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Farewell to the United Nations

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posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 08:16 AM
Actually, the nations of the world haven't really ever been united. So even
the name 'United Nations' is wrong. Wishful thinking .. but wrong.

This is an interesting article. The author states that the United Nations is
failing miserably and he explains why. It entertains resolutions and notions
that most of us in the west don't pay attention to. Basically it is a useless paper
tiger that is falling prey to religious fanatics.

The author is historian David Littman. He is a representative to the United Nations
(Geneva) of the Association for World Education. He says - “In recent years,
representatives of some Muslim states have demanded, and often received,
special treatment at the United Nations.” This has caused problems such as
non-diplomatic terms like ‘blasphemy’ and ‘defamation of Islam’ becoming
part of the United Nations system. This causes non-Muslim governments to accept
certain rules of conduct in conformity with Islamic law (the Shari’a). Also the
CDHRI (Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers Cairo Declaration on Human
Rights in Islam) has become 'a quotable source' at the UN. Further he states that
the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) has imposed new rules of conduct
and has an 'exceptional status' at the UN that has no legal basis and no precedent.
Part of the code of conduct is a prohibition of discussion about certain political
aspect of Islam.

This is the conspiracy ... all the garbage notions and attempted resolutions that we
in the west don't hear about. Even when we hear about them they seem so far
fetched that we don't believe that they could actually be happening. But they are.
Does the UN purposely play them down or even not discuss them for the Western
audience? I think so. If we all knew what was really going on in the UN - all the
stupid attempted resolutions; illegal backroom deals; incompetence; etc - we'd not
be wanting to send our tax money there to support it. That frightens them. The
free ride would be over.

One of the latest happenings in the UN - The Islamic nations want it to be
against UN Law to mock Islam. While it may be in poor taste to mock a persons
religious beliefs, it is against freedom of speech to make it a law. In other words -
they want no more anti-Muhammad cartoons in Denmark or anywhere else.

And then there is the quote from the UN about how they want to control the
internet to 'insure access to the entire world'.
Like the UN is capable of
doing that? Capitalistic societies have a better shot at that. And what would tribal
nomads in the deserts of Africa want with the internet anyways??

If the UN had concentrated on ending slavery in Africa (which is still a flourishing
trade!) instead of taking 'Oil for Food' bribes perhaps it would have had a chance
at being a legitimate entity to help bring about world peace. As it is, it is just as
corrupt and disgusting as the other political systems in the world.

Anyways ... read the article and see what you think. The author makes sense IMHO.

[edit on 7/28/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 08:24 AM
Just like the League of Nations, it will fall from grace and be replaced with something more controlling and more direct. UN reforms speak of a World parliament, and its likely that the UN will be replaced with a united democratic body (im not talking about a one world government)

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by infinite
Just like the League of Nations, it will fall from grace and be replaced with something more controlling and more direct. UN reforms speak of a World parliament, and its likely that the UN will be replaced with a united democratic body (im not talking about a one world government)

But thats exactly what it would be. It would be created under the guise of a democratic body.
But the world is too diverse and too complicated to justly and effectively rule under one body.

This si why it must not happen. Because there are people who would use such a thing to push their own goals forward.

Like Muslim or Christian globalization.

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by infinite
Just like the League of Nations, it will fall from grace and be replaced with something more controlling and more direct. UN reforms speak of a World parliament, and its likely that the UN will be replaced with a united democratic body (im not talking about a one world government)

go to the UN website,
look up the new, and still under construction- Peace Builders Commission...

the US & like minded nations are trying to create a new branch of the UN
which has more power & authority than either the General Assembly
or the Security Council which controls the existing PeaceKeepers @ the UN
and because the GA & SC get deadlocked or swamped with self-serving resolutions
and are hopelessly ineffectual. (get the reason/idea just why Bolton
~Bush's PitBull~was appointed as US Ambassador in the UN.)

the PeaceBuildersCommission, will have directors & leadership from all
the continents serving something like 7 year terms....
appointed or divvied up in a most 'democratic' & 'represenative' way.

just go and read up on this new Commission and relate this new power base with a lot of the prophecised end-times elements... the7 Kings, the Beast, and the mechanisms that the false prophet & AC use to destroy peoples thru 'Peace'.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 03:13 AM
The UN must be terminated. Why?
1) It was supposed to prevent war - and it has failed to do so.
2) It was supposed to be a gathering of all the nations of the world tasked with enabling cooperation among those nations. Instead, it is an organisation controlled entirely by terrorist states and totalitarian states.
3) It was supposed to be an effective organisation, but it is not. It's not doing anything, yet it employs thousands of people and pays them high salaries.

[edit on 30-7-2006 by JimmyCarterIsNotSmarter]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 06:46 AM
well, it can't be effective anymore because "good old America" does what it likes and so does Israel.

United Nations (of course) will just be reformed, America supports the idea of reform strongly and its only a matter of time before these changes take place.

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