Here's how it is.
Currently blogging It's a standard propaganda dissemination "stepping stone" technique designed to create credibility status out of thin air.
Start a blog, engage a number of paid operatives in a pseudo-debate, immediately censor and ban all opposition, and when the number of participants
reaches a certain level, all the sudden it becomes a story which is picked up by national media, quoting the blog as the opinion of the entire
Internet community, and even going as far as using such set up sources as a base for various opinion poll data.
A simply of the hand example of how it works;
Several blogs, including a number which accuse the media of distorted coverage of the Middle East conflict, said the photograph had been
In this case a perfect example of such tactics is It's a COMPLETE fabrication from beginning to end, yet it is indirectly
being referenced by an official news media source, thus creating an illusion of legitimacy, and it's very quickly becoming a standard practice.
I'm doing research on blog propaganda use as a legalized form of opinion molding and Internet censorship, and its use as a spin stepping stone for
the media.
I've personally staged a proof positive experiment on the eureferendum blogpost, which with out a doubt proves that it's just another form of media
manipulation and control technique.
The data is absolutely conclusive.
Just from 2 of their "articles", a rough count of topic specific fallacies reached to over a 100, not including the out right lies and blatant
misquoting of alternative sources.
The point is not where ever Qana was staged or not, it's in how the hype about it is being SPUN.
Anybody familiar with journalism and other more specialized ideological warfare methods will immediately recognize it for what it is.
A coordinated, massively funded, pro-Israel media campaign.
Want data? PM me.
As soon as anybody presents FACTS contrary to the presented version of events is immediately censored, posts are deleted and the member is insulted,
isolate, labeled as a troll and banned PERMANENTLY, all in spite of clearly posted rules of conduct.
An age old, typical strategy covered in depth in just about any material relevant to discrediting of opposition.
Here's the current reality of war coverage by main stream media in Middle East.
Official news media is forcefully confined to pre-assigned "safe zones", in most cases a international hotel in the are of the conflict, for their
own protection, and are reduced to reporting official press releases.
The aspect of "safety" is absolutely valid, since both US and Israeli forces literally opened an open season on journalist that refuse to be
confined and actually venture into hot zones to do actual field work.
The standard practice of reporter ambushing by US/Israeli forces in Iraqi/Lebanese conflict is noting new, and score of journalists are literally
being murdered, all while the facts of such ambushes are NOT reported in Western media.
Obviously clear footage of journalists being caught under direct and repeated fire by US/Israeli forces is abundant, while in every single instance
such cases are labeled as "mistakes' by stressed out soldiers.
The fact that it is clear murder is simply a FACT. Unfortunately civilians routinely fall victims to indirect fire in various conflicts, yet when
journalists clearly market by press IDs in clearly marked vehicles come under direct and repeated sniper fire, by very definition it's murder, aka
war crime.
When a non-combatant is being purposefully and repeatedly targeted for elimination, it's called a war crime, regardless if it's a civilian or a
press member.
That is precisely why currently the ONLY coverage from the actual hot zones is being done by freelancers. Contracted reporters employed by main
stream media by their contractual obligations can not endanger them selves by leaving their "safe zone", they are INSURED, and that is why they are
being regularly "embedded" into various military detachments to create the ILLUSION of an actual coverage.
The fact that US population is COMPLETELY isolated from alternative news sources, freelancers present a clear danger to the investments made into
propaganda campaigns.
Only freelancers dare to venture into hot zones knowing all well that they are as much of a target as the combatants in that area.
That is precisely why the story about a clearly doctored photo is simply preposterous.
Reuters has a history of not folding under pressure from various interested parties, and the open war against the agency has been waged for a long
The fact that the pictures in question are altered so OBVIOUSLY altered, and that there is absolutely no shortage of photo opportunities of Lebanon
bombings, raises a simple question. What is the need for such obviously and poorly doctored photos while bombing raids are conducted on DAILY
Why alter the number of flares dropped by a F-16? Why add an extra bloom of smoke while the entire city is being bombarded?
So far what we do know, is that the photo journalist in question specializes in covering of sporting events, and obviously is not a combat
To the ones familiar with various disinformation techniques, it stinks of a setup.
Naturally such a question will not be posed nor mentioned anywhere in US media, simply because it has no LOGICAL answer that can be consumed by the
After reading a number of articles, very little is mentioned about the freelancer him self (Hajj), and every article focuses on discrediting Reuters
as an agency, thus neutralizing one of the few freelance material sources coming from Lebanon.
In order to show previous successful disinformation based discrediting opps, their indispensable value and power over reputable news sources,
remember the littlegreenfootballs blog by Charles Johnson.
His blog was the first to "discover" the doctoring of Hajjs' photos, yet he is also well known for the "discovery" of the "Bush Texas National
Guard Documents" forgery used by CBS news.
His "discovery" focused on the type style of the document, which physically could not date to 1972, yet the testimony of typist which originally
typed the ORIGINAL document, states that information in the document is in in fact authentic in its entirety.
So we have a situation of an obviously forged document, which documents FACTUAL information, yet the merit of its information is not only discredited,
but results in major restructuring of CBS news and termination of the show producer.
Again, it does not take a genius to figure out that falsified document planting is an age old special opp, reminiscent of the famous Watergate
This Reuters development is only another element of an enormous and long term opp aimed to discredit every reputable news source, and to sway the
public towards a completely manufactured and totally controllable form of "digital" media.
Want examples? No need to venture anywhere far, how about some links posted on this very thread;
Faceless entities employing ENDLESS line of no name virtual reporters, credibility and allegiances of whom are conveniently berried in the tangled web
of digital cyberspace.