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Beware the Wrath of Zombie Terrorists

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posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 12:22 AM
Long story short, a bunch of kids (or young adults if you prefer) dressed up as zombies and organized a mobile dance party in Minneapolis. The cops arrested them for acting strange, and then justified their actions by saying that they suspected the zombies might be terrorists.

The kids had backpacks wired to play music, something of a necessity for a mobile dance party. The cops showed up, saw backpacks+wires, and equated that to TERRORISM!

I guess the only thing we have to fear is fear itself..and zombies.

Six friends spruced up in fake blood and tattered clothing were arrested in downtown Minneapolis on suspicion of toting "simulated weapons of mass destruction."

Police said the group were allegedly carrying bags with wires sticking out, making it look like a bomb, while meandering and dancing to music as part of a "zombie dance party" Saturday night.

"They were arrested for behavior that was suspicious and disturbing," said Lt. Gregory Reinhardt, a police spokesman. Police also said the group was uncooperative and intimidated people with their "ghoulish" makeup.

So, don't dress strangely, don't act out, don't ever have wires protruding from anything, stay in line, don't be different, and for the love of God, do what we tell you!

I may be overreacting, but I think this entire country has gone insane. I mean, what's more insane than a bunch of kids with nothing better to do than dress up as zombies and shamble around the city to a beat? about the cops arresting them for it and charging them with terrorism?

Depending on what happens with this, these kids could be looking at decades in prison...

Enough is enough when we say it's enough.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 12:25 AM
It's not fear,the cops just get use terrorism as an excuse to justify harassment now.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 12:30 AM
bloody, tattered clothing with wires hanging out.
suspicious, and deserving of a second look..

Hopefully they just get a wrist slap , for being idiots..
They probably had no intention of being threatening..They just happened to LOOK it.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 12:30 AM
Bah, the cops will use any excuse to break up a party cuz I personally believe that those that do so, see it as, if I'm not having fun, then no one else will. Okay, I know not all cops are like that, just the ones I encountered when I was a teenager acted like that(and did a whole bunch of other corrupt things as well, like confiscate beer and then sit in a parking lot across the street from the kids they took it off and drink it down grinning at them the whole time). I have a lot of stories like that(and some of them are true too as I witnessed them personally) but that'd break the rules I think if I told the more racier one hehe.


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