skies" seen above Europe.

The same thing goes for the comet as the meteorite... As for the glowing skies? Aurora really isn't that uncommon...

3) Aliens: Yes, of course. This is always a possibility. An alien craft powered by some type of advanced nuclear reactor vaporized just before hitting the ground
could have caused this explosion. Or maybe they were testing some type of weapon. After all, it was a desolate place perfect for setting off some fireworks.

If aliens were testing something, why do it here or there? Why not do it on their own planet? In space where it's really not going to damage anything?

4) Antimatter: Upon colliding with matter, antimatter expolodes. Could a chunk of antimatter have crashed into earth, causing this explosion?

And why would it wait to cause the damage upon hitting the Earth and not out in space? Space is not empty and the matter in it would have posed a problem.

5) Electromagnetism: Valeriy Buerakov proposed the idea that a magnetic storm could have rained down an elecromagnetic "fireball" which could have caused this explosion.

Except that the effects would have been detected in the soil as a major magnetic disturbance, which they were not.

So far, the only actually plausible explanations would be a chunk of comet or a meteorite.

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
6) a microscopic black hole. If Hawking is wrong, and black holes do not "evaporate", it could be a micro black hole left over from the Big Bang.

Personally, I like that theory... Not from a scientific point of view, but from a science fiction one... Anyone who has read Larry Niven's short "The Hole Man" would understand why the complications that would cause.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
6) a microscopic black hole. If Hawking is wrong, and black holes do not "evaporate", it could be a micro black hole left over from the Big Bang.

The only problem with that theory is that if a black hole would have passed through Earth, there must have been a secondary explosion of it leaving Earth on the other side.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by CaptainIraq
The only problem with that theory is that if a black hole would have passed through Earth, there must have been a secondary explosion of it leaving Earth on the other side.

Not neccessarily...

Spoilers for Larry Niven's short "The Hole Man" follow

If it were small enough, and not too high in mass, it could simply be orbiting around the Earth inside the Earth. This is similar to what happened in the Niven short, in which a quantum blackhole is (accidentally) released on Mars and is slowly eating away the insides of the planet.

Spoilers end here

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 04:12 AM
The Tunguska event was caused by a large member of the Taurid Complex (part of the debris trail of Comet Encke) exploding around 10kms above the ground. It was probably around 50 metres in diameter when it hit Earth's atmosphere, and the tremendous forces associated with such a violent event resulted in an atmospheric detonation.

There is nothing unusual about this. Those meteorites that reach the ground without exploding are made of much more solid, dense material (like stone or iron). Since this object was a piece of Comet Encke, it almost certainly had a low density, and would have been much more loosely packed. That's why the aerodynamic forces shattered it before it reached the ground.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 06:32 PM
Scientists believe they may have found the crater/impact zone beneath Lake Checo. The Lake Checo evidence has also been challenged but still deserves further study imo.
The scientists are hoping to return at a later date to investigate the crater/impact zone at the bottom of the lake.
With any luck they may be able to answer the riddle of the Tunguska event finally after nearly 100 years.

Crater from Tunguska event found

On June 30, 1908, a ball of fire exploded about 6 miles (10 kilometers) above the ground in the sparsely populated region, scientists say. The blast released 15 megatons of energy—about a thousand times that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima—and flattened 770 square miles (2,000 square kilometers) of forest.

Page 2

It also lacks the rim of debris usually found around typical impact craters, such as the Meteor Crater in Arizona.

"It's an exciting result that might shed new light on the Tunguska explosion," he said. "Certainly it warrants new studies of the area.
"But it raises a question in my mind: If one large fragment hit the ground, we would normally expect thousands of smaller fragments also to hit the ground along the path, and many searches have failed to find such meteorite fragments. So, why no smaller pieces?"

Wiki article on the Tunguska event

The explosion was most likely caused by the air burst of a large meteoroid or comet fragment at an altitude of 5 to 10 kilometers (3–6 mi) above Earth's surface. Different studies[1] yielded varying estimates for the meteor's size, including 60 meters[2], 90 to 190 meters[3] and up to 1200 meters in diameter[4].
Although the meteor or comet is considered to have burst prior to hitting the surface, this event is still referred to as an impact event. The energy of the blast was estimated to be between 10 and 20 megatons[5] of TNT — 1,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The explosion felled an estimated 80 million trees over 2,150 square kilometers (830 sq mi). It is estimated to have measured 5.0 on the Richter scale.

