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Pentagrams in lodges? Eastern Star?

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posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 06:57 AM
I saw this picture on flickr:

I am guessing the star is for or in reffference to Eastern Star? How common is the star to be seen encircled? Also current members on this board have you seen a Pentagram in your lodge or other lodges before?

Does the members of Eastern Star do degree work based on symbols or tools of Masonry just like Masons?

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 04:11 PM
Contrary to popular belief, the pentacle or pentagram is not a symbol of satan and evil. In fact, Christians used to wear it before they worse the cross. Its a beautiful symbol when you understand it better.

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 06:50 PM
As explained by Eliphas Levi and Samael Aun Weor:

Explanation of the Esoteric Pentagram

The five Impressions of the Great Light are found represented within the Esoteric Pentagram.

The Gnostic Pentagram is the human figure with four limbs, and one unique apex which is the head.

The sign of the Pentagram is also called the sign of the Microcosm. It represents what the Kabbalist Rabbis of the book Zohar call the Microprosopos.

When the superior point of the Pentagram is pointing up, it represents the Saviour of the world.

When the two inferior points of the Pentagram are pointing up, it represents the male goat of the Witches’ Sabbath.

A human figure with the head pointing down obviously represents a Demon, that is to say, an intellectual subversion, disorder, or madness.

The Pentagram, which in Gnostic schools is known as the Flaming Star, is the sign of Magic omnipotence.

The five Impressions of the Great Light, and the five Helpers are contained within the Flaming Star.

The five Helpers are the five Genii: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, and Samael.

The entire Treasury of the Light is contained within the Pentagram and this allegorizes the Human Being.

The Comprehension of the magic Pentagram is the key of the two Spaces.

The sign of the Pentagram must be composed of the seven metals, or at least traced in pure Gold upon white virgin marble.

The seven metals are as follows: Silver, Mercury, Copper, Gold, Iron, Tin and Lead.

The Pentagram, with its superior ray pointing up, forces the columns of demons to scatter.

The Pentagram, with the two inferior rays pointing up, attracts the tenebrous ones...

So when it is inverted, it clearly symbolizes the humanoid falling into the abyss of his own creation.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 06:24 AM

When the two inferior points of the Pentagram are pointing up, it represents the male goat of the Witches’ Sabbath.

Some people are still perpetuating this S*** . There is no inverted Pentagram or
goat associated with ANY Witches/Wiccan sabbath or Sabbat
oe Esbat.

Those associations are with hollyweird and Anton Leveys church.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 03:58 PM
So you know better than the Great Kabbalists and Alchemists Eliphas Levi and Samael Aun Weor?

Inverted, it represents a fall, considering that the Star of Five Points when Upright is the Christified Man.

Read said Kabbalists writings on the Gnostic-Rosicrucian symbolism related to the Male Goat of Mendes.

Obviously the fallen Bodhisattva shows us the inverted star of five points:

[edit on 30-7-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:09 AM
Obviously you missed my point.

I will give you the material over spiritual arguement. However read what I said.

The inverted pentagram has no significance in any Wiccan/WITCH Sabbat or ESBAT that I am aware of. Its relevance or importance to Judeo-xian beliefs
and traditions is irrelevant to these beliefs as well as many others.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by masonite

I am guessing the star is for or in reffference to Eastern Star? How common is the star to be seen encircled? Also current members on this board have you seen a Pentagram in your lodge or other lodges before?

Technically, the Pentagram, or Star of Pythagoras, should be outlined on the floor in the center of the Lodge room, and the Altar should sit upon it. Around the Star should be a mosaic pavement surrounded by a tesselated border. This is the regulation form in accordance with the Lectures of Webb and Cross; however, many Lodges do not have any of these.

Does the members of Eastern Star do degree work based on symbols or tools of Masonry just like Masons?

