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Voices form the sky . hijackers of flight 93

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posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 02:49 PM

Radio transmissions between United 93 and an air traffic controller in Ohio include sounds of blood-curdling screams. The hijackers themselves take the microphone, speaking over the open airwaves, as they pilot the plane toward what would be its final destination, the Pennsylvania earth.

Blood curdling screams ?While this part is not played on the recording, it should be avail some where. Air traffic controller claims he heard this. The tape does allow us to hear this.

"Ladies and Gentlemen here. It's the captain, please sit down. Keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb aboard."

This is a hijacker ! I know the "we don't belive it crowd" , will say this is fake. It does explain why the passengers were controlled, for a period of time before becoming HEROES !!!!!

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 02:54 PM
And this proves...............what exactly?

Its certainly does not disprove the 9/11 conspiracy, nor does it disprove the fishy things about flight 93.

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 11:08 PM
Fishy things about Flight 93? Like WHAT?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 05:21 AM

I know, I know!

Let me guess, flight 93 was an un-manned drone right? And the engines failed and it crashed right? And the actual passengers were kidnapped and taken to a location and killed right?


Al Queda hi-jacked a plane which they planned to ram into a building and failed to keep the passengers at bay. They only had 4 operatives vs. a plane full of passengers. When the passengers tried to retake the plane after hearing about the WTC's and the Pentagon the hi-jackers flew the plane at full speed at the ground killing everyone on board.

I prefer option 2.

All the 9/11 conspiracy theorists seem to think that hi-jacking a plane is an impossible feat. There have been hundreds of plane hi-jackings in the past. It is possible, and it's far more probable than unmanned drones. The only difference between these hi-jackings and the previous ones is that Al Queda crashed the planes instead of making demands.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:53 AM
We have a bomb! Is that what is fishy to you? Other than that I can't find anything fishy? I only find the bomb fishy , cuz Cters keep saying these guys were wusses, for being over powered by boxcutters only. Nice respect for dead HEROES BTW !!!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:07 AM
Nope. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT. You are all wrong. Sorry, next contestant.

Im talking about Flight 93 getting shot down by the Air Force, as opposed to being run into the ground by the terrorists. Seeing how as hundreds of ground witnesses saw and heard a second plane in the area, as well as a sonic boom being recorded via seismograph in West Virginia.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Nope. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT. You are all wrong. Sorry, next contestant.

Im talking about Flight 93 getting shot down by the Air Force, as opposed to being run into the ground by the terrorists. Seeing how as hundreds of ground witnesses saw and heard a second plane in the area, as well as a sonic boom being recorded via seismograph in West Virginia.

Inmy opinion the flight was shot down for certain because it was heading for another target.

The passengers were dead either way but the U.S. government can't exactly come out and say "yes we shot it down".
I don't feel there was a conspiracy here just necessety,consider the plane was downed/crashed in a area with a low population compared to a city .

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:13 AM
Soo the big burning crater and debree , don't count in that world? I have not seen the documentation of these hundreds of people, can you help ? Sonic boom tells you nothing. It isn't even proven to be that !! Sorry as much as I love WIKI , it is too trashed on this subject. To many CTers playing with it!!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Duhh
Soo the big burning crater and debree , don't count in that world?

Your spelling and grammar are terrible. Please clarify.

The debris field was spread out over a large area. Consistant with the plane falling apart in flight. Consistant with the plane getting struck by projectile.

I have not seen the documentation of these hundreds of people, can you help ?

Maybe because you havent bothered to even look.

There are tons more articles.

Sonic boom tells you nothing.

Bull. It tells you that a supersonic craft was in the area at the time.

It isn't even proven to be that !!

It has been proven. Sonic booms make distinctive marks on a seismograph.

Sorry as much as I love WIKI , it is too trashed on this subject. To many CTers playing with it!!

I can now understand why you chose the name DUHH. In case you havent noticed..................................

1. This is a conspiracy related site. If you don't like conspiracy theories, or conspiracy theorists, youre in the wrong place.

2. Tin Wiki is a wiki for conspiracy related topics. So of course your dreaded "Cters" have messed with it. They are the ones who contribute to it. And the articles are quality, as one of the primary missions of tinwiki is to write factualy, neutral articles. The stuff in the article regarding dates and times is factual and taken from offical and news sources. So if you have a problem with it, speak to the mainstream media and the government about it.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:48 AM
This is a site to discuss things that have to do with 911 conspiracy, does not make it a CT site..Wiki is great till some one starts going nuts on it's pages. Since it is open source, agenda can be an issue, is all I am saying. No ? I will not argue about the other info, there is no proof at all to any your claims. Hundreds of people?
Have a great day. I will! Surfs up gotta go!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Duhh
This is a site to discuss things that have to do with 911 conspiracy, does not make it a CT site..Wiki is great till some one starts going nuts on it's pages. Since it is open source, agenda can be an issue, is all I am saying. No ? I will not argue about the other info, there is no proof at all to any your claims. Hundreds of people?
Have a great day. I will! Surfs up gotta go!

Read. THIS IS A CONSPIRACY SITE. If you havent noticed, there are forums BEYOND the 9/11 discussion forum. We discuss the conspiratorial or suspicous aspects of things. From a conspiracy point of view.

Debunkers and skeptics can come here and post too. Thats part of balanced discussion. However, first and formost, this is Above Top Secret. If you dont like things being discussed about conspiracies or from a conspiracy angle, youre on the wrong site.

And Tin wiki is different from wikipedia. tin wiki is run by this site to record articles about conspiracy related topics. If this is too difficult for you to comprehend, then dont bother.

