posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 02:42 AM
The is no question the pharmaceutical companies are pulling out all the stops to gain more profits at the expense of health. It is no secret that no
pharmaceuticals are in any way nutritious, rather being synthesized from coal tar and petrochemicals. Pharmaceuticals have the highest profit rate of
any commodity.
Doctors are inundated with literature recommending pharmaceuticals, as television also has been over saturated with commercials for all intensive
purposes self medicating consumers.
Health food stores carrying herbs and other "alternative health products," including supplements, vitamins, and other things, face the possibility
that expensive prescriptions will be required. All of these things are simple sociology vested in a world wide monopoly or cartel. All science has
proceeded with some skepticism of any prevailing world view, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and other such subjects of study. In the end the
study of the history of science shows different paradigms, ways of viewing things, or in the strictest sense a "conjugation," about the stuff of
what science gives thought.
Dismissals of people talking about healthy food, without evidence is the opposite of science, it is superstition. We want proof when scientists tell
us what the pharmaceutical companies want us to believe and act upon as being "good for us." Too often clear science is lacking, say on the FDA
position on Aspartame, which includes a molecule that breaks down into methanol, a poison.
While accusing others of "bad science," all too often profit motivated "science," establishes preeminence. This happens by political rather than
rigorous laboratory technique, duplication, and experimentation. Aspartame was approved by politics and power, not by the available science at the
time. Having had our essential trust violated too many times, and being peppered with crude ad homonym political styled "arguments," it is no wonder
people are skeptical and quite possibly rightfully so upon a litany of bad political decisions regarding modern medicine.