posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 03:40 PM
I think I will give a little description what the Third Eye is; it is not really linked to meditation, but you need to be in a meditative state to
train it. After you have trained it you can walk down the street using the third eye etc.
To understand the concept of the third eye you must first be a believer in that there is more to the reality of man than the flesh; that there is a
consiousness, called it a soul or spirit or whatever, that passes on when you die, and go to heaven or enter a new body(take you pick). The two eyes
of the body dies, and rots, with the physical body itself; still there is a popular believe across cultures that this spirit part of you can see after
the body has died/rotted; this is the spirit eye, the Third Eye; a non-physical eye. Since it it logical to assume that the spirit is not created at
the moment of death, but rather a part of man that is with us(or in fact IS our conciousness), it is also logical that man can see through the third
eye even though the soul has not left the body.
In the early 90's I also exited by physical body at two occations when I entered a white light; then I witnessed the third eye like someone with a
close death encounter may have:
-Everything was in almost black & white; but tinted with a bluish color
-I saw everything in the physical space I left
-Time seemed to have slowed down dramatically; I assumed this as I could see the lightbulb attached to the roof in my room was pulsing. I only learned
after the two experiences that lightbulbs do actually flash but in a very high frequency so that you dont normally see it with the naked eye.
A curious fact is that many computergames have the same coloring of the spirit world Ihave observed later; I am primarly thinking of Ultima Online and
World of Warcraft. What made these gamedesigner to conclude on this I do not know; but the resemblance in coloring is almost exact.
[edit on 31-7-2006 by anorwegianguy1972]