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For Canadian Smokers and maybe American smokers too

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posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:47 AM
Hey I just bought a pack of Peter Jackson Smooth cigarettes. Only cause the box was bright orange and I wanted to check them out, but anyway thats not the point. They are only suppose to have so much tar and nicotine in them making them smooth. So I am with this friend of mine and he's looking at them and saying there is holes in them. He was looking at them. I looked and said no sir there isn't, cause I was looking and I sure the heck can't see them.
Well turns out under the right light you can see these microscopic holes. Two rows of them. But You really have to look for them. Why do they even bother, I am thinking,thats where you put fingers anyway!
Remember when the light cigaretts had holes that were noticeable.
And whats up with the orange package anyway? Next there will be purple, neon pink, glow in the dark package's so you can find your smokes a night (hey that's not a bad idea, calling copyrights on that one, laughing out loud).
So anyway if whoever is trying to get us to quit smoking, why the heck are they still selling smokes. I think its to kill off as many people as possible and to do it quietly, and now with special color packs everyone will want one of each color.


posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 04:09 AM
for the record, the orange/red package is the new colour scheme for peter jackson's (only about 4-6 months old)..the origional was purple and black

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 04:12 AM
Parliaments an american Cigarette has had holes for ages now.

be glad you dont have cigarettes like in New York state that are treated with a chemical that makes them self-extinguishing. Nasty stuff.


posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 04:16 AM
i'm pretty sure ours are self extinguishing too at least here in b.c.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 04:39 AM

And you people still smoke ? self-extinguishing cigarettes ?

Am i glad that i quit over 5 years ago

Come on people it isnt that hard to stop smoking , i smoked for a good ten years with up to 3 packs of marlboro a day and then i quit after reading that quit smoking book by that english guy. I literally put the last cig out and said so thats it and i certainly have not regretted it either

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