posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 02:11 PM
A chirp, and the orange sun, woke Nibbles; his ears cued in, but the blur flew away. Sluggishly, the black cat stood, stretched. Through amber slits,
he saw the empty kitchen -- no screeching little ones to tug his tail, no big one to fill his dish. He yawned.
A loud ring. Gracefully, he leapt on the table and, just as his nose touched the cell phone, it beeped. He sat down, pondered. A scent. With a raised,
curled tail, Nibbles stepped over to the plants. The One Who Fed him would be angry. As he crunched, the criminal purred contentedly...
((This one should be entitled "Ode to my cat"... despises grass, but eats everything else.))