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Are Israels action increasing the chances of another holocaust in the future?

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posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 07:57 AM
G'day all,

What I am trying to say and I have heard many radio political commentators say the same, that Israels current actions are getting so many people upset and angry all over the mid-east, many people who were sitting on the fence before and undecided about all of this, are now turning and becoming vehemently anti-Israil, many children experiencing this included, which brings me to think that Israel's actions are breeding a new generation of anti-Israeli youth who have lost everything and have nothing left to loose.

Just do the simple math, theres about 6 million jews in Israel and how many hundreds of millions all over the Arab world. Their actions are going to bring another holocaust upon themselves some time in the future.

Mods: I am not promoting this idea one little bit, but just stating the facts from observations, the Israeli's are extremely outnumbered and it's only a matter of time till they are out-gunned aswell, and the USA being so outstretched as it is will not bge able to come to it's side for defence thus reinacting the terrors of the past.

What do you all think?
Is this a possibility?
Will a united ARAB force become a super-power?

Should we in the west have kept our noses clean of this area all along?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 09:59 AM
As far as I am concerned, the Israeli's are currently fighting to prevent another holocaust. It is no secret that the president of Iran, as well as representatives of other MidEastern Arab/Muslim states, has called for the total destruction of Israel. The meaning of this is clear.

Faced with eradication, what recourse do Israeli's have? The current war in Lebanon, against the Hezb'allah, is not a "tit for tat" exchange of artillery and rockets. Israel is fighting for security and their very right to exist as a nation, as a culture, as a people.

It would be nice if everyone -- all the parties concerned -- could gather around a table and simply "talk over their differences" and make agreements to respect one another. However, I must ask, what can Israel do if there are no agreements that are universally honored? What can Israel do if the result of those talks result in continued rhetoric (threats) to destroy Israel -- to slaughter all Jews? I would imagine that Israel would react in much the same way as they are acting now. They are fighting back in self defense. I wish that things were different but all of my wishing, all of my best intentions are for naught when faced with serious threats and actions that certainly are not peaceful.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:07 AM
I really do hope that it does not bring about another holocaust, such would be a horrible thing. But i do have faith in mankind to remember its history and not to let it happen again.

On the other note, Israel is trying to prevent another holocaust is a twist of the facts.. Here is a quote

In October 2005, Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss issued a statement criticizing Jewish attacks on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Weiss wrote that Ahmadinejad's statements were not "indicative of anti-Jewish sentiments", but rather, "a yearning for a better, more peaceful world", and "re-stating the beliefs and statements of Ayatollah Khomeini, who always emphasized and practiced the respect and protection of Jews and Judaism."In March 2006, several Neturei Karta members visited Iran where they met with Iranian statesmen, including the Vice-President, and praised Ahmadinejad for calling for the State of Israel to be "wiped off the map." The spokesmen commented that they shared Ahmadinejad's aspiration for "a disintegration of the Israeli government".

This is from the Neturei Karta section on wikipedia.

[edit on 103131p://upThursday by wang]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
As far as I am concerned, the Israeli's are currently fighting to prevent another holocaust. It is no secret that the president of Iran, as well as representatives of other MidEastern Arab/Muslim states, has called for the total destruction of Israel. The meaning of this is clear.

Faced with eradication, what recourse do Israeli's have? The current war in Lebanon, against the Hezb'allah, is not a "tit for tat" exchange of artillery and rockets. Israel is fighting for security and their very right to exist as a nation, as a culture, as a people.

It would be nice if everyone -- all the parties concerned -- could gather around a table and simply "talk over their differences" and make agreements to respect one another. However, I must ask, what can Israel do if there are no agreements that are universally honored? What can Israel do if the result of those talks result in continued rhetoric (threats) to destroy Israel -- to slaughter all Jews? I would imagine that Israel would react in much the same way as they are acting now. They are fighting back in self defense. I wish that things were different but all of my wishing, all of my best intentions are for naught when faced with serious threats and actions that certainly are not peaceful.

Absolutely correct. They are fighting the build up of troops against them in Lebanon and else where, maybe soon Iran as Israel feels that is the greatest threat. In the past Jews where considered weak, inferior, crooked weasley bankers.. I am sure you have your own stereotype of what a "Jew" is.

