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Scammed by Alex Jones Productions?

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posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:27 PM
Its been a few weeks now after I ordered Terrorstorm from Infowars without a shipment confirmation or followup on my order. I've tried e-mailing, to which they have never responded, and even calling their support number only to constantly recieve voice mail....ok no big deal I'll leave a message, but wait, a female operators voice is telling me the voice mail box is full! This is very, very fishy. I'm only a 17 year old kid, have a terribly hard job, and am now out of $27 just because I wanted a nice dvd signed by Mr. Jones. Its horrible that what I hoped to be an easy transaction is causing me such stress, especially when its coming from someone I thought I could look up to. Truly upsetting.....

PS:Sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forum

[edit on 25-7-2006 by Obsidian]

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:32 PM
Hmmmmmm. Id wait a bit more. Its not like Alex Jones has the resources of He could be in the middle of some sort of crisis.

But if you have to wait too long, Id start sending more emails and such and find out whats happening.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:49 PM
Maybe they are out of stock?

His website says out of stock items will be shipped according to availability.

Or maybe it has been confiscated by the feds as subversive material...LOL just kidding.

I'm sure you'll get it eventualy...

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 08:04 PM
Its just still very fishy to me that my emails have not been returned nor can I ever get an individual on the phone. Of course you guys can say "they probably have a ton of e-mails," I seriously doubt it. How many e-mails can a dedicated customer service represenative answer in a working day, quite a few I assure. If they were out of stock could they not send a mass mailer to all their customer informing them of unavailibilty or post it on the website? Even as an opposing example I've seen very busy e-bay powersellers answer my questions in a matter of an hour or so, definatly not WEEKS, or days to say the least..

[edit on 25-7-2006 by Obsidian]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:06 AM
if they are out of stock or have some MAJOR crisis, then they should at least post something on their website, a personal email would be better.

It is all about good customer service. When someone purchases something they want to have a good experience, not one of sending emails that get no response.

Good luck, and I hope it or an explanation comes soon.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 05:16 PM
It has come
. Poor customer support but at least it came, and signed by the man himself. Its NOT Alex's fault that the support is poor, its unfortunately those running the support, but at least their trying for the better half of all of us by helping inform the populace.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:27 AM
wow, and what a beautiful package for a nonsence-flick for 27$.

kiddo i have a tip for you, and it is

ps: alex jones real agenda is not to educate you or anyone, it is to make a living with lies and phantasy-stories. and that is the real conspiracy, think about it.

[edit on 12-8-2006 by hoeon]

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by hoeon
ps: alex jones real agenda is not to educate you or anyone, it is to make a living with lies and phantasy-stories. and that is the real conspiracy, think about it.

Although I agree that Alex Jones knows well how to make money from those conspiracy theories, you too have to admit that Jones' allegations cannot be that easily dismissed.

He frightens me though. With each video release he seems to come closer to the truth, granted. And at first he seemed very charismatic and intelligent to me, but I don't fully trust him (the same thing happened to me with Michael Moore; I've even been on his lecture when he was in Cologne but later realized that disclosure can be a means of cover-up). It's in the way he's talking always a little too much and a little too loud, as if he couldn't decide what point to emphasize on. And it has to do with the Genesis Network behind him... he has become some sort of head figure for all those "conspiracy nuts", some of which may be likely to believe and follow him without a second thought (that has nothing to do with conspiracy nuts as such, but more with the way humans are). To be honest, I wouldn't be too surprised if one day he'd go and start a revolution or run for presidency, and not for the best for the American People or the World, because that is just the way a few other guys came to power in history: first speak truth, seed fear and mistrust, agitate the masses, and lastly topple a weak governmental system.


posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by hoeon
ps: alex jones real agenda is not to educate you or anyone, it is to make a living with lies and phantasy-stories. and that is the real conspiracy, think about it.

If he was so concerned with just making a profit he'd have his films removed from torrent sites, Google video, you tube etc since he is the copyright holder. He would also NOT tell people on his radio show to make and pass out copies of his films which he does almost daily. You have to realize that the realm Alex operates in isn't free. He reaches a lot of people.

[edit on 8/12/2006 by MMP]

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:12 PM
$27 out of pocket, don't let me distress you but it gets worse as you get older. eg Tax.

Take care,
- Naz

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