Greetings all , I hope you are all well.
As most of you know , I am from Australia and i am very proud and happy with that.
However at the moment Australia as a whole is in abit of a water crisis because our dams have not been filling up and therefore we are required to
save water and use it only at certain times of the day and certain times of the week.
This water saving initiative has been going on for quite a while now and there recently have been massive disscussions about the issue.
I live in Queensland which is in the North East section of Australia and there has been a massive dissussion and a public vote about a project which
the Australian government is putting together.
This mass public vote about this issue has been held in the last few days in a place called Toowoomba which is located in the inland off the
queensland coast and city of Brisbane and holds one of our major mass catchment dams. To get a better Idea of the location click
here .
The Queensland government has thrown up a proposition, which is the reason the mass votes are being held for, and this proposition of the government
is fully backed by the Queensland Premier Peter Beatie,
Beatie has proposed that we as Australia vote for the use of Recycled Water, that is Water that has been pumped our of our houses and in to our
drainage and sewer systems to be put into place instead of our drinking water , Some members of the public that i have spoken to are refering to this
Recycled Excrement
In relation to public response on this issue i would say that the majority of Australians DO NOT want this initiative to be put forth however there
are people that think it would be a good idea.
I was watching the news today and the reporters were interviewing people after the vote and i recall one of the people interviewed telling the news
personell that they want the initiative to be put forth and accepted by the government because the only other way that this problem can be fixed is by
building more dams most probably in the areas where it rains more often .
Oddly and somewhat ironic enough though, On the day of the vote it actually rained rather heavily in the little town in inland Queensland.
However i wonder why they wouldnt want more dams built and why they would rather go to far measures such as using this method of saving water.
Now here is why i decided to post this topic in the first place.
Is it possible do you think that this water could prove to be too clean??
And in saying that i mean that if this water were to become too clean and we as a people got used to it then all of a sudden something bad or some
sort of bacteria got into the water system and we drank it , Would it make us very ill or maybie even kill us??
I know for a fact that some of the people here ESPECIALLY our sports athletes cannot drink certain countries water because the water in some countries
is too dirty for us to drink therefor it makes us sick on the count of our bodies are so used to drinking this "clean water" that our bodies addapt
to it and when something forieghn is added our body rejects it and acts in ways that affect our health.
I was thinking about the fact that if a person grows up eating nothing but a strictly healthy diet and then they eat something a little bit greasy
then in turn there bodies react to the greasy food and make them ill .
Could this happen with us??
Then i got to thinking that our country has put up a massive state wide campaighn to make people stop using water out of hours which include
advertising and agents driving around and fining people that are using a water hose when they are not supposed to be but still they say that our water
saving hasnt been increased by a lot. I know this might sound a little out there but i have have had multiple thought running through my mind all day
thinking things like , Would they get rid of us to make sure that Australias water supply is safe for the future?
After all Australia is one of the biggest farming countries in the globe and our exportation bussiness is really quite big.
Just a thought ,But last and most importantly
I would like to here your thoughts as the ATS members on this , all views will be respected and looked at from every angle by me and i will not hold
anything against any of u fine and groovey people.
Yours faithfully and thank you