In the next generation I think kids will grow up seeing an entire other side of the Jews, and view them as hard ass kicking Jews that beat up any one that messes with them. This will help the Jews in one way: It does not matter if they like the Jew, so long as they fear the Jew. It works against them because of the generations (2 now) that will grow up seeing Israeli tanks running over houses, maybe being in the house the Israeli tank runs over. Yes this will lead to another holocaust in the future absolutely, but only if Israel de arms and lets them.

This is the greatest gift to the Jews, the ability to defend them selves, to claim a homeland that one can die for, a sense of identity. Like the poster above me, it would be great if things could be talked over, but while Israel and the Muslims are talking, BOTH sides are preparing the next attack. If Israel continues to do irresponsible military operations, like hitting the UN, international favor for them will slowly decay, that is Israels life blood.

Also I would disagree about people on the fence going to the aid of Hezbollah, or at least against Israel. For some reason people are actually siding with Israel, including Russia, China, and all the European nations that where against Israeli actions on the Palestinians before hand, in America there is support for Israel for more then Hezbollah or Palestinians, however the longer we Americans have to turn on CNN and see mangled children and women screaming for their lost loved ones, our civil support will as well decay.

We don't like things that make us feel sad or guilty, and if Israel continues to bomb apartment complexes and UN stations then I see people loosing faith in Israel competency to handle heir own mess.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:21 AM
Rock, no those countries aren't supporting Israel. When the whole scope of damage is shown to Lebanon, there will be a lot of hate towards Israel. It is just a matter of time that the US doesn't support Israel 100%. There is people on the news, even BILL OREILLY. He was talking to a pro-Israeli senator on why Israel can do things that America cannot. Most Americans believe we should stay neutral.

You saying China and Russia are on the side of Israel? Bs. Putin has even said he thinks Israel has other motives. The UN is against Israel. They may not openly say they are, just look into their comments. So this little incursion is spreading hate for Israel.

Without the US Israel would be chewed up and spit out by the world and Arab countries.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:32 AM
This is an extremely important piece of information that has been deformed by media and the US Goverment time and again:

The spokesmen commented that they shared Ahmadinejad's aspiration for "a disintegration of the Israeli government".

Especialy the bold part.

The Israeli goverment should not be considered "israel" "the israelites" "the jewish people" "jews" or anything else other then "the zionist movement".

The land Israel is on is an equaly holy place to Christians, Jews and Arabs.

Problem is that the Israeli goverment is controlled by the so called, Jewish but not anywhere near like 99.9% of the actual jews in the world, movement or sect of Zionists.

Its not a goverment for the people living in Israel, its a goverment for/from a select group of people from a Jewish movement(SECT) present in Israel. They don't represent their entire population, not by far.

Its like if in the US, the goverment were to be run or controlled by KKK members. How many of the people in the US would they actualy represent? Half a million? Out of 300 Million?

[edit on 27/7/06 by thematrix]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:38 AM
Ahhh Yes, the Arabs wet-dream!

Well of course there is always a chance that the holocaust (Against the Jews) will reoccur but it is not because of Israel's actions. It is because of the violent nature of the Arabs and Muslims. Those of you who think Arabs/Muslims are sooo peaceful really need to reassess the facts. Arab/Muslims focus their attacks not on the Israeli military but on civilians. This is the basic building block of a nation, people and culture who are capable of a holocaust.
Israel and the rest of the Western world pretty much targets militants and NOT civilians without extremely good reason.

Iranian leader have said that very soon Israel will be wiped off the map. This idea is shared by Hezbullah, Hamas and other radical maniacs. I would not be surprised if more moderate countries wish otherwise.

Question: If so many people (around 1 billion people) want 6 million people dead is that OK and Justifiable? Another question - Assume they do wipe out those 6 million 'evil' Zionists - will that be the end and world peace would ensue? or will it be the beginning of an Islamic conquest?

[edit on 27/7/06 by JudahMaccabbi]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
This is an extremely important piece of information that has been deformed by media and the US Goverment time and again:

The spokesmen commented that they shared Ahmadinejad's aspiration for "a disintegration of the Israeli government".

Especialy the bold part.

The Israeli goverment should not be considered "israel" "the israelites" "the jewish people" "jews" or anything else other then "the zionist movement".

The land Israel is on is an equaly holy place to Christians, Jews and Arabs.

Problem is that the Israeli goverment is controlled by the so called, Jewish but not anywhere near like 99.9% of the actual jews in the world, movement or sect of Zionists.