No, the Eastern Star degree is based on five biblical women (Ruth, Esther, Martha, Jephthah's Daughter, and Electa), with each one representing a point on the Eastern Star.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by masonite
I saw this picture on flickr:

I am guessing the star is for or in reffference to Eastern Star? How common is the star to be seen encircled? Also current members on this board have you seen a Pentagram in your lodge or other lodges before?

Does the members of Eastern Star do degree work based on symbols or tools of Masonry just like Masons?

That is NOT the Symbol for OES? LOL today ya folx have me on the floor cracking up here...

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu the Gnostic-Rosicrucian symbolism related to the Male Goat of Mendes.

Ummm since when do Rosicrucians relate to the Male Goat of Mendes???

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:12 PM
Does this qualify as an example of eastern star?

The green pentagram shown on the national flag of Morocco is often called Solomon’s seal. Its origin might date back to the Babylonian Empire, c. 2000 BC. The pentagram might have represented goddess Ishtar, assimilated by the Muslims to Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter. On the Moroccan flags, the pentagram represents the link between God and the nation. Remember that Islam is the official religion in Morocco and that the King, descendant of the Prophet, bears the title of Commander of the Believers.

Of course Native Moroccans are NOT Arabs... they had Islam forced upon them and native Moroccan's are treated worse than Native Americans.

Damn Arab Hordes

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by African459
That is NOT the Symbol for OES? LOL today ya folx have me on the floor cracking up here...

Uhm, actually, no. This is NOT a Symbol for OES. This is a Masonic symbol described in the First (Entered Apprentice Degree) It's a "blazing" star (note the thin lines coming from the star toward the circle. Note also the "checkered" tiles around it.

The following is an explanation from the so-called "Webb Ritual" found in *most* U.S. Masonic Monitors (i.e. it's NOT secret):

"The Ornaments of a Lodge are the Mosaic Pavement, the Indented Tessel, and the Blazing Star.

The Mosaic Pavement is a representation of the ground floor of King Solomon's temple, and is emblematical of human life, checkered with good and evil.
As the steps of men are trod in the various and uncertain incidents of life, our days are variegated and checkered by a strange contrariety of events, and our passage through this existence, though sometimes attended by prosperous circumstances, is often beset by a multitude of evils, therefore is the Lodge furnished with Mosaic work, to remind us of the precariousness of our state on earth. Today our feet tread in prosperity; tomorrow we may totter on the uneven paths of weakness, temptation and adversity. While this emblem is before us we are instructed to boast of nothing; to have compassion and to give aid to those who are in adversity; to walk uprightly and with humility; for such is this existence, that there is no station in which pride can be stably founded; all men, in birth and in the grave, are on a level. While we tread on this Mosaic work, let our ideas return to the original, whence we copy, and let our every act be as the dictates of reason prompt us, to live in brotherly love.

The Indented Tessel is that beautiful Tessellated Border surrounding this pavement and is emblematical of those blessings which we hope to attain by faithful reliance on Divine Providence, which is hieroglyphically represented by the Blazing Star, the glory in the center."

The eastern star has five different colors (one for each point) Blue, Yellow, White, Green and Red and as Masonic Light pointed out represent the Biblical stories of the "five Heroines" of the Order of the Eastern Star: Adah (Jepthah's daughter) Ruth, Esther, Martha and the Elect lady (called in the ritual "Electa")

You still rolling on the floor, cracking up?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:03 PM
The Pentagram symbol has been around since man began tracking the stars. The symbol itself is formed by the path the planet Venus makes when viewed from the earth. It was first noticed by the early pagans and was later adapted into various religions with different meanings good/bad. more info

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by kleverone
The Pentagram symbol has been around since man began tracking the stars.

Interesting link...Another great example of how little man can agree on anything and how a little symbol can mean so much to so many different view points.

Secret Societies were so to keep out the "noise" generated by non-believers/followers. Now with the internet and all this wonderful sharing of knowlege the "noise" is louder. Perhaps the internet is the new Tower of Babble

I reaaly don't understand why so many are against secret societies anyway. They start with the kids treehouse that needs a secret password to get in, go on through college soroities and fraternities, and when you grow up you can join the Rosicrucians, the Masons or any number of Orders of Knighthood... Its human nature... why fight it?

