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EMAILED the Federal Reserve!

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posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 05:26 PM
I figured if we wanted some info, might as well see what the source has to say. Used a fake name.

My Email:

First Name: James
Last Name: Johnson

Email Content:

I noticed in your FAQ that under the question "Is the federal Reserve a
private company?" the response is an amazing dodgefest and shifts
countlessly to the fact that an "act of congress" formed the company. Heres
a question: What is the state of the economy going to be when the
public figures out the federal reserve is in fact a for-profit organization?

Their Response (long)

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Thank you for your recent correspondence and for your question
concerning the Federal Reserve System.

As you know, there is considerable misunderstanding about the Federal
Reserve. Many people think that the Federal
Reserve is not part of the government or responsible to the government,
but is a profit-making private bank. In fact,
while the Federal Reserve has been granted a degree of independence in
its operations, it is a part of the federal
government. The Federal Reserve is the nation's central bank. It was
created by an Act of Congress on December 23,
1913. The Federal Reserve System consists of a seven-member Board of
Governors (an independent agency of the federal
government with headquarters in Washington, D.C.), plus a nationwide
network of 12 Federal Reserve Banks and 25
Reserve Bank branches. The Federal Reserve Banks were established by
Congress as the operating arms of the nation's
central banking system, and they have both public purposes and private
aspects. The Federal Reserve Banks are
organized like private corporations, and their stock, as provided for
by law, is held by all national banks and by
those state chartered commercial banks that are members of the Federal
Reserve System. Ownership of Federal Reserve
Bank stock is in the nature of an obligation that goes along with
membership in the System, and does not carry with it
the attributes of control and financial interest ordinarily attached to
stock ownership in corporations that are
operated for the purpose of making a profit. The amount of stock that
member banks are required to own is specified by
law, and each member bank has only one vote, regardless of the number
of shares it holds. The stock may not be sold or
pledged as security for loans, and dividends are limited by law to 6
percent per year. If a Reserve Bank were
liquidated, any surplus would go to the U.S. Government, not the

The power to coin money and regulate its value has been broadly
construed by the Supreme Court of the United States to
mean authorization and regulation of the process of issuing and
circulating currency. For instance, in 1819, the
Supreme Court said that Congress had the power to charter banks and to
give those banks the power to issue currency,
McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316 (17 U.S. 316). More recently,
federal courts have upheld the constitutionality of
the composition of the Federal Reserve System's policy-making arm, the
Federal Open Market Committee. In addition to
this specific grant of authority, the Constitution, under Article I,
Section 8, Clause 18, grants Congress the
power "to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for
carrying into execution" the enumerated powers. These
provisions give Congress comprehensive authority over the currency and
the monetary system of the United States. Only
Congress, and not the states, may declare what shall be money and may
regulate its value under Article I, Section 10.
Congress was exercising this constitutional power when it passed the
Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Federal Reserve
notes, issued pursuant to Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act (12
U.S.C. Section 411), are

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 05:27 PM
obligations of the United
States. These notes are issued at the discretion of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and, as
provided in 31 U.S.C. Section 5103, are legal tender for all debts.
Federal Reserve notes are the chief form of
currency in circulation today and, as legal tender, may be used to pay
all debts. The Federal Reserve estimates the
need for new currency, and the Board orders currency printed by the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing and pays the
costs of production. The Federal Reserve Banks then place the currency
in circulation, in effect selling currency to
banks and other depository institutions, as well as, in effect, buying
currency back from those institutions. In this
way, the public's changing needs for currency are satisfied. Each
Reserve Bank pledges as collateral its assets equal
to the amount of notes it has outstanding. Neither the Board nor the
Reserve Banks receive appropriations from
Congress. Therefore, they do not operate with tax revenues but rather
pay expenses out of earnings. Earnings of the
Federal Reserve Banks are derived primarily from interest received on
their holdings of securities and on the fees
they charge depository institutions for providing services such as the
processing and clearing of checks. After
payment of expenses, contributions to surplus, and payment of other
assessments, all the net earnings of the Federal
Reserve Banks are aggregated and paid over to the U.S. Treasury.

