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If bug spray dont kill it. Be afriaid! be very Afraid!

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posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:16 AM
Bug spies and sneaky CIA fish!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im gonna get a fly swap the size of a tennis racket with piano wire strings and a 5km drift net!!!!!!!!

Arrghhhh!! they're everywhere!

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:41 AM

There is another thread about this. Different article though.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:47 AM
I am pretty sure there is a post referring to this called.
CIA dragonfly & catfish spy gadget
but anyway getting nack to the if the spray dont killit be afraid part of your topic. not to long ago a couple of houses here in australia had a plague of Bird eating spiders in their back yard.(BIG BIG SPIDER) and when they got the pest control people out to deal with it , it was a fact the poisonous pesticide used by the pest controllers which was specifically formulated to kill spiders did nothing but annoy these things!!..damn there was a news story of one of the residents hitting one with the flat of a shovel and only stunning it, It jumped up and started chasing it's attacker..

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:55 AM
Spent a month up in Queenland, its so hot you have to wolk round the house in bare feet and then these giant buggers wonder out! Scared the hell out of this kiwi bloke not to mention bats cane toads ants that dont walk about you but eat thru you, th ehail storms i nthe middle of summer, attacked by a crow at the beach, flying cocroashes the size of ur hand.........was a freaky place!

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:57 AM
so that explains how come when i go fishing and i look at that lil screen on my uncles boat and it shows all those fish right below us and i drop my line and not a sngle one of them mofos bite!


posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:59 AM
And the giant purple red and blue ants, I was trying to put up a tent, hit these ants with a hammer drove em down hard witha swing and a thud.....nedxt secon dit pops up out of the hol eand wanders off, did this to about 6 of em....tougn critter lil titaniumspy cameras I reckon

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 04:22 AM
Now I know why those good patriots in the southern states hunt catfish with dynamite and carry shotguns .....for them pesty dragon flies....they always knew!

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 11:43 PM
...Remind me not to go vacationing Down Under...

It looks like Mother Nature has begun building up her army to avenge herself from our attacks to her health...

Anybody in Kiwiland see that Alfred Hitchcock film, "The Birds"?


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