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Civil War Soon - Strictly U.S. Related

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posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 08:57 PM
as seems to be a different point of view for every1 no?

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 12:43 AM
Ah, I see Cyrus has been busy! Nice avatar by the way..............

Anyway, point 8. Remeber, its undercurremts I am looking at. And currents change. Look at enemies now and enemies 50 years ago. As world wide power shifts and changes, so shall community and old and new ties and hatreds.

Socialist/market based economy....something to that effect, yes. Limited free enterprise, state caps on production, pricing, what have you...perhaps even state funded business like airbus.

The fear of Russia invading the US, even with a super military is still a long shot. Invading here, they would not survive well. I really fear no sucesful outside invasion by one power, I more or less look at the threat of unions and blocs of armies doing it. Even then....good luck trying. The death toll would be huge for the invaders

That said, revolution is certain..Im not sure about 2004 or 2005, but consider if the economy continues, more major terror attacks.......(like wild fires and tower sabotage in cali....)

Anything is possible.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 08:15 AM
i sort of think that it would be good for the u.s. something needs to knock the naivety, complacency and the stick your head in the sand attitude out of 'jon q. public' sounds extreme, i know, but disseminating info the the lemmings does not seem to work....i don't think that the U.S. will experience a civil war, only because, nobody cares enough about anything
everybody is too busy work 50-60-70 hour work weeks..don't care if 'the company' screws them on pay, vac, insurance ect...just as long as they get $$.......just follow the $$, that is what drives people and business

the public is sorta like a person who is just staring off into space...sometimes u just have to slap them in the face to get thier attention...or the over the head with a shovel

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 08:19 AM
"Follow the money"

Smartest thing I have read on the thread yet.
Damn good idea, money is where everything/one comes together. Of course, the sneakyer of the guilty will not be so easily found.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
"Follow the money"
Smartest thing I have read on the thread yet.
Damn good idea, money is where everything/one comes together. Of course, the sneakyer of the guilty will not be so easily found.

I've been saying this for weeks, if not months, in various places around ATS...
Speaking of money, control, power & what I've written about it all in "Future Shock", don't you think this would be a good time to post it up on ATS somewhere, Advisor? I haven't heard or seen any of the other ATS Staff replies about it for over a week, so you now have, at this time, my permission to display it.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 11:03 AM
I will since, I have your go ahead.

World get ready for something special.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
I will since, I have your go ahead.

World get ready for something special. it a good read? or is it factual evidence related to turning points on our current descent to ww3?

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 11:25 AM
Read it, and learn what you ask....

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 07:56 PM

Advisor, aren't you even going to tell them where to find it?

It's in the RATS (REally Above Top Secret) forum & is called Future Shock.

I'm warning you all now that it's a long read...In Word Perfect format, it takes up 28 pages.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:31 AM
The U.S's economy is slowly declining and in another 10-15 years, the U.S will be another Mexico. The thing I hate about this is that if the americans go down they're gonna bring Canada with them. Thats economy wise speaking. And about that John Titor thing, he states that Canada is a feared country and is deadly. How could I become a deadly citizen? Canada has one of the crappiest armies in the world! We're peace keepers not invaders. It is most likely that something huge is going to happen soon and it will hit us like a brick.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 11:29 AM
Dirtjumper: I come from Canada and I think that Quebec will become a country and that will affect our comportements.... There will be tensions between Canada and Quebec and only god know what will happen after.

All this is if is something to happen

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 09:28 PM
civil war?... gov wont allow it, theyd stop us

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 09:20 AM
nobody has seemed to mention the state of titor's reality. the way he mentions society's structure, is the purest form of communism. It has elements of a democracy but on the community level its communism for sure. There is nothing wrong with this, it just hasnt worked yet. If titor is correct, which is up to debate, i would welcome the change. Something severe is coming either way, everyone can feel that. Talk of dirty bombs, threat warning levels, avian bird flu, they are sending out all the classic warning signals in the controlled media.

