posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 11:29 AM
Originally posted by American Madman
At very least its shows israel isn't just firing indiscriminately at anything as some would like to believe.
Although it is hard to reconcile that statement with the bombing of the Red Cross convoy.
Im not on either side of this, just that I dont believe a video of an airstrike on a legitimate target can be used as cast iron proof of the entire
campaign's accuracy, which has had its fair share of mistakes.
I think the legitamacy of this campaign will be proven if Hezbollah can be nullified, however, as the number of civilian casualties rise so will anger
towards Israel and that may nullify any chance of putting Hezbollah out of business.
So, the question I keep asking myself is, Is success a possibility, re: the Israel offensive in Lebannon. If Hezbollah is still functioning then its
a no. Can Hezbollah be completely destroyed, with a minimum of civilian casulties?
If that is the goal of this, then its not going well so far.
Sorry for going offtopic, in a way, but this topic seemed to try to make the point of Israel not bombing every Tom, Dick and Harry. Which is a good
point, Israel is not the devil incarnate that some people try to make it out to be, however I felt this topic also brought up the subject as to
whether these bombings/airstrikes will bring about the desired outcome, of nullifying Hezbollahs attacks on Israel.