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FEAR Mongering is getting out of hand

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posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 11:06 PM
You DO have a point there.

I'm helping spread the fear by posting this as well. There's no end in sight to the "terror"

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 01:12 AM
Here, DG, a little something to lift your spirits.

This might be the antidote for the idiots of the world.
I gotta admit some of the strictly Fox news reporting is good, but for the rest...back away from the tv, drop the Fox, now, quickly change the channel...

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

Originally posted by helium3
Well if Fox news says so, its gotta be true

Oh yea. And if that isnt bad enough, this is setting the stage for more vigilantism, more intrusion into our daily lives, all courtesy of Fox Government News.

Don't picture you as a Fox News kinda gal Dg
I even try not to watch it to much, prefer CNN or MSNBC. It is in theory possible for Hezbollah to have a nuke or dirty bomb, it is likely Al qaeda could have one, it is possible that Iraq gave Syria there "wmd" stock pile to use against America and Israel if we invade. All of it is POSSIBLE though unlikely that they have the money and resources to maintain such a bomb. Unless Iran gave them scientist or funds it. When the USSR fell their nukes in the satellite states where up for grabs and the generals who had them could have sold them to anyone. The good news is those nukes are aging, and it is even more unlikely that the terrorist have new ones. Much easier to buy one then to make one.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 01:41 AM
The only fear I have is the knowledge that some people, well alot, actually watch Fox as a news source and believe what they see and read

I used to not have to have any American news channel in my life, alas now I do and I take it for what it usually is ... entertainment. I can stomach Faux now for a good chuckle without choking on my gag reflex because I know where to go for the actual news

As for CNN ? It's ok ... sometimes ... I guess.

[edit on 28-7-2006 by ImJaded]

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:08 AM
We get FOX "news" here in the UK on Sky, along with it's evil twin, Sky News. I had to stiffle my hysterical laughter when I watched it the other day (I was curious...

Not only is there zero content to their news, they just cheese it so much, that it wouldn't matter if there was content to the reporting...

The title of one report made me laugh the most:

"Battleground in the HolyGround"... followed by cheesey voice over of doom.....

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:27 AM
Foreigners seem to think that the only news channel in America is FOX news. CNN is very balanced, I watch the BBC, CCTV, and have even watched Al Jazeera when I used to get it, as well as an Indian news channel. Out of them all, CNN is the best.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 03:07 AM
I'm sure the majority of you guys would have seen this...but just in case you havn't here's a licenced link to the movie "Outfoxed". A fascinating doco about the onesidedness of Fox news...

Very interesting. It will shut up all the Fox fanatics..

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 05:40 AM
Is it me, or does Shawn Hannity look like a yuppified version of Fred Flintstone?

He always manages to make my skin crawl, that one.

Anyway, thats one benefit of living in Britian: no Fox News unless you subscribe to the channel.

All media, one way or another is biased. Like CNN and BBC tend to lean a bit to the left. If Fox News leaned just a bit to the right, it would be balanced and Id enjoy it as much as other news as a source of bias balance.

However, Fox leans WAAAAAAAAAAY to the right. Its like 10% news and 90% spin, opinion, and propaganda.

My roomate used to keep it on all the time except when there was sports on. It was enough that I went for frequent walks.


posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by kojac
I'm sure the majority of you guys would have seen this...but just in case you havn't here's a licenced link to the movie "Outfoxed". A fascinating doco about the onesidedness of Fox news...

Very interesting. It will shut up all the Fox fanatics..

Excellent documentary, thanks for that Kojac
Certainly opens your eyes a bit does'nt it!

A friend of mine just told me that another good one is "Orwell rolls in his grave".
Not watched it myself yet but it's supposed to be good.


posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Is it me, or does Shawn Hannity look like a yuppified version of Fred Flintstone?

He always manages to make my skin crawl, that one.
THAT'S IT!!!!!

But Fred Flintstone was lovable...

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by CX

Originally posted by kojac
I'm sure the majority of you guys would have seen this...but just in case you havn't here's a licenced link to the movie "Outfoxed". A fascinating doco about the onesidedness of Fox news...

Very interesting. It will shut up all the Fox fanatics..

Excellent documentary, thanks for that Kojac
Certainly opens your eyes a bit does'nt it!

A friend of mine just told me that another good one is "Orwell rolls in his grave".
Not watched it myself yet but it's supposed to be good.


No pobs CX

"Orwell rolls in his grave".

I'll keep my eyes peeled

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 10:26 PM
Its all about $$$. If you make a comment that a nuke will be dropped, how many more commercials will one sit through to find out where and when?

Like 'em or not, you've got to hand it to FOX. They learned the recipie for bringing in the ad dollars in the morning: soccer moms in short skirts, and dashing metro men. They've sexed the news up.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
This is why Americans should watch CNN. That is one of the truly most balanced news station I have ever watched.

Yeah, balanced all right, balanced on the teetering edge of treason.

I went to the CNN internet site and on their front page they had a picture of a Lebanese child in a hospital, the note under it said that the child had been shaking from pain since she arrived, there was also mention of a day with Hezbollah by a reporter, and several other non-condemning mentions of Lebanon and Hezbollah, but the one mention of Israel and her people was a grudging note several pages down of some suit and tie affair or other.

Not TOOOOO biased.

On Fox on the other hand a live report was showing the bombs from Israel landing in a Lebanese apartment complex of three buildings which mysteriously seemed to have been empty of occupants. Ambulances were arriving and there standing around them were the EMT's but no bodies, no wounded. Amazing, huh.

Going on in that report it was brought out that the apartment complex was headquarters for Hezbollah militants who stored portable weapons able to deliver rockets to Israel. Apparently someone tipped them off, cuz there were no other explosions after the rocket blast settled, though the people who had been in the neighborhood were attempting to protect themselves from what was said to have been "gases" escaping from the buildings.

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