The U.S. Congress has ultimate authority over the Federal Reserve
System, and the Board is required by statute to
report to Congress annually on the Federal Reserve's activities. With
respect to monetary policy, the Federal Reserve
is required by statute to report to Congress twice a year on its plans
and objectives for monetary policy. As you
know, members of the Board, particularly the Chairman, are frequently
requested by Congressional committees to testify
on banking and economic issues.

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is a federal
government agency.

I hope this information is helpful.


Board Staff

What do you think?

[edit on 27-7-2006 by Nigandahu]

[edit on 27-7-2006 by Nigandahu]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:54 PM
"Therefore they don't operate with tax revenue!"

Pure lies! Income tax exists to pay interest on the National debt, not only that but income tax exists to remove excess money supply out of circulation to prevent a repeat of the Weimer Rupublic of Germany's hyperinflation from over printing of currency.
The excess is then lent to Gov'ts of other countries through the IMF via loans that these countries can never pay back thus defaulting and having to pass laws to enslave the population through debt and the loss of sovreignty and natural resources.
Plus the funds lent to Gov'ts of other Countries must use American companies to build the infastructure thus bringing the money back to america. Then the owners of these companies launder the money offshore via the caymen Islands, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia etc where this money is deposited and lent out again via fractional reserve lending.

The whole system is the biggest most gigantic ponzi scheme and this house of cards is gonna come crashing down with the general public being left holding the bag. Federal reserve notes are actually debt instruments---IOU's, promises to pay when lawful money is restored.
Your children are going to be slaves! People need to wake up!!!
Ronald Reagan had a study done on the Federal Reserve & Income tax and determined not one red cent goes to funding the Gov't. Not only that but being a citizen actually makes you a Gov't employee or OFFICER who must remunerate his military script inorder to help with the war.
America is constantly at war. Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, Kosovo, Gulfwar, Afganistan, Iraq, & don't forget the War on Cancer, War on Drugs, War on Terror.
America must constantly remain at war to hold off her creditors.


posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 07:00 PM
Alrighty then *cracks knuckles* Ill have a go at a translation, Im a bit rusty on bankerspeak, so if anyone thinks im wrong, please feel free to challenge me.

In fact, while the Federal Reserve has been granted a degree of independence in its operations, it is a part of the federal government.

- Yes we are a private corporation, however, we have an offical government stamp collection that make us look all federal like.

The Federal Reserve System consists of a seven-member Board of Governors (an independent agency of the federal government with headquarters in Washington, D.C.),

- We have 7 stooges in one office.

plus a nationwide network of 12 Federal Reserve Banks and 25 Reserve Bank branches,[snip] and they have both public purposes and private aspects.

- We are not just one big bank you know, we have a whole bunch of mini reserve banks all doing the same thing, making money under the guise of public interest.

The Federal Reserve Banks are organized like private corporations, and their stock, as provided for by law, is held by all national banks and by those state chartered commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System.

- We appear to be like an ordinary corporation but we are special... no one can buy and sell our stocks, it all just goes straight to our other banks. Sweet aint it?

Ownership of Federal Reserve Bank stock is in the nature of an obligation that goes along with membership in the System, and does not carry with it the attributes of control and financial interest ordinarily attached to stock ownership in corporations that are operated for the purpose of making a profit.

- Unlike those crass corporations, we pretend profit is a side effect of running this wonderful scam *cough* sorry, service.

The amount of stock that member banks are required to own is specified by
law, and each member bank has only one vote, regardless of the number of shares it holds.

- If we have nice little laws that says we are special and appear to have rules in place it will look like we are all proper like.

The stock may not be sold or pledged as security for loans, and dividends are limited by law to 6 percent per year.

- This is where we take a loss for our protection, especially from the likes of you Mr Anderson, when people like you ask too many questions, we show you the rules and our stamp collection and usually you back away muttering and slightly confused.

If a Reserve Bank were liquidated, any surplus would go to the U.S. Government, not the stockholders.

- Heh, like that happens alot, it looks good though, dontcha think? " see see! the Governments gets all the cash". Believe me only staplers and paper weights will be all thats left.

The power to coin money and regulate its value has been broadly construed by the Supreme Court of the United States to mean authorization and regulation of the process of issuing and circulating currency.

- Yes, us big bankers like our host country to print all our notes and coins, keeps the people happy, makes them feel secure.