And since I have given you proof siting offical sources, but you choose to to bother reading it (its obvious you havent), then I see no point in debating you, since you have no interest in serious, intelligent debate or discussion about this topic.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:59 AM
Bummer flat surf, back to this. Skadi , it took two minutes to read those pages. What are you talking about ? The arrogance of your posts are outlandish ! There was no "hundreds of witnesses" on them. You still are not accounting for that crater. Planes that are blown up in mid air, do not dig holes in the ground. There are witness accounts on YOUR pages that account for a plane crash. You should read them!! Keep the personal attacks to yourself. I know they make you feel better about yourself, but they are childish!! Have a great day.

Did you see the C SPAN DEBACLE???

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Duhh
Bummer flat surf, back to this. Skadi , it took two minutes to read those pages. What are you talking about ? The arrogance of your posts are outlandish ! There was no "hundreds of witnesses" on them. You still are not accounting for that crater. Planes that are blown up in mid air, do not dig holes in the ground. There are witness accounts on YOUR pages that account for a plane crash. You should read them!! Keep the personal attacks to yourself. I know they make you feel better about yourself, but they are childish!! Have a great day.

Did you see the C SPAN DEBACLE???

The arrogance of HIS posts? Look in the mirror dude, your posts on here have been nothing but anti-CT bashing with the same old constantly debated stuff peppered throughout each that you take to be the definative truth that there was no government involvement. I've been seconds away from putting you on my ignore list on several occasions but stopped myself each time to see your reactions to other members who break down each attempt you make at trying to insist there was no involvement/cover-up by trying to belittle anyone who thinks that way. Maybe you should keep your personal CT prejustices to yourself and you won't get so personal attacks from other members.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 12:32 PM
Enuogh of the personal attack. This post is about the tapes of the hijackers. They exist. Thanks about telling me what I believe, though! I don't agree with the Ct here, you got that right. That is the beauty of this site. I can come here and see the arguements you present. I have yet to see a legit case for your CT side. I show some other sides. People learn and share. Better than anywhere else, for balance. Do you have anything to add to this thread about the voices recorded,or heard? The hijackers exist, that is the point! NEEEXXXTTTT!!!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Duhh
Bummer flat surf, back to this. Skadi , it took two minutes to read those pages. What are you talking about ? The arrogance of your posts are outlandish ! There was no "hundreds of witnesses" on them. You still are not accounting for that crater. Planes that are blown up in mid air, do not dig holes in the ground. There are witness accounts on YOUR pages that account for a plane crash. You should read them!! Keep the personal attacks to yourself. I know they make you feel better about yourself, but they are childish!! Have a great day.

Did you see the C SPAN DEBACLE???

If it took you two minutes, you did not read them.

Your post displays a grave ignorance of many things. Do you think that planes explode when shot at and hit by a fighter jet? Then you know nothing. A fighter jet can hit a plane and take out an engine without making it explode. You watch too many freakin movies, really.

Shoting the jet and taking out its engine would explain why heavier pieces of the craft, like the engine, were found miles away from the crash site. If you believe the wind blew a several ton engine over a couple miles of hilly, damp terrain, then you believe in the easter bunny.

My sources for second jet witnesses are offical sources or taken from offical sources. Since you obviously cannot refute them, you instead revert to a childish finger in the ears trick.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 05:52 PM
Me ignorant ? Knock off the personal attack !! Focus! Ok, so I can read the same thing I've seen before faster than you !! Does that make me wrong? NO !! As for the" I watch too many movies" quote, I own movies I am sure are older than you! Jets shooting out the engines would make a nice film ! You should write it. Find someone thats even done it!

As for this;
" My sources for second jet witnesses are offical sources or taken from offical sources. Since you obviously cannot refute them, you instead revert to a childish finger in the ears trick ".

Not me love, I stick to facts ! There is nothing to refute in your " official sources" !
Would love to see the finger in the .....what trick!!!!! This is really about the Fact that the hijackers are on tape. Back on track ????

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Duhh
Me ignorant ? Knock off the personal attack !! Focus! Ok, so I can read the same thing I've seen before faster than you !! Does that make me wrong? NO !! As for the" I watch too many movies" quote, I own movies I am sure are older than you! Jets shooting out the engines would make a nice film ! You should write it. Find someone thats even done it!

Youre in luck. I have found someone who has done it. Gasp. The Soviet Air Force on Korean Airlines Flight 007! How about that!
Amongst others.........

In fact, there is a whole list there of civilian planes getting struck by missiles and weren't "blown up".

Maybe you should actually think before opening your mouth regarding things you appear to know nothing about.

Heres some more stuff to chew on.

Rumsfeld slipped up and said that flight 93 was shot down.

Now. Why dont you actually try and go do some research, eh? And quit sniveling about personal attacks. I have done none. It wont bolster your weak, unknowing arguements any further.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 11:43 PM
Ok last time .You mentioned some sharpshooter pilot who could shoot the engines off a 757. None of those links had to do with that. Yes, the whole world is aware of planes that were shot down. It was tragic! As far as the other links, again no info on your statement, quite redundent actualy. Relax , this is only a posting board. Back to the TOPIC OF THIS THREAD. The voices of the hijackers and passengers, of flight 93 ,Please. Any thoughts? Play Nice.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:28 AM
Skadi i would have given up awhile ago, this person is not very intellectually stimulating and he's not really listening much.
Reminds me of my ex.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Duhh
This post is about the tapes of the hijackers. They exist.

And are fake.

Why where air controllers recordings destroyed and cut to pieces?

Gee... I wonder.

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