Its not a goverment for the people living in Israel, its a goverment for/from a select group of people from a Jewish movement(SECT) present in Israel. They don't represent their entire population, not by far.

Its like if in the US, the goverment were to be run or controlled by KKK members. How many of the people in the US would they actualy represent? Half a million? Out of 300 Million?

[edit on 27/7/06 by thematrix]

Do you live on Jupiter or one of its sattelites? You seem to have NO IDEA !!!!!
Israel is the government of its people polls in Israel show that 90% of the population support the invasion of Lebanon under the pretext of decimating Hezbuallah and in essence defanging it.

Next time you write something - Make an effort to at least have ONE sentence that is based on some sort of fact.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
Ahhh Yes, the Arabs wet-dream!

Well of course there is always a chance that the holocaust (Against the Jews) will reoccur but it is not because of Israel's actions. It is because of the violent nature of the Arabs and Muslims. Those of you who think Arabs/Muslims are sooo peaceful really need to reassess the facts. Arab/Muslims focus their attacks not on the Israeli military but on civilians. This is the basic building block of a nation, people and culture who are capable of a holocaust.
Israel and the rest of the Western world pretty much targets militants and NOT civilians without extremely good reason.

Iranian leader have said that very soon Israel will be wiped off the map. This idea is shared by Hezbullah, Hamas and other radical maniacs. I would not be surprised if more moderate countries wish otherwise.

Question: If so many people (around 1 billion people) want 6 million people dead is that OK and Justifiable? Another question - Assume they do wipe out those 6 million 'evil' Zionists - will that be the end and world peace would ensue? or will it be the beginning of an Islamic conquest?

As stated in the two posts above we try to point out that is not the intention of the Iranian government. And the notion of a Islamic conquest is ridiculous, what means do they have to be able to conquer anywhere? They can hardle manage their own countries let along create a unified empire. The taking back of israel by palestine, would just be fufilling their land claims, not the start of any conquest. Plus the only time the muslim world have united was to take jerusalem during the crusades.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:48 AM
Judah: Actualy, there are about 16 Million Jews worldwide and only about 4 million of them in Israel of which there are actualy only 1 million or so actualy born in Israel, the rest of the jewish population came from pritty much all over the world, the rest of the Israeli population are mainly Arab muslims, Arab christians, other Christians and some other flavors and religions.

The land Israel is on is as holy to the arabs and christians as it is to the Jews.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
This is an extremely important piece of information that has been deformed by media and the US Goverment time and again:

The spokesmen commented that they shared Ahmadinejad's aspiration for "a disintegration of the Israeli government".

Especialy the bold part.

The Israeli goverment should not be considered "israel" "the israelites" "the jewish people" "jews" or anything else other then "the zionist movement".
[edit on 27/7/06 by thematrix]

Take note people, this is extremely important.

Great post

Israel will never suffer another holocaust, extermination on that scale has moved south to Africa. However Israel is very quickly losing friends over their crane-to-crush-a-fly approach. Their actions will do more to polarise the wider world than the middle east, which is already so divided there's not much else either side can do to antagonise the other.

Judah, so you condemn targeting of civilians by terrorists, but support it for Israel and the rest of the world with "extremely good reason". I can't think of a more ludicrous statement.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 11:15 AM
If President Rahdgfkbldhcugrman of Iran has his way it will be.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by thematrix
Judah: Actualy, there are about 16 Million Jews worldwide and only about 4 million of them in Israel of which there are actualy only 1 million or so actualy born in Israel, the rest of the jewish population came from pritty much all over the world, the rest of the Israeli population are mainly Arab muslims, Arab christians, other Christians and some other flavors and religions.

The land Israel is on is as holy to the arabs and christians as it is to the Jews.

Thanks for displaying an immense amount of ignorance!

Israel has 7 million people of which 77% are Jewish
Which means that roughly 5.4 million Jews live in Israel. About 3.7 million are Israeli-born.

Nice try at your disinformation attempt.

Yes Israel is holy to all three religions. So what is your point? When the old city of Jerusalem was in the hands of Jordanians NO Jews were allowed to visit the Wailing wall. This is not the case with Israel. At times of unrest Israel restricts access to the Al-Aqtza mosque to family men over 45 YO with Israeli citizenship but this is because the mosque is above the wailing wall and there were numerous times when Arabs threw stones on Jews praying by the wall.

