posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 05:54 PM
no, i can say with absolute certainty that your compass is entirely to blame if it indeed " mistakes " north for south .
there are hundreds of light aircraft ,commercial and military aircraft , boats and other users relient on magnetic compass bearings in and around
florida 24/7 .
the fact that no one selse is reporting such 180 degree error in magnetic compass bearings , indicates to me that your compass and yours alone is
incorect .
there has been no pole # on a global level , norr any florida centred magnetic anomolie which would disrupt your compass over a large geographical
area as you discribe .
if you want confirmation , go to a sporting goods store and browse
you will find thier and other compasses preform correctly
either you have left it sitting ontop of a transformer or other device which has remagnetised the needle
you bought in error , or have had a joke compass subsituted for a real one .