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Seeing aliens with your third eye

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posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:22 PM
Back in 1989-1991 I was into alot of meditation and such, I also trained my "third eye"; the spiritual eye that lets one see into the spirit world. After a couple of years I began seeing the outline of strange balls and also of bi-pedal beeings; with larger heads "swimming" around me. They seemed aware of me and sometimes there where alot of them. I also did alot of scetches of them; many of which that I still have stored in a box somewhere. What I wondered was if any of you have experienced this? I do not know if what I saw was real.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:37 PM
I don't know anything about this but could you let us see anyone of those scetches?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by anorwegianguy1972
I began seeing the outline of strange balls and also of bi-pedal beeings; with larger heads "swimming" around me.

Fascinating..I wonder if you were experiencing the existence of these beings or entities on a different plane or something...Leads one to think that there is more spirituality to ET's than we may have originally thought..But posting some of those sketches would be great if you can find them, I'd love to see them..thanks.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 01:46 PM
I'm interested in the sketches as well.

TrappedSoul, that kitty in your avatar is awesome.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:03 PM
Ok, I got some scetches. First one is one of the common types, most things I saw was line orbs of different sizes; from a pea to a the size of a large melon. Only other thing I saw was (sometimes) lots or humanoids with large heads. Im not joking with you; I really saw it, but it may have been my mind playing tricks with me. Here is a scetch I drew of one haning in the air:

Only one time I saw something that resembled a human, it was this thin looking guy sitting in a lotus position looking very consentrated. Inside each of his hands was a medium size orb and there was also a orb thing between his feet. Luckily I drew that too as it was unusual to see a human:

Now dont go freaking out and thinking there are lots of aliens around you that you cant see, Im not sure I believe it myself; probably would go abit insane if I did believe it; I just wondered if some of you have experienced something similar.

[edit on 30-7-2006 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:09 PM
they make drugs i'm sure to fix what ails you lol seriously if i stare at a cloud long enough i'll make something out of it as well. spirtual 3rd eye my ass LOL

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:24 PM
Not to bicker but Snazuolu if your serious, thats just the kind of one dimensional closed mindedness we don't need..This person is putting their personal experiences and thoughts on a public web page at the risk of being dubbed nuts in order for all of us to explore and better understand that which exists outside of our world..Give Respect where its due...Those sketches are indeed interesting, and thanks for diggin them out so we can all have a gander

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:45 PM
It obviously took a lot of time and patience to become that disciplined in your meditations. Are you still doing it or did you give it up? If you did give it up, was it because of the experiences that you were having with these images?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by pylonmetaphor
It obviously took a lot of time and patience to become that disciplined in your meditations. Are you still doing it or did you give it up? If you did give it up, was it because of the experiences that you were having with these images?

Yeah, it takes many years.I stopped as I was frequently getting bad experiences; imagined or not. Probably stopped back in '94 with meditating alltogether.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 03:10 PM
that first one you posted, i saw something like that in a dream that communicated with telepathy. it was making itself invisible but i could 'sense' it and i got scared. i thought it was a demon and i threw a lighter at it, it was all i had on me (cheesey action flick where someone throws a discharged gun come to mind). so i asked jesus to come and smite the 'demon' and it told me (telepathicaly) "theres no christ in this house". it sounded just like the telepathy in the movie the shining. whats weird is i never saw tha movie till AFTER the experience.

but yeah, that was the guy...

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 03:19 AM
It's possible it could have been a jinn. They're spirits that hide themselves, and yet they're are present in many areas human inhabit. King Solomon was known to be able to control jinns to do his bidding. Read more about it here:

Also, about seeing the strange balls, I would like to ask you to get you eyes examined (I appologize if that sounded offensive), because there is a disease in the eyes known as "floaters." I used to have it as a child and had surgery to correct it. It's a tear in the retinal tissue that causes the eye to see semi-transparent balls or orbs to float in the air. If untreated, it will lead to blindness in the eyes. I used to see floating orbs in almost every direction I looked, and they all looked different no matter which way I turned.

Here's info about floaters:

[edit on 31-7-2006 by DJMessiah]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:56 AM
Interesting info about the floaters, i didn´t know there was such a disease.