I suggest you educate yourself BEFORE you blurt out your ignorance.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 01:01 PM
Lol, I'll take CIA World Fact book data over Wikipedia anyday Judah, for all we know, you are the editor of that wikipedia page.

No Disinfo other then yours dude, what I speak about are pure CIA statistics viewable to all who don't have their heads stuck up some dark place.

6.3 Million, around 80% jews, 20% are Israeli born.

[edit on 27/7/06 by thematrix]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by thematrix
Lol, I'll take CIA World Fact book data over Wikipedia anyday Judah, for all we know, you are the editor of that wikipedia page.

No Disinfo other then yours dude, what I speak about are pure CIA statistics viewable to all who don't have their heads stuck up some dark place.

6.3 Million, around 80% jews, 20% are Israeli born.

[edit on 27/7/06 by thematrix]

OK I'll play your game - question: How were you in reading comprehension in school???

Jewish 80.1% (Europe/America-born 32.1%, Israel-born 20.8%, Africa-born 14.6%, Asia-born 12.6%), non-Jewish 19.9% (mostly Arab) (1996 est.)

Again: Note -------> (1996 est.)

The data in wiki was footnoted.
It is amazing what you can learn when you actually READ

If you would like more updated sources try

Israel's census data.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
Rock, no those countries aren't supporting Israel. When the whole scope of damage is shown to Lebanon, there will be a lot of hate towards Israel. It is just a matter of time that the US doesn't support Israel 100%. There is people on the news, even BILL OREILLY. He was talking to a pro-Israeli senator on why Israel can do things that America cannot. Most Americans believe we should stay neutral.

You saying China and Russia are on the side of Israel? Bs. Putin has even said he thinks Israel has other motives. The UN is against Israel. They may not openly say they are, just look into their comments. So this little incursion is spreading hate for Israel.

Without the US Israel would be chewed up and spit out by the world and Arab countries.

Why am I always attacked and my words get spun around on me. I was meaning everyone supported Israels original action of defending its self, in which Mr. Putin did say Israel and all nation need to protect them selves from aggression. Not all Americans support the Israeli war, at the beginning it was probably in the 70% range, and like I said as the war goes on support will decay as we see what is really happening and what Israels long term goal was. And like I said this war, like all wars past for Israel whether needed or not will inspire hate, especially in the region. I am not sure exactly what we disagree on here?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Who has the nukes?Look at all the lovely Love-letters the Israelis leave for all the arabs everywhere. You just have to look at Palestine and Lebanon and see who is trying to exterminate who. They cannot get the Palestinians to move out they will kill 10-20 a day until they are gone. Slowly and methodically. The visitors that go there and visit family are discouraged with a visit to the jail and usually they will be banned from returning. A sham they are perpetrating just for sympathy...even if the feelings are there, they have the same feelings but they try to make it appear one-sided.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 03:17 PM
There have been, and still are, many Jews and Jewish communities in Arab and predominantly Muslim countries.
So, given all the rhetoric I keep reading on these boards about how all Muslims are seeking another "Holocaust" and want all Jews killed, how do they explain this phenomenon?
I'd be interested to see how they square that little factoid with their crazy notions that all the Arabs want to do is exterminate Jews.

Then we have all the Jews in Israel protesting against their own government's treatment of the Lebanese and Palestinians. Then we have all the Jewish groups worldwide issuing statements that are highly critical of Israel and making the point that Israel DOES NOT represent the Jewish people. etc...... etc......

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
Who has the nukes?Look at all the lovely Love-letters the Israelis leave for all the arabs everywhere. You just have to look at Palestine and Lebanon and see who is trying to exterminate who. They cannot get the Palestinians to move out they will kill 10-20 a day until they are gone. Slowly and methodically. The visitors that go there and visit family are discouraged with a visit to the jail and usually they will be banned from returning. A sham they are perpetrating just for sympathy...even if the feelings are there, they have the same feelings but they try to make it appear one-sided.

Is it me or is it strange that all he graffitti is written in English?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Knights

Is it me or is it strange that all he graffitti is written in English?

Yes its written in English. Many of the settlers are from english speaking countries. Did you think everyone was born there and speaks/writes hebrew? There are some that are written in hebrew but what would be the point of putting them here if no one understands besides a Israeli or Jewish person


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