For instance, in 1819, the Supreme Court said

- Brag brag brag, we have lots of important dates and stamps and charters, this one specificly allows us to issue the money the government printed up for us, good year that.

More recently, federal courts have upheld the constitutionality of the composition of the Federal Reserve System's policy-making arm, the Federal Open Market Committee.

- yes, only just recently we changed stuff about, got a new name but it still does the same thing, its all for show you know?

Only Congress, and not the states, may declare what shall be money

- Yup, congress may only decide what shall be money, lets hope they dont go back to shells and pretty stones *chortles*

and may regulate its value under Article I, Section 10.

- *snorts in disdain* They might decide to start changing interest rates about, and one day they will, under our direct supervision of course, just for show, "lookie congress has real power, not us lowly bankers" *mwahahaha*

Congress was exercising this constitutional power when it passed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

- See! A marvelous thing this Congress, works a treat for us all the time.

The U.S. Congress has ultimate authority over the Federal Reserve System, and the Board is required by statute to report to Congress annually on the Federal Reserve's activities.

- Look right, when you get down to it, we can flash ya all our stamp collections and for all intent and purposes, it looks like we are governmental, I mean we didnt pick the name Federal Reserves for nothing you know!

With respect to monetary policy, the Federal Reserve is required by statute to report to Congress twice a year on its plans and objectives for monetary policy.
and may regulate its value under Article I, Section 10.

- Twice a year we have a conflab, and mostly we talk LRF* at each other, its great!

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is a federal government agency.

- Yup, we have stamps of approval, see how great we are!? We managed to swing it so that we can say we ARE federal!

I hope this information is helpful.

- We hope that mentioning the word Federal 30 times, government 6 times, congress 12 times and only profits twice, helps clear things up, oh and we hope you enjoyed trying to figure out that we told you bugger all.

Bemused Staff


*DLT Tip:
Heres an old techies trick to see if a salesperson is being honest with you. Ask her if the machine has "LRF Support." "LRF" stands for "Little Rubber Feet." If she says something like: "Why yes, the old systems didnt, but this new 600MHz Pentium III does" then you know youve got a real P.T. Barnum on your hands.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by BattleofBatoche
"Therefore they don't operate with tax revenue!"

Pure lies! Income tax exists to pay interest on the National debt, not only that but income tax exists to remove excess money supply out of circulation to prevent a repeat of the Weimer Rupublic of Germany's hyperinflation from over printing of currency.
The excess is then lent to Gov'ts of other countries through the IMF via loans that these countries can never pay back thus defaulting and having to pass laws to enslave the population through debt and the loss of sovreignty and natural resources.
Plus the funds lent to Gov'ts of other Countries must use American companies to build the infastructure thus bringing the money back to america. Then the owners of these companies launder the money offshore via the caymen Islands, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia etc where this money is deposited and lent out again via fractional reserve lending.

The whole system is the biggest most gigantic ponzi scheme and this house of cards is gonna come crashing down with the general public being left holding the bag. Federal reserve notes are actually debt instruments---IOU's, promises to pay when lawful money is restored.
Your children are going to be slaves! People need to wake up!!!
Ronald Reagan had a study done on the Federal Reserve & Income tax and determined not one red cent goes to funding the Gov't. Not only that but being a citizen actually makes you a Gov't employee or OFFICER who must remunerate his military script inorder to help with the war.
America is constantly at war. Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, Kosovo, Gulfwar, Afganistan, Iraq, & don't forget the War on Cancer, War on Drugs, War on Terror.
America must constantly remain at war to hold off her creditors.

That is the biggest load of ............................ possible truth ..... I have seen on this board! That is a great short summery of what our country is running off of. We will go down one way or another, either we get sick of the constant wars, we have an ecnonomic crash because congress delays in raising the debt ceiling fast enough and we default, we run to many wars and just colapse, or we run out of strong enough enemies and have no one to fight there fore no war economy for the military industrial complex. I hope none of that happens before I move out of the country!