[I will have application forms at the door......

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:43 PM
stalkingwolf, zorgon

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Tamahu the Gnostic-Rosicrucian symbolism related to the Male Goat of Mendes.

Ummm since when do Rosicrucians relate to the Male Goat of Mendes???

The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah

In the Ancient Mysteries among the Illuminated Gnostic-Rosicrucians, a ceremony of Inititation existed in which the blindfolded neophyte, when being submitted to certain ordeals, was guided to a certain place. The most interesting point during this ordeal was when the veil was removed from him and suddenly he was in an illuminated room. All the Initiates were in the center of the room around a male goat. The Pentalpha was shining between the huge horns of this male goat. The neophyte was then commanded to go and kiss the devil's behind, in other words the tail. When going around to the animal's back, he would suddenly find a beautiful lady who would welcome him. She would hug him and kiss him on the forehead. He was then triumphant. However if he was opposed to this act then he would fail, and he would be taken out of the precinct without the Neophyte ever knowing the secret.

Not that I'm a Non-Phixion/Goretex fan(as they are Zionists(and very vulgar) like many other white Hip-Hop artists).

But it's interesting that they depicted that on one of they're album covers.

Anyway, for more on this read also "Transcendental Magic" and "The History of Magic" by Eliphas Levi.

These two works also mention all this in relation to the Witches Sabbath and the Pentalpha, if I remember correctly.

[edit on 31-7-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:54 PM

When the two inferior points of the Pentagram are pointing up, it represents the male goat of the Witches’ Sabbath.


In all the Sabbats and Esbats I have attended, never once have I seen anything remotely resembling an inverted pentacle or a goats head.

Levi, for all the interesting stuff he came up with, really must have believed the silly tales of earlier inquisitors.

Like Witches Sabbats and Baphomet as the god of the knights templar.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 03:01 PM
Well maybe you haven't attended a real hardcore Witches Sabbath?

Bear in mind that I'm not reffering to Wiccans(Wiccans in general are not really full on witches), but to actual witches and black magicians who work with rituals in order to negatively polarize the Astral light.

(Though Wiccans may have some practices that are 'black'; but I really doubt that many, if any of them are hardcore witches)

Also remember that Eliphas Levi's works also have to be taken in esoteric context and not always literally.

And also that his works contain some(but not many) absurd mistakes, related(according to Rudolf Steiner and Samael Aun Weor) to traces of uneliminated egos from past incarnations related to the practice of black magic; and mistakes also made due to his bias towards Roman Catholicism.

[edit on 31-7-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:00 PM
I am the Worthy Patron of my OES chapter. Symbols mean different things to different people. In the case of the Star OES wise, the Star points down representing Christ when he was down on earth. Also, it is evident that OES is built around Christ; from the teachings of the five heroines, to the meaning of some of the symbols.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:06 PM

Does the members of Eastern Star do degree work based on symbols or tools of Masonry just like Masons?

Eastern Stars don't deal with tools and is different than Masonry. There are things that do spill over from Masonry into OES though…

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:11 PM
Thats not the star from OES. The OES star points down, symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem pointing to jesus's birthplace. That symbol is just a regular 5 pointed star (true, we don't know whats up or down for it, but thats the point, its not 'pointing' anywhere).

It seems to just be a regular pentagram/pentacle.

I like this person's comments from the flickr page
It's a shame you didn't look around in the closets; I'm sure you could have found their Baphomet head

Anyway, I don't know if we can trust the person in that photo, they seem to be invovled with biowarfare or somesuch!

I mean, who trusts a dork anyway?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Thats not the star from OES.
Exactly right. It's a Lodge symbol. The blazing star (as indicated above)

The OES star points down, symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem pointing to jesus's birthplace.
Almost. It points down in most Grand Chapters...except in New York where it points UP

Symbolizing the ascention of the Christ.

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