sounds like samsung are doing some interesting work too,sounds like the idea ive heard that uk forces in Cyprus are bousing uvf into the middle east
for some reson
Uhm, I seriously doubt this will go anywhere. The boom idea is ancient, it's the same way they do the flying boom on the tankers. But how exactly
are they going to "scoop up" the missiles, attach the connectors to them, screw the locking clamps into place, etc. It's going to require some
SERIOUS computer power and designing. Interesting idea, not so much when it comes to feasability.
The only application for this IF they can make it work would be for UCAV type bombers. manned missions have one factor beyond engine oil life etc that
limits missions. The pilot can only go so far.
But for the cost etc for the system why not buy another UCAV and have it ready, armed and on station when the one on patroll is finished for the day /
night / week.