posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 12:05 AM
reading through a thread about obesity someone noted about europeans joke about the fat homeless persons. well that got me thinking. i live in a large
city and we have many, many homless. we have the local annti-poverty groups acting as well.
now the first thing is that many of the beggers, and panhandlers, are actualy quite wealthy. in fact we had one infamouse lady given uop by the media.
she was known to do things like attack someone who didn't give. they did a small exposae on her. turns out she lived in a decent place up in the
suburbs and came downtown to "work".nice cars ect.
in another instance a few years ago a guy died on newyears eve. from the bad cold we had gotten. there was a hugh and cry about the poor victom of
poverty, nowhere to live and such. well the police made a statement that the guy had enough CASH on his person that "he could have paid for a lavish
apartment for a year". and not to even ask about his bank accounts as they didn't want any "lost family and friends" trying to get their hands on
there are many stories here like those. but yet there are still many who could use help. quite a few are mentaly disturbed, because they can't be
locked up in mental institutions they leave and stop takeing meds, which starts the process again. some of these can be quite dangerous like one a
couple of blocks away decided to burn down an appartment building (he succeeded that building has been empty ever since). how can you solve that
problem? without locking them up which is cruel? how doese one REALY help them?
then you have the drunks and druggies. much the same as those with mental dissorders, many infact are mentaly messed up wheather from their addictions
or before. i know one personaly that makes sometimes a couple hundread a day. which he uses to buy his drugs. again you can't force help on them as
that is cruel as well.
you also have many who are truely down on their luck and desperatly need help. i have been there myself. the only reason i didn't end up on the
street is that my parrents paid my rent. i came close to haveing hydro cut off, my cable was cut and my phoneline died so i had to cancil it as i
couldn't pay for a repair,lost my internet. i was gathering cigartette buttsto re-roll so i could smoke them. it was hell. i even had to beg food off
of friends so my cat and i wouldn't starve. but how do you know the differance in them?
i ended up in the hospital to seek help as i was suicidle and generaly freaking out. luckily my work bennifits were still in place to get meds, not
all he wanted too as insurance does not pay for some meds. they tried to get me some wellfare, but as my parrents were currantly paying the rent and
since the rent was more than i would recieve, i was unelligable. i had used up my unemployment insurance. i just fell between the cracks due to an
accident that wasn't even my fault. i couldn't beg because of the pain i was in. how do you figure out who needs help badly and those who acctualy
have money. if it wasn't for my parrnts i would have been compleatly screwed. we do have foodbanks here, but how does someone get to them?
there are those that need help but many more who are scam artists, (guess who actualy gets money). how to get to those that realy need it? there are
some mighty big cracks in the systom that people fall through. shouldn't people get the help they need BEFORE they become homeless?