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 08:45 PM
The poster should have asked the Federal Reserve what a "Joint Stock Trust" is.
The only one in existence in America that was Grandfathered by congress. No one person, place, or thing, natural or artificial person, or corporation may have one for all time except the Federal Reserve.
The only other kind of trust that supercedes this is a "Royal Trust" and that is what every country belonging to the IMF has become. All indebted nations operate their Gov'ts via "Royal Trust". The Gov't holds all the land, resources, military, gold & silver & anything else of "value"; including your childrens future labor via the Birth Certificate (an actual Bank note of the Elite). All property belongs to the "State" unless it was purchased by lawful gold &/or silver in "Fee Simple" with Alloidal claim. Anything purchased with debt notes isn't really yours, you are just renting like Fuedal Europe of the Dark Ages. Everybody has become fuedal serfs again without realizing. Remember slaves & serfs will only produce at a 25% rate but Slaves who believe they are free because of Gov't induced propaganda through public school will work at full capacity making the Fuedal Lords (shareholders of the "Crown") wealthy beyond all comprehension.
Do you know where these Trust are incorporated?
The city of London via the Judiciary & Temple Bar (Bar Association).
A simple glance at a Black's Law dictionary will slowly open your eyes to what words truly mean in law versus what public school & hollywood brainwash everyone.
The Mother of All Conspiracies that can tie every other conspiracy together can actually be found by studying Acts of Congress/Senate/Parliement. You have to look for yourself cause the Gov't lies as does your elective "History of the Western Civilization".
We have never been free! Don't pay your property taxes and find out who really owns your house.
Register comes from the root word regent which means to give to the King.
King is a high "office". Not divine like we are taught.
Who controls the "office"? Everything you thought you owned has been registered.
You registered your farmland, your car, your investments, your house, and worst of all you registered your children.
The world is governed by contracts. Every Gov't benefit you have ever received constitutes a tacit acceptance of a contract that binds your more than you could ever know or even begin to understand.
All contracts are binding, all must be honored.

Ask yourself this " who is the father of contracts?"
Now you know the rest of the story. Sleep well.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:03 PM
Did anyone else pick up on this oxymoronic statement?":

The Fed is "an independent agency of the federal government".

What does this mean??

edited to include: Another poster found this statement els where in the e-mail the first poster says received from the Fed:

"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is a federal government agency."

Fed caught in the act of disinformation?

[edit on 28-7-2006 by curiousity]

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:47 PM
You do know that there is no such things an anonymous email?
Your email has a header that can trace back to you, if I am not mistaken.
Although I can't imagine they would be out to get you, they could find you.

And, I am rather surprised they replied. Maybe they have a standard reply for those people who ask for how the Fed works.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

And, I am rather surprised they replied. Maybe they have a standard reply for those people who ask for how the Fed works.

im sure they do. people probably ask them this all the time

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:53 PM

"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is a federal government agency."

Fed caught in the act of disinformation?

Curiosity...great observation. The Board of Governors is a government entity, but the FED itself is not. The Board is supposed to keep an eye on what the FED does...but of course, they do not. Why? Because in actuality, the FED owns every one of those government appointed "Board of Governors."

In 93 years, the FED has never been audited. Why? What does that Board do?? NOTHING!!

[edit on 28-7-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 03:22 PM

Interesting. I didn't read everything, however you may want to respond with this question:

1) Can you please tell me either:

a) The current value of the stock, or
b) The amount paid in dividends last financial year to the stock holders

This way, you can determine just how much money is "given" to the National banks via dividends.

Also ask them if the banks have to purchase the said stock or is transferred when a bank becomes a "member".

...or, if they have them - the financials. They should list everything.

I also noticed that he mentioned the stock doesn't carry with it the normal finacial gains as per normal corporations, however a dividend IS a normal financial gain for normal corporations.



posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 03:25 PM

Also ask them to please expand and explain:

1) contributions to surplus
2) payment of other assessments



posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 03:54 PM
Regarding stock dividends. The FED last year made $1 trillion...and that is TAX FREE. The FED does not have to pay tax on the money it makes. So the FED's stockholders, last year, split $1 trillion.

There are about 300 stock holders in the FED....and 10 main banks involved (most of which are based outside the U.S.). It's all in my thread that is currently running about the "FED is a scam."


Just a big bunch of scum bags...."Illuminati"...the illuminated ones...yeah right. These people backed the Germans in about a conflict of interest. They don't care how they make their money...they just want as much money as possible and they want to own as many governments as possible. Let's not kid ourselves....the FED owns the United States. The United States does not own the FED!...and we as US citizens are literally all slaves to the FED....because our government sold us out and made us slaves.

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