posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Iggnorace_is_bliss
must have something to do with the fluorescents, I’ve heard from my electrician friends the work on the same wavelength as your brain.
Hmmmmmm.. Nope, I don’t think so.
Brainwaves are 4Hz to 100Hz
Florescent lights run 120Hz and up.
Fire your electrician….
I have a background in both EEG and electronics, and I have yet to see anyone be able to create artifact in the electrical equipment that we use, with
their brains. Sounds like your ballasts are going bad, as
Blaine91555 mentioned. I would also heed
FallenFromTheTree’s advice.
All florescent lights flicker, they just do so at a speed that is too high to be noticed by the normal person, it could be that your subconscious is
picking up that flicker somehow and exaggerating it. Your brain can distort time, and it can happen with some types of seizure activity, so this could
be related to that. Flickering lights can also cause seizures, so the two are defiantly related in that aspect. In order to test what is going on with
you, you would need to be hooked up to an EEG and the environment monitored when this occurs.
Edit to add
The reason for the similarity in sensation that sometimes occurs in urination and male orgasm is that you are using the same muscle to control both,
the Pubococcygeus muscle.
[edit on 8/4/2006 by defcon5]