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Civil War Soon - Strictly U.S. Related

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posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:49 AM
Man oh man I cant wait to take back this country. Things are getting worse by the day and soon it'll all boil down to action being taken. I sorta have a feeling its going to start from this MinuteManProject going wrong.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by CmptrN3rd5
Man oh man I cant wait to take back this country. Things are getting worse by the day and soon it'll all boil down to action being taken. I sorta have a feeling its going to start from this MinuteManProject going wrong.

I agree..most of these minutemen are exmilitary and war in my opinion they are the ideal image of a patriot...they have served their country and even fought for they are serving our country and protecting it again...all on their own accord because they feel the government isn't doing a good enough job in protecting our borders..Are you going to go tell these people that what they are doing is vigilantism and that they can't do this?I sure wouldn't.These men and women have had enough and are taking action to do something about it...only a matter of time before more citizens follow .

So much is said to the effect of Americans being sheep and lazy..well that may be, but look at it as Americans being a sleeping keep treating him wrong or mean and eventually he will wake up and bite you on the @ss.
I think if President Bush tries to stop these minutemen he's gonna get bit and bit hard.


posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 01:52 PM
I am a Patriot - without question, My ancestors fought to get this nation established as well as have sacrificed themselves in Every war since.

Wanted to say that part so ya all knew where I was comming from.
I love my country, but Fear my Government.

I've been expecting a revolution since the mid 80's, and nothing yet.
We the People have become soft, and easily led. Seems nobody wants to fight, just put up with it, and keep the blinders on.

I do wonder how far things will have to go before it starts.

Maybe we should start a thread regarding ideas for a new Government And maybe we can decide if We are a Republic, or a Democracy (Seems that we are a moronic Plutonomy)

Strong State Govt,
Term Limits,
No Property Taxes (If you pay tax on it it's not yours is it?)

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:10 PM
Know what, when America revolted back in the 18th century, it was for far less crap than what we're putting up with now.

Goes to show that America is Land of the Sheeple. Let's face it--too many people are far too wrapped up in their own workaday lives and they just don't want anything to mess with their comfort zone, know what I mean? People are too concerned over who's going to win the next ballgame, getting a bigger house or SUV, or getting more toys.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 05:23 AM
Please....Can anyone tell me why everyone is so scared of russia ? There BROKE !!!! and have been for some time. Plus they sold all there arms. But then again the US always need some poor counrty to blame THERE MISTAKES on.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 05:52 AM
I would say that thousands of WMD will always give me a fright

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 06:22 AM
I've kind of skimmed through this thread, and am totally flummoxed by some of the attitudes.

1) John Titor ... Well, what can you say. John will never be wrong. How can he be with that built in differential based on time lines. If it didn't happen when we think it should have, "Well", it happened in the next time line over to the right side, and will occur here in a few years.

2) "Sheeple" - I think many people use that word like a newly found insult or "cuss" word, or at least neat buzz word. It means little. Many people are not necessarily ignorant to what goes on as many of you might try to indicate with the constant usage of the word "Sheeple" ... Many folks who don't get to excited about what may be going wrong or badly, have a certain amount of faith in the professionals to deal with it (for better or worse). Many folks are working for change as well, but not necessarily as you think they should.

3) Paranoia, depression, and fear - Many of the folks who have posted on this thread appear, by their writing, to be living in paradigms of paranoia, depression, and/or fear. Amazing to me. These same folks wonder why everyone else doesn't live with those same dreads. Some of us, while interested in what is going on in the way of government conspiracy and the possibility of a civil war (Probably will not happen here, anymore, and not for the reasons you think, i.e. "Sheeple"), still have lives to live and things to do before we die.

Giving up and dying is easy. Living is a choice. You can either get out there and live your life, or sit and waste it. If you are actively afraid of where your life, in the context of all that is supposedly going wrong, is going then you need to get off your duff and get involved in tools for change and not blame it on all the "sheeple" that you would rather believe do not shoulder the blame and cost.

Afraid of WMD? Get involved with people/groups who are working to right the wrongs, or at least find answers.

Afraid of civil war? Get involved in groups who are out there working to keep things balanced so that it doesn't happen.

If you do not want to get involved in the tools for change, and you want to live your life in total fear, then you are, to all intent and purpose, already dead, or at the very least, useless to the very causes that you are afraid for.

Rant off... Let the flames begin.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by RaiderJose
I would say that thousands of WMD will always give me a fright

Hahahahahah....Thats all ? How do you think the rest of the globe feels ?
You guys are the only ones to use a atomic weapon. yet you sit around acting scared its a joke. Do i really need to list ( and its massive) of the
attrosices and genocide the US has commited ?. Oh yeah but your scared.
wake up kid.

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by sigung86
If you do not want to get involved in the tools for change, and you want to live your life in total fear, then you are, to all intent and purpose, already dead, or at the very least, useless to the very causes that you are afraid for.

But it's much easier to sit back and claim that "When the Revolution™ comes, $hated_group will be against the wall!!!11!" This isn't something new, by any means. You can see similar behaviors in religious eschatonic cults going back thousands of years.

It's an easy and comfortable belief system, really. You believe that the end of the "corrupt modern era" is at hand, and that the "purifying fire" of the lord/revolution/proletariat will soon wipe the corrupt from the face of the earth. This absolves you of the need to act right now, but lets you feel as if you are doing something by being ready to act as soon as God shows His hand. Heck, it's not even always a belief system that depends on a violent overthrow of the current system, all the hippies waiting for the Age of Aquarius to bring enlightenment to the Greybeards back in the 60s and early 70s bought into this type of thinking, as much as any end-times Christian or Titor-fanboy.

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Cyrus
do you think it's possible that a civil war could possibly break-out in the U.S.A? sometime in the next few years'?

The media makes more of the red state blue state thing than they should - I believe. It's just one of those ways to get folks riled up and jack up ratings/subscriptions.

Having said that, there is a lot of pent up anger throughout the country relating to politics and religion. If there is some kind of outbreak of violence or rebellion, it would be more akin to a REVOLUTIONARY war - not a civil war. Unless states drop from the union.

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