Thought this was interesting and maybe some of you hadnt heard about the Lake Checo discovery.

Cheers mojo.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by mojo4sale

you beat me to it. I was getting into the tesla theory when that article came out, totally crushed my mojo

it's still an amazing story, and a reminder this spaceshipe we call earth is vulnerable to all sorts of cosmic enemies

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

my bad.
I actually wanted to start a thread, then saw that there were already plenty when i did a search. I had to dump a heap of stuff i'd just spent hours pouring over.

The Lake Checo research isnt definitive yet. Who knows what may be at the bottom of that lake.


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 10:15 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

For the ones of you that does not know about me or read any of my threads previously, I am a psychic and also a scientist that usually publish in the forum of predictions & prophecies at ATS and in dreams-personal predictions at BTS.

I have showed on 2007 an unusual high level of accuracy in my predictions and my interest on the event of Tunguska is primarly in its possible relationship with the extraordinary psychic powers of the Chamans of that region of Siberia and particularly in the ones of Gregori E. Rasputin, the famous personage that from a common peasant became the most poserful adviser of the Tsar Nicholas II in the 1910's.

You can chk my profile at:

Rasputin was a simbol of all the great contradictions of the Russian society of that epoch, the last of the empire, some type of an encarnation of the social drama of a great nation ruled by the so powerful nobility, the richest and more powerful in the world, living in excess and decadency of ethical values and the contrast with respect to the so low level of life of millions of plebian peasants that were the majority of the Russians in that epoch whose faith in God was almost their only support.

How this appearant ignorant peasant developed the tremendous hypnotic powers that gave him the control of the court life of St Petersburg?

Could the Tunguska explosion have some relationship with the misterious source of those extraordinarly skills?

What extrange presence remains in the woods of Siberia since ancient times, was it the trully origin of this misterious explosion that still deffy many scientific explanations?

Is it true the claim that Evenkia was in some way a place of contact or an astral portal between the chamans and Alien civilizations?

Could this incredible Explosion be the result of the accident that an alien spacecraft, possible moved with nuclear fuel, that happend in that isolated region?

It was really an asteroid or comet impacting the earth the cause of the explosion? if that was the case where are the material rests or evidences of this celestial body?

Exist any connection between this incident and the fabled 'chuchunaa' creature that was viewed by many explorers in those same woods in different epochs?

Rasputin was in many aspects , as he claimed an archtype of the Russia of the epoch, is the only way to understand that his death started the events that finally finish a so Poweful Empire that fell only two years after his departure.

It was this mystic connection between his personal life and the future of Russia, something that is in part the dogma of the separated Orthodox sects(Khlysty ) in which he studied during years at the Ural mountains.

This Archtypic Man was chosen by God to show to the Emperor all the weaknesses and defects of his regime, a warning that unfortunately he didn't understand on time.

If you want to know the answers of this questions and more about Rasputin and my prediction about him, pls chk my threas about him at:

your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 6/15/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 12:29 PM


Mod Edit: Please do not spam the forums with links to your own threads. Please see Terms and Conditions of Use section 1h.) Spamming. Thank you - Jak.

[edit on 16/6/08 by JAK]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by The angel of light


I sent a request of revision of the form in which it was deleted my last reply to the administrative staff of ATS, as well as in a message to Mr Simon Gray. There were perhaps reasons to do that, but I am dubious about if the norm was applied correctly & if the action was fair.

To mention a thread that contains an alternative explanation of this same event can be considered as span or snip?


The Angel of lightness

[edit on 6/16/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:39 PM
I was looking for this post.
Happy 100 Anniversary Tunguska Event of 1908.

Time it get it straight. However it will take to understand things
you have never been told. Yet others know.

It may have been an upper atmosphere explosion.
Powered by Tesla's Long Island Tower and the device pictured above.

A low frequency pulse is giving a ride to an ion exciting frequency
from the ring. It heats up atmospheric gases and expands and then

Sort of weather control sought by the HAARP system and discovered
by Tesla 1900 in Colorado Springs.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:04 PM
The best theory I ever read was that Tesla fired a lightening cannon over the north pole to celebrate Peary's arctic expedition. He supposedly fired it from his famous tower.