yes, many of his predictions are on target so far. I thought it was an interesting thread. Someone should investigate some of the pictures that he offered. Is this time device actually a modified piece of hardware, that someone could recognize and show as a hoax? if not, than i would be very concerned. I was very interested by the laser picture. I think it would be important to debunk the pictures he had if possible, and if not, then we should be very concerned and take some precautions to the coming revolution.

either way, it will happen. Government is not unlike rome at the moment. Pedophile orgies, total surveillance, political assassinations (plane crashes, suicide) and other signs, are pointing to the fact that the government is on its last leg. It is inevitable, wether it happens Titor's way or not.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 09:46 AM
John Titor


posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 04:46 PM
The idea of a civil uprising is not that unlikely really..

just came across this at a Michigan State University site..

"I'm going to keep this simple. The actions of the police Saturday night(4/2/2005) were disgusting. I've set up this page to post video clips of footage I took from the incident

Includes .avi clips

Not trying to scare monger here but this is another example (similar to that during the Inaugaration day of Bush 2005) of excessive use of force by the police as far as I can tell...

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 06:28 PM
Personally, I wasn't down there, however half my floor was including the dude who lives across the from me. He was celebrating his brothers b-day. His brother lives in Cedar Village which if you read on will understand the significance.

They tear gased the campus as well as the buisness district, over 1000 canisters used.

Here are some links to our campus newspaper articles on It.

Melee criticism continues

E.L. chief requests images of disturbances

Police estimate crowds reached as large as 3,000 in the Cedar Village area and up to 1,500 in parts of downtown. Police made 43 arrests, most of which were misdemeanors for disorderly conduct. The city attorney, however, is looking into upping the charges to felonies, which could include prison time and expulsion from the university.

another segemnt from E.L. chief requests images of disturbances

About 20 minutes after the game ended, advertising senior Nick Trzeciak said he watched from his Cedar Village balcony as police forces sprayed a pepper spray-like chemical at a male walking toward Rivers Edge Apartments.

"They maced a kid in his face over there," Trzeciak said, pointing to a tall pine tree. "He was just walking across the street. His friend came out of the building and tried to help him, but they threatened his friend with mace."

Eric Bryant, a premedical sophomore who lives in the Cedar Village area, was outside during the disturbances. When police fired the first round of tear gas, police started rounding up hundreds of people to get inside the complex.

"They were telling everyone to get inside," Bryant said. "I was choking, I couldn't see. I asked one of the police if I could go down to the river and get some fresh air, and he just said, 'Get inside.'"

As hundreds of people were moved into the buildings, Bryant crashed into a door, causing a laceration on his face. Guards at the complex would not let anyone out of the building, Bryant said.

"I was talking to one of the lady guards, and she said I couldn't go to the hospital because 'I wasn't dying,'" he said. Bryant later received treatment.

I'm sorry this is pathetic if they go on to turn these into felonies. Also in the paper version, though i'm not finding it on the news site, there was a picture of one dude that was hit in the face with a tear gas canister, leaving him with a gash and quite possibly a scar for life. A close friend of my roommate was hit in the wrist with one and almost had it break, he got lucky even if it di swell to the point he could barely turn his wrist.

Students, parents angered by police actions

state news article 4/4/05
Police, student actions disputed

Police began releasing tear gas downtown and in the Cedar Village area within 20 minutes of the end of the game to break up large groups gathered there. Students said the crowds were mostly celebratory. In some areas, fans gathered on either side of a street and cheered, "Go green, go white."

Police said they planned ahead to disperse groups of people so crowds would not be larger than officers could control. Large groups of people gathering in the roads and on sidewalks is illegal, police said.

One little thing, I have asked fellow students and found this to be their claims as well, that after about 6:30 I believe they were not letting people go in or out of Cedar village, and they had barracaded the area off.

Also WTF why is it so wrong if people gather, Like I've said before there have been times in the past where it got real bad real quick, but this isn't 1999. The students who have come into msu since then and are here now, acted realitively responsibly until the cops tear gased the place.

MSU officials: Most fans acted decently

State news article 4/4/05
Excessive force

To be certain, there was inappropriate behavior on the part of students. An irresponsible, immature and idiotic minority took it upon themselves to start small fires, throw beer bottles and jostle cars, among other things.