It´s quite common for those training themselves healing abilities that they start seeing other energy entities as floating "orbs". As the eye get more sophisticated the "orbs" can turn into humanoid like creatures, usually the size that of small children. I have seen "orbs" myself in the corner of my eye but would never give it a second though unless i at the same time felt a very strong presence next to me.

I´m not experienced in the healing domain, only just recently picked up the interest/understanding and yet i have seen/felt things that for me is totally proof that there are entities around us. At first i assumed these were guides and sometimes dead people but now i´m not sure anymore. anorwegianguy1972´s first scetch pretty much sums up the idea that there might be/could be alien interaction going on. Not sure if i want go any further down that path.

anorwegianguy1972, you mention a bad experience, if i may ask, can you give any further detail about this?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:13 AM
I've seen them too. Only whilst meditating. I think it is possible to communicate but it is hard. Sometimes they seem to project images of horror, sometimes its almost educational. I often see an image of a grey, similar to your drawing. Sometimes there is more than one, even hundreds.
I recommend everyone to try meditating and see if you can see their image. I know this sounds crazy but I think it is real.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:03 AM
Here is an interesting link about understanding alien telepathy:

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:35 AM
This is very interesting stuff and I do believe it. I think I'm going to start to practice medating because I would really love to see these things and look foreward to uncover something about these beings.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Elimaku
This is very interesting stuff and I do believe it. I think I'm going to start to practice medating because I would really love to see these things and look foreward to uncover something about these beings.

In my honest opinion you should not practice meditation for anything more than relaxation. After I started exploring "the unknown"; I just became more and more miserable. I personally believe that our brains are based on logic and cannot handle the paranormal very well, in the worst case you could get serious emotional scarrs or even get mental problems. And what you end up with is just more questions than answers, and no one to talk to about your experiences as they are so far off the norm.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:03 PM
I used to do a lot of prolonged meditation when I was younger, to open up 'the imagination space' as I called it. My avatar (to the left of this message) was one of the things I saw most clearly, hanging in a 3d space. (There was some other detail I left out of this version.)

I also saw a few places, often black trapazoidal obelisk type buildings with lots of light poles (like street lights) between them, etc.

I never decided whether it was tangible, or just an opening up of the imagination. But it was fun to fly around those locals. It is possible to have these experiences and remain perfectly sane. It just requires some patience.

My personal belief is that this sensation represents the essence of reality at the sensational level, but that these places are not 'real'.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 03:40 PM
I think I will give a little description what the Third Eye is; it is not really linked to meditation, but you need to be in a meditative state to train it. After you have trained it you can walk down the street using the third eye etc.

To understand the concept of the third eye you must first be a believer in that there is more to the reality of man than the flesh; that there is a consiousness, called it a soul or spirit or whatever, that passes on when you die, and go to heaven or enter a new body(take you pick). The two eyes of the body dies, and rots, with the physical body itself; still there is a popular believe across cultures that this spirit part of you can see after the body has died/rotted; this is the spirit eye, the Third Eye; a non-physical eye. Since it it logical to assume that the spirit is not created at the moment of death, but rather a part of man that is with us(or in fact IS our conciousness), it is also logical that man can see through the third eye even though the soul has not left the body.

In the early 90's I also exited by physical body at two occations when I entered a white light; then I witnessed the third eye like someone with a close death encounter may have:

-Everything was in almost black & white; but tinted with a bluish color
-I saw everything in the physical space I left
-Time seemed to have slowed down dramatically; I assumed this as I could see the lightbulb attached to the roof in my room was pulsing. I only learned after the two experiences that lightbulbs do actually flash but in a very high frequency so that you dont normally see it with the naked eye.

A curious fact is that many computergames have the same coloring of the spirit world Ihave observed later; I am primarly thinking of Ultima Online and World of Warcraft. What made these gamedesigner to conclude on this I do not know; but the resemblance in coloring is almost exact.

[edit on 31-7-2006 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 04:03 PM
anorwegianguy1972 forwards a what i believe is a very important point. Meditiation of any sort should be done for the right reasons and with profound respect. Deeper exploration into this field should also absolutely be done with proper guidance of people who know what they are doing and i would not recommend it to anyone...unless it is a wish that has matured over a long time, everything else is flat out dangerous.

That said, i believe some aspects of this should also be considered as a part of our natural evolvement...small steps, small steps...

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 09:11 PM
Hey Norwegian Guy .... i am also into meditation, what kind of training/meditation did you do ?

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