Tesla's Wireless Power Transmitter and the Tunguska Explosion of 1908

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by CaptainIraq

I was a fan of the 'Tesla experiments going crazy' theory, until I learned of some Russian research on the subject:

"... early in the morning of 30 June 1908, a body from outer space entered the Earth’s atmosphere at immense speed. It followed a trajectory from south-east to north-west. The determination of the exact trajectory of the meteorite plays an important role in the investigation of the event, primarily because, as we shall see, there were several objects moving in the sky above the Siberian taiga, approaching the explosion site from different sides. It was the discrepancies in the accounts of eye-witnesses who at one and the same time observed objects above areas of Siberia far remote from one another and moving on different courses, but towards a single point that confused researchers, prompting the hypothesis of a spaceship that was probably manoeuvring above the Siberian taiga. "

(Source: Series of articles by Valery Uvarov, National Security Academy of Russia, St Petersburgh; published in Nexus Magazine, volume 12, number 1; January 2005)

To summarise the main hypothesis of the National Security Academy of Russia,
- a meterorite of significant size entered Earth's atmosphere and was considered a threat
- it was 'shot down' by a mysterious, mostly underground hi-tech 'installation' that had spent some days or weeks beforehand 'powering up' for the shot, or interception
- the articles present evidence that this may have happened several times in Russia's past - and cites local legends and other science findings
- the articles present considerable witness testimony, based on interviews of actual surviving witnesses by the author, Valery Uvarov

Given the multiple objects sighted at the indicated locations, and the reports of stationary balls of light etc - before the main explosion, the two contenders for best theory are either:
a) Valery Uvarov and the National Security Academy of Russia's theory, or
b) Wal Thornhill's electric universe explanation



posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Cyberbian

I think most people at the time thought it was Tesla.
It was Tesla's 911. A big disaster and meant the destruction of his tower.
We are told he had wild weapon ideas.
Yet the government never did any thing about his ideas.

To cover their backs, the government gave JP Morgan the go to have
Tesla build the big ac static weapon tower.
Perhaps even Tesla never caught on as after wards a Mr VI Lenin
contacted Tesla 10 years later, an event mentioned by Tesla to
JP Morgan for more beam weapon work.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Cyberbian
The best theory I ever read was that Tesla fired a lightening cannon over the north pole to celebrate Peary's arctic expedition. He supposedly fired it from his famous tower.

Only problem with that theory — yes, I've heard it a million times — is that the Wardenclyffe Tower (aka the Tesla Tower in Wardenclyffe, NY) was never completed because Tesla went way over budget and his financial backers cut him off. Again, the tower was never operational.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:34 PM
People have made the claim that it was a miscalculation of Tesla's death ray. It is said that he was demonstrating it for Perry (or one of the other people exploring the north pole, I forget who exactly).

I do not know if this is true or not, I just have heard this theory before.

Edit to add: Now that I've read the whole thread, I see other people brought that up. My bad.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by sir_chancealot]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 10:27 AM
Tesla tails are all over the web.
I spent a good time seeing every story on Tesla on the web.
And hearing many opinions on web forums.
But read some books and you can hear government lies or
some honest research. Everything of Tesla was taken away
and all we have left is newsprint.

People on Long Island saw bolts of lightning from the Tower.
Check with Marc Seifer's book; Tesla was shoveling coal into the
generators to power the Tower.

Not 'operational' but working and being tested.
Like I hinted at, which has never been stated to my knowledge,
Tesla may have been working on secret government projects all along.

Read the opposite, if you think I lie perhaps you have been told one
already. More than between the lines because Tesla's conspiracy
runs deep and wide. Reverse the more obvious cover statements
and fill in the blanks.

The solid aluminum Tesla 'bulb' has only been pictured in newspapers
and too obvious and difficult for the FBI to take away. And is thought
to be part of beam weapons and UFO propulsion as pulsing away
negative charges in the direction of flight.

ED: The contact from Lenin is stated in books. The Tower was eventfully
torn down. It was a weapon too ahead of its time.

[edit on 6/17/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:23 PM
Interesting article from Tunguska...

Mysterious Explosion 1,000 Times Greater than Hiroshima

On June 30, 1908, the Earth experienced an explosion 1,000 times the magnitude of the the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan (shown above). The event resulted in the flattening of 80 million trees over an area roughly the size of Washington DC, and a century later scientists and UFO enthusiasts are still debating about what caused this colossal 5-30 megaton blast, and what happened to its mysterious remains.

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