But as destructive as this limited behavior might have been, it was no worse than the police actions that spurred it. Seeming to have their minds made up that the situation would ultimately turn ugly, police officers began launching canister after canister of tear gas at peaceful crowds. Rather than responsibly asking people to disperse, officers merely declared gatherings unlawful over a loud speaker and began firing roughly 20 minutes after the game ended.

The result of this police assault was far more mayhem than had taken place before the gas was used. Frantic students ran from the noxious fog, in some cases knocking over those in their path. Celebrants were rendered temporarily blind and many began vomiting due to the gas. Students who wanted only to go home were assumed to be "rioters" by police and were fired upon.

Of roughly 25 reporters and photographers The State News had out on assignment on Saturday, one suffered a fractured wrist after tripping and falling while fleeing gas, and another was struck in the head and knocked over by a gas canister launched at her. All were repeatedly gassed, though they were doing nothing but surveying the scene.

In one particularly cruel instance, police forced someone they'd apprehended to remain lying on the ground as they shot tear gas at bystanders. Although others could run, the young man being arrested had no choice but to inhale the fumes. Police watched as he vomited because of the gas. In another instance, an officer put a canister through the open window of an occupied car.

Officers also managed to disturb commerce downtown, launching tear gas canisters around open businesses such as Quality Dairy and McDonald's. Some customers were forced to stay inside these businesses until the gas dissipated, and people frequently sought refuge there.

This excessive use of force was wholly unwarranted. Students were abused by a police force that seemed to have its mind made up ahead of time to use as much gas as possible.

Just for the record no i was not down by cedar Village, though I did want to be, but I had a test at 8 oclock the following morning.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:47 PM
I wish I could say that the police behavior was shocking or unexpected but it's not. Also note that the cop said it is illegal for that many people to be out.. what happened to the right of free assembly?

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Shoot they were macing people for going away from the way they were directing them besides the gasing. One who I heard of and was in one of the quotes i posted was just walking down the street away from the scene and got maced by em.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Yes, I feel another US Civil war is imminent, and unstoppable. I am also one of those individuals, who feel it may be the only way to retake our beloved home, away from the crap that has taken over.

Many of the semi older members here, will know this already. I am 250% pro American, and feel that the people, of this nation are the ones who should be deciding, that means, "We the people".
My stance remains the same, and always will.


It shocks me that so many Americans can't see the tension rising in this country and the lengths that our current administration is going to to keep us from rising up...Why do you think the Bush administration is calling the men and women that are in Arizona to protect our borders vigilanties?Because if they are allowed to do this it'll show that the people are indeed the true power of this country and might actually wake us up.

Why do you think Bush has so much security everywhere he goes?Because he fears the very people he's suppose to be leading.He(Bush) knows that the American people out number the government and the military.

Remember it's We the people for the people by the people.

Eventually we will get sick of paying over two bucks a gallon for gas..
Eventually we will get sick of our troops being killed in a war that uncalled for..
Eventually we will get sick of being sprayed down with a firehose full of pepper spray or shot up with rubber bullets for speaking our minds..
Eventually we will get sick of our programs that many Americans need(medicaid,welfare,social security,education)being downsized or even cut from the budget while our military and Homeland security recieve a bigger budget.
Eventually we will get sick of our congressmen giving themselves raises when they already make 6 figure incomes while many of us struggle to get by even with two jobs.
We as citizens are already protecting our borders because our government won't do it and even welcomes the long do you think it'll be before we decide that our government isn't doing the job that we as Americans pay them to do for our best interest and take our country back.

There was a time when the world as a whole looked up to the good ole U.S.of A and now we are the most hated nation on the planet..

I don't know about the rest of you but that right there tells me something is wrong.


[edit on 7-4-2005 by Simon_Boudreaux]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by HukdUnFonixWerks
civil war?... gov wont allow it, theyd stop us

Even if only half of the American citizens were to rise up and fight,you're still looking at 100 million+
How are they